Achievable in 6 months?



  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    Some of the information we're trying to pass on isn't sinking in. You need to spend a little time reading, and thinking, about this stuff. Your brain is going to explode if you keep going around in circles like this (mine might anyways :laugh:)

    I suggest you spend some time reading this:

    and the links associated with it. Read carefully. Think. Then come back and ask questions.
  • You calculated wrong :wink: Closer to six months. That said, weight loss isn't linear. You might lose a lot at first, then it could slow down one week, stop the next week, then drop suddenly and quickly again, etc. It could take 6 months, it could take less. Bodies are funny things and don't always adhere to the mathematics as well as we want them to :)

    Great news, but this is only for weightloss right? But what if I banged to get lean? ;0; so confused which I want more, ... I want to be lean, but also lose weight fast, 6 months seems fast, but then again there's lean, and then faster, idk which one!

    Is there any changes that I should do to be lean?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    TDEE is meant to include all your exercise burns as well. If you're in the gym 5 days a week you're not "lightly" active. Your TDEE is probably closer to 2970-3300. You probably don't want to be eating less than 2500/day IMO.

    a) read what ILiftHeavyAcrylics said re: setting your goals, tracking, logging, measuring food, setting macros.
    b) DON'T spend 2 hours a day in the gym - there's absolutely no need and you'll likely burn out. Pick a good lifting program like one of the ones she mentioned, and implement that.

    Thanks for the clarification...I have been wondering about this. I am not always that steady with my workouts and that makes TDEE a little scary for me. It seems well suited to someone who can rely on a steady workout schedule that is quite predictable.

    Fairly steady, on a week-to-week basis, sure. But if things change, it's very easy to adjust the TDEE up or down and carry on. I constantly tweak my intake depending on how things look and what the scale says :) It's kind of liberating to have that level of control, actually :)
  • djpro1337
    djpro1337 Posts: 68 Member
    That's an ambitious goal. I think you can do it. I am a person who likes to dream big and I set my goals ambitiously. I have faith in you and think you can do it!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I inscribed here only in end of September, I am on my routine since middle august and lost 7 kg in 4 months. So I think you can lose 10 kg in 6 months in a healthy way, and I have gained muscles too so also consider if you replace your fat weight with muscle mass plus lose some kgs you will look even better if you just lose the kgs.

    I agree with everybody 2 hours wont help. I remember I was in a gym long time ago, I went like everyday, did 1 hour boxing, 1 hour weight lifting and running and I still was not losing weight or training well and focused. I changed to circuit training which was more focused in like 45 min and I lost like very fast and in 5 months.

    I married, moved to new place and gained like 10 kg that I am trying to eliminate and changing my lifestyle in my possibilities to reflect that. I am doing variable exercises sometimes 3,4, 5 per week as my time let me. I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me informed if I am not slacking and could do more during the work out and I do 30 to 1h workouts. But my weight lost is not so fast as many people, but I like the way my body is transforming itself.

    For me cutting pasta, cereals and bread a lot, helped me. I prefer rice or potatoes. But this is just me. You have to listen to your body too, each person has its preferences and if you dont listen to it, after you lose your desired weight, you might gain again if you and your body dont like your diet in the long run.

    Aren't rice and pasta filled with carbs, which is used for energy or stored as fats when not used?, so isn't eating those bad?

    All food is either used for energy or stored as fat, not just carbs.
  • I inscribed here only in end of September, I am on my routine since middle august and lost 7 kg in 4 months. So I think you can lose 10 kg in 6 months in a healthy way, and I have gained muscles too so also consider if you replace your fat weight with muscle mass plus lose some kgs you will look even better if you just lose the kgs.

    I agree with everybody 2 hours wont help. I remember I was in a gym long time ago, I went like everyday, did 1 hour boxing, 1 hour weight lifting and running and I still was not losing weight or training well and focused. I changed to circuit training which was more focused in like 45 min and I lost like very fast and in 5 months.

    I married, moved to new place and gained like 10 kg that I am trying to eliminate and changing my lifestyle in my possibilities to reflect that. I am doing variable exercises sometimes 3,4, 5 per week as my time let me. I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me informed if I am not slacking and could do more during the work out and I do 30 to 1h workouts. But my weight lost is not so fast as many people, but I like the way my body is transforming itself.

    For me cutting pasta, cereals and bread a lot, helped me. I prefer rice or potatoes. But this is just me. You have to listen to your body too, each person has its preferences and if you dont listen to it, after you lose your desired weight, you might gain again if you and your body dont like your diet in the long run.

    Aren't rice and pasta filled with carbs, which is used for energy or stored as fats when not used?, so isn't eating those bad?

    All food is either used for energy or stored as fat, not just carbs.

    Oh...........well I guess I failed there lol. Does that mean it's okay to eat breads and cereals?
  • That's an ambitious goal. I think you can do it. I am a person who likes to dream big and I set my goals ambitiously. I have faith in you and think you can do it!

    Thanks man, I will strive till I do it, and I will post picks, starting tomorrow... Will post 1 each month
    Starting tomorrow, my current, feb my next, and so on
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I inscribed here only in end of September, I am on my routine since middle august and lost 7 kg in 4 months. So I think you can lose 10 kg in 6 months in a healthy way, and I have gained muscles too so also consider if you replace your fat weight with muscle mass plus lose some kgs you will look even better if you just lose the kgs.

    I agree with everybody 2 hours wont help. I remember I was in a gym long time ago, I went like everyday, did 1 hour boxing, 1 hour weight lifting and running and I still was not losing weight or training well and focused. I changed to circuit training which was more focused in like 45 min and I lost like very fast and in 5 months.

    I married, moved to new place and gained like 10 kg that I am trying to eliminate and changing my lifestyle in my possibilities to reflect that. I am doing variable exercises sometimes 3,4, 5 per week as my time let me. I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me informed if I am not slacking and could do more during the work out and I do 30 to 1h workouts. But my weight lost is not so fast as many people, but I like the way my body is transforming itself.

    For me cutting pasta, cereals and bread a lot, helped me. I prefer rice or potatoes. But this is just me. You have to listen to your body too, each person has its preferences and if you dont listen to it, after you lose your desired weight, you might gain again if you and your body dont like your diet in the long run.

    Aren't rice and pasta filled with carbs, which is used for energy or stored as fats when not used?, so isn't eating those bad?

    All food is either used for energy or stored as fat, not just carbs.

    Oh...........well I guess I failed there lol. Does that mean it's okay to eat breads and cereals?

    I eat bread (white bread even) and white rice almost daily. Doesn't seem to be hurting me any.
  • OK.

    Some of the information we're trying to pass on isn't sinking in. You need to spend a little time reading, and thinking, about this stuff. Your brain is going to explode if you keep going around in circles like this (mine might anyways :laugh:)

    I suggest you spend some time reading this:

    and the links associated with it. Read carefully. Think. Then come back and ask questions.

    What I gathered was I need to lose 1.5 lbs a week, and as I reach closer to my goal I decrease the amount.
    I understand the mfp net thing better now and choosing how much u wanna lose,
    Don't say much about getting lean besides the fact u need to do resistance or u lose muscle and look un attractive.
  • I inscribed here only in end of September, I am on my routine since middle august and lost 7 kg in 4 months. So I think you can lose 10 kg in 6 months in a healthy way, and I have gained muscles too so also consider if you replace your fat weight with muscle mass plus lose some kgs you will look even better if you just lose the kgs.

    I agree with everybody 2 hours wont help. I remember I was in a gym long time ago, I went like everyday, did 1 hour boxing, 1 hour weight lifting and running and I still was not losing weight or training well and focused. I changed to circuit training which was more focused in like 45 min and I lost like very fast and in 5 months.

    I married, moved to new place and gained like 10 kg that I am trying to eliminate and changing my lifestyle in my possibilities to reflect that. I am doing variable exercises sometimes 3,4, 5 per week as my time let me. I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me informed if I am not slacking and could do more during the work out and I do 30 to 1h workouts. But my weight lost is not so fast as many people, but I like the way my body is transforming itself.

    For me cutting pasta, cereals and bread a lot, helped me. I prefer rice or potatoes. But this is just me. You have to listen to your body too, each person has its preferences and if you dont listen to it, after you lose your desired weight, you might gain again if you and your body dont like your diet in the long run.

    Aren't rice and pasta filled with carbs, which is used for energy or stored as fats when not used?, so isn't eating those bad?

    All food is either used for energy or stored as fat, not just carbs.

    Oh...........well I guess I failed there lol. Does that mean it's okay to eat breads and cereals?

    I eat bread (white bread even) and white rice almost daily. Doesn't seem to be hurting me any.

    I eat that too, good news is I won't have to take that out if my diet
  • You can lose that much weight. But you said you wanted to be lean, which means you want to keep your muscle. To keep your muscle you have to make sure that you're not maintaining too large of a deficit, because your body can only burn off a limited amount of fat at a time. If you've got a lot of fat you can lose more per week, but as the fat reserves get smaller so does the amount you can lose. If you try to do more you end up sacrificing muscle.

    As to your macros. Follow the number of calories MFP gives you, but their macros are designed for a sedentary person. Since you're exercising and eating at a deficit you need more protein. That's also going to preserve your muscle. You can do into goals and change your macros manually.

    K I can do that but how long would it take o.o
  • Might post starting weight pics tomorrow
  • I inscribed here only in end of September, I am on my routine since middle august and lost 7 kg in 4 months. So I think you can lose 10 kg in 6 months in a healthy way, and I have gained muscles too so also consider if you replace your fat weight with muscle mass plus lose some kgs you will look even better if you just lose the kgs.

    I agree with everybody 2 hours wont help. I remember I was in a gym long time ago, I went like everyday, did 1 hour boxing, 1 hour weight lifting and running and I still was not losing weight or training well and focused. I changed to circuit training which was more focused in like 45 min and I lost like very fast and in 5 months.

    I married, moved to new place and gained like 10 kg that I am trying to eliminate and changing my lifestyle in my possibilities to reflect that. I am doing variable exercises sometimes 3,4, 5 per week as my time let me. I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me informed if I am not slacking and could do more during the work out and I do 30 to 1h workouts. But my weight lost is not so fast as many people, but I like the way my body is transforming itself.

    For me cutting pasta, cereals and bread a lot, helped me. I prefer rice or potatoes. But this is just me. You have to listen to your body too, each person has its preferences and if you dont listen to it, after you lose your desired weight, you might gain again if you and your body dont like your diet in the long run.

    Aren't rice and pasta filled with carbs, which is used for energy or stored as fats when not used?, so isn't eating those bad?
    Well, if you want the 10% fat range, probably you should restrict it most possible. My male friends that are gym rats and very lean eat very little quantity of carbs and of very restricted types.

    But I try to follow the paleo diet theory that says around 100g tp 120g of carbs daily is okay for avoiding too much quick fat storage from carbs (but not so effective in eliminating). I might be wrong, you should check their site, I enjoy it. I keep eating carbs, but I prefer wild rice, potatoes or things that are not processed like bread, also I have intestinal sensitivity to wheat, so my bread type (with rice flour) that I should eat is also restricted. I hate bread and pasta, actually.I dont want a short solution and I am not a big carnivorous person, so I have to be real and keep this forever. Is working for me.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    FOOD is used as energy and stored as fat when not used.
    Doesn't really matter what type of food.

    Forget if I said in this thread, but now that I'm back on an overall deficit (and quite likely a defict on workout days too, despite eating a fair bit), I'm making more of an effort to make sure I don't go over on protein - not because that'd be bad in it's self, but for a specific calorie goal that means less carbs.

    A good analogy I think is that for building muscle protein is like the materials in building a house and carbs are the labour.
    You only have a set amount of money (calories), so you want to make sure there are enough materials there, but not spend too much, because then you won't have enough left to pay people to use the materials to build.