New to dieting...don't know what to do...

I have so many fitness and Weight loss apps on my phone and I'm doing a good job keeping them updated. But I have clinical depression and have a trouble keeping motivated. I am on medications that have side effects that are supposed to suppress appetite (because I need them for mental health - not for weight loss) I am 19, 5'4" and I weigh 156. I am bad at exercising but great at staying under my 1450 calorie recommendation. I have problems with energy and I have issues with motivation. I think friends would help me out but everyone is off to college.
Any ideas guys? Will my energy level raise as I work out more? And is anyone here trying to lose weight while suffering with mental illness?
Thanks :)


  • britteliz1
    britteliz1 Posts: 43 Member
    Based on a lot of the things I've read on here, a lot of the posters say that you can do it without actually exercising, as long as you're in a calorie deficit. Exercising, of course, would help but.

    Perhaps you could start out with something easy like walking. I always find that my energy levels are up when I exercise.

    Good luck to you!
  • messyowl
    Thank you! :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I find that my energy is much better if I exercise! I'm actually afraid to NOT workout in the morning before work, as I feel that I won't feel "awake." It also lifts my mood. Think how good you will feel about yourself if you accomplish a workout. I like to find new workout dvds that are upbeat. You can check your local library to try some out without having to spend any money. Taking a walk outside in nice weather is also fun. Put on some music and dance around. Whatever you like, just get up and go.
  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member
    Exercise is good for your mental health as well as your physical health.
    Start slow. Go for a walk. You can do this.
  • messyowl
    Thank you all! :)
  • carri8820
    when I started exercising I would do 10 minutes a day and eventually worked my way up to 50 minutes just start small and you will know when you are ready to add more.
  • new2canada
    new2canada Posts: 119 Member
    Exercising isn't as important as your diet but it does speed up the process of losing weight. I find walking to be the best exercise for me and I really enjoy it too, I try to do at least 20 mins a day.
  • missbee2014
    Yep, just like everyone said. Eating a deficit is what matters most about weight loss.

    I know that when struggling with depression exercise can seem too hard. I totally know that unmotivated feeling.. when people say "exercise! You'll feel better!" I've always wanted to explain that it simply isn't that easy. BUT... I have to say since I've been doing some light exercise my moods have been a bit more steady. There's days where I feel weighed down and low but they pass. I get back on the bike.

    You don't need to push yourself too hard. Start small. :)
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Messyowl, for years I was anxious and depressed. I took medication for a short time and it helped a bit but there were side effects such as sleepiness. My therapist always reccomended exercise to relieve anxiety and depression. Eventually I was able to take that excellent advise and I began to feel happier and lose weight gradually as I also ate better.
    Exercise is a natural depression lifter! It also helps alleviate anxiety.
    Of course, talk therapy also helped.
    Suffice it to say, eating well, exercise and talk therapy all contribute to help relieve depression and lose weight as a side benefit.
    Medication for a period of time will help to alleviate deep clinical depression.
    You will feel better!
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    You have a lot to deal with and manage every day between depression, medication, friends off to college, and worry about your weight or exercise practices. I'd suggest you focus for the short term on one goal only - if you want to lose weight, then focus on your diet / calories. If you want to be more active, then focus on an exercise regime. Nail one - really own it -- and make it part of your daily life, and then tackle the other challenge. Trying to both change up your diet and also begin a new commitment to exercising regularly is a pretty big change on top of what you're already managing. Best of luck to you!