Sugar Free drinks vs Water



  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Just curious about this - what are the colored drinks (water plus something) people bring in their water bottles to the gym?

    Am I missing out on something here?
  • poncerjd
    poncerjd Posts: 23
    well, it's probably some kind of powdered energy drink to give them that extra boost during workout. I can't even name specific brands, but I've also seen people bring in the pre-mixed Propel fitness water and such .. I think even Crystal Light now makes Fitness Water mixes, so you mix in this sugar free flavoring to your water and its supposed to "revitalize" or "energize" or have "fiber" or the like ... you can find them all over your juice drink/powdered drink aisles.
  • nelly8807
    nelly8807 Posts: 8
    Hmm...guess I should not drink so much of the water mix with the Crystal Light Packets. I get tired of plain water pretty quickly. If it's just plain water, sometimes I'm sipping on that bottle for hours and hours. But if I add the Crystal Light Lemonade or Fruit Punch, I can drink those up pretty quickly. So that's why I've been adding the packets so I am drinking water.
  • richardwelch
    "As food additives, artificial sweeteners are not subject to the same gauntlet of FDA safety trials as pharmaceuticals. Most of the testing is funded by the food industry, which has a vested interest in the outcome. This can lead to misleading claims on both sides. "

    I'm sorry, and im not picking on you, but I found this somewhat comical considering the amount of drugs that are unleashed on the american public and that have a rediculous amount of PROVEN side effects and possible complications. The pharmacuetical industry has one of the biggest lobbies in washington; how much did you pay for your last name brand perscription?

    anyway, without stepping on anyones toes, I encourage everyone to research the artificial sweeteners and try to make an informed decision for yourself.:smooched:
  • poncerjd
    poncerjd Posts: 23
    Here here, in the end it's on the head of the person drinking to do what works best for them. It's funny that such a long and exhaustive discussion spawned out of such a simple question.

    All I wanted to know was, for the food and water tracking portion of this site, whether it was "fair" to count the flavored water as water, lol. In the end, it's not a huge issue, because we're all accountable to ourselves right?

    It's not like anyone's really "grading" us on this ... except our bodies and our health.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Also, if you want to add some flavor to water put lemon slices, lime slices, cucumbers, raspberries or other fruit in it. If you add the fruit or cucumber slices to it and chill it, it is really good and refreshing!
  • poncerjd
    poncerjd Posts: 23
    Now that's a good suggestion I really hadn't thought about ... I mean I order water with lemon at restaurants, but never thought of doing it at home. What about oranges?