Knee pain: Question for runners

So, I've been running 3-3.5 miles 4-5x a week since mid summer. Bad knees run in my family and all my aunts and uncles and my mom have been telling me I'm crazy for taking up running. I LOVE it, though!!! I'm so proud of myself for what I've accomplished and I feel that becoming a runner in this fitness journey is what will really enable me to maintain my weight loss for the rest of my life. So, all that being said I'm having mild issues with knee pain in one knee that is not a big deal at the moment but I worry about it becoming an issue in the future. I've only had pain once while I was actually running but I have a dull ache sometimes when I've been on my feet for a long time. My kneecap floats a little and I get sharp pains if I bump it on the side. I've continued running normally because it tends to not hurt as much on the days I run.

Has anyone had any experience with pain like this? Am I just getting older (I'm 32) and this is something that would be happening regardless? Will it get worse? Should I be doing something to help it? It's VERY important to me that I be able to continue running. Thanks!!


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have mega knee problems, I had knee surgery when I was 12 and will most likely need it again on that knee and need it on my other. With knee issues, it is wise to use a brace, or some sort of support like an ace bandage. Also, you might want to consider the elliptical machine, the bike, or swimming....those are all lower impact on the knees. I have a friend who has been a gym goer forever, and her knees are starting to bother her, but it has to do with the posture of her body. You might want to look up proper running posture and see if you are doing it correctly
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    My knees got like yours. I ended up moving from running to ellipticals, but eventually that was still bad.
    I got a trainer and started alternating days, upper body, lower body. After that it felt like I had a new set of legs.
  • gramgonewild
    gramgonewild Posts: 1 Member
    You need to check out ChiRunning/ChiWalking method by Danny Dreyer. Find a certified instructor in your area--attend workshops on it--adapt it. I'm almost 55, have been running on/off for about 25 yrs, & stay injury & pain-free.
  • Jessicalg1981
    Jessicalg1981 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks! I will def invest in a brace. I'm looking more for solutions that will enable me to keep running. I really enjoy it and I REALLY don't want to stop. Does anyone have any idea what exactly might be the source of the pain?
  • aliu00
    aliu00 Posts: 61
    If I were you, I would look for some supplements to help the joints.I know a lot of people are using them and have great results.
  • Twister19
    Twister19 Posts: 43 Member
    I too have terrible knees that shift and have even dislocated a few times, so I went to a physical therapist. He told me to do things like squats and lunges and they have REALLY helped! They strengthen the muscles around your kneecap so it helps to keep it in place. Cycling has also been helpful, you can also get some flexible knee braces to stabilize them more :)
  • clarabkyu
    clarabkyu Posts: 11 Member
    As said: Brace. It will help stabilize your knee. Also invest in aleve if the pain gets bad on those certain days.
    I messed up my knee badly a few months ago and I'm still paying for it. I went to a doctor and he told me it was just major bruising; advised me to strengthen my leg muscles. Quads, hammys, everything in the thigh area. Do a session for you legs during your workout. Lunges, squats, and star jacks will really help you out.
    If you want to tie in running and strengthening your legs, find a huge flight of stairs and have at it. It'll really get your heart pumping.
  • Jessicalg1981
    Jessicalg1981 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice!!!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Has anyone had any experience with pain like this?

    Having the same symptoms as someone else doesn't mean you share the same problem.. so following what worked for them could lead you down the wrong path. I recommend getting it diagnosed by a doctor.. preferably a sports doctor or orthopedist. They might recommend seeing a physical therapist, who may give a customized exercise program.

    Also assess your running form. This video gives some good basic pointers -

    And lastly - it's important to cross-train, even if your knees were fine, so i would diversify and look for other activities to do. like strength training, cycling, metabolic exercises, team sports, etc.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    See not self medicate...make certain it is a running doctor or one who has a lot of runners for experience...(runners are crazy so we need special attention) seriously running as a way of life is different and non-runners sometimes do not see doctor with experience...nipped in bud saves lots of pain and dollars later.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    And lastly - it's important to cross-train, even if your knees were fine, so i would diversify and look for other activities to do. like strength training, cycling, metabolic exercises, team sports, etc.

    ^^This! You should really be diversifying workouts so you don't overtrain any part of the body. Running that distance that many days a week puts a lot of stress on your knees.

    Also, how old are your shoes? If they show the slightest bit of wear, your foot will hit the ground at a funny angle. Generally, you should replace your running shoes every 4-6 months to make sure your foot is supported really well.

    Last thing - Are you stretching after your workouts? Hamstring and hip flexor stretches are super important. And a sharp pain in the knee could also be caused by a tight IT band. To stretch: lie on the floor flat on your back, bring one foot straight up in the air, then bring the leg across. Pull the leg down with the opposite hand and keep both legs straight.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I agree with those who suggest seeing a doctor. Depending on your health plan, try to find a sports physician who works with runners, or failing that, a doctor who runs and who understands why it's important to you. (I went to my doctor last fall with some back problems that were associated with dumbbell rows; he winced at the very idea of lifting weights. I'm now looking for a new doctor!) It could be a kneecap tracking issue, it could be patellar chondromalacia, it could be something else.

    That said, squats, lunges, and knee extensions with light weights, to strengthen the muscles around the knee, are generally a good idea, if you can do them without pain.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    It might be worth seeing a podiatrist and having your feet checked to see if you need insoles. My son had problems with his knee, he's a strapping 17 year old, and it appeared he was over-pronating (hmm, could have that wrong) his foot which was putting strain on his knee. He now has supporting insoles and the problem went away.
    Good luck!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I had it in my left knee when I started doing C25K this past February/March. After a few weeks of on and off pain I always reminded myself mentally when running to use proper form. I really haven't had problems since. I completed a half marathon in September and a lot of other areas hurt but my knees weren't one of them.

    Good luck!
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    I am 45 and run 3 to 4 times a week. My knees bug me a bit also, my doctor recommended something so simple... Fish Oil .. and glucosamine. I figured I would try the fish oil since its OTC and I want to keep running. Its helped a ton. I am not going to play the doctor here, but it worked for me. I haven't tried with the glucosamine yet. Good luck finding your solution.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    If I were you, I would look for some supplements to help the joints.I know a lot of people are using them and have great results.

    I take Glucosomine Choindroitin (or whatever it is. Lol). I wear a brace as well. I have bad knees from my Army days. The Army doctors always told me it was because the muscles above my knees weren't strong enough. I never listened to them and the pain never went away. Lol
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I too have terrible knees that shift and have even dislocated a few times, so I went to a physical therapist. He told me to do things like squats and lunges and they have REALLY helped! They strengthen the muscles around your kneecap so it helps to keep it in place. Cycling has also been helpful, you can also get some flexible knee braces to stabilize them more :)

    Agree with this. If you just started to run recently then unless you have been strength training, your muscles in the legs are weak. I had the same problem and went to physical therapy (useless), then started with a personal trainer who has helped me with stretching (I really wasn't doing any) and strengthening my lower body (glutes, hamstrings, and quads). Do strength training at least 2 times a week (squats, lunges, etc.) and cross train. Don't just do running.

    Other things to consider: problems with joints other than the knee such as the foot/ankle/hip, shoes that are wrong for you, improper form, prior knee injury, IT band tightness. At 32 you are young for degenerative joint disease, but sometimes it runs in the family and can occur young.

    Too rapid increase in speed/mileage can also cause some knee discomfort.

    On a personal note: my ortho gave me the ok to run in August, and my first run (1 mile, 14 min/mile pace) my knee hurt again. I started with a personal trainer in October, and I am now running 4 miles at a time, with less pain than I was in August. Love the personal trainer--she is really getting my muscles into shape.

    Good luck!
  • kczarnec
    kczarnec Posts: 28 Member
    I agree with gramgonewild about checking out ChiRunning and knee pain. Here's an article with some tips on how running improperly can cause knee pain:
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    If I were you, I would look for some supplements to help the joints.I know a lot of people are using them and have great results.

    Emergencey with Glucosamine !! works great for joints!