Getting fit while taking antidepressant/antianxiety medicati



  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    I gained 40 pounds while on Effexor- the gain happened so quickly that my skin is left with stretch marks. I am now taking Calexa and have been losing the Effexor weight steadily.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
  • nomena
    nomena Posts: 165
    I've been on Lexapro for 3 years and haven't noticed any change in weight, other than when I slip into a depressive episode and eat like crap for a few weeks. I've been on anti-anxiety meds (forgot the name) that completely robbed me of my appetite too though. It really depends on how your body responds to the medication.
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    I lost a significant amount of weight years ago on Wellbutrin because it actually made me quite a bit more anxious and I felt too nervous to eat. Otherwise, I find that switching or starting new drugs really just causes you to retain water and feel bloated for a while which can give you a sense of having gained weight. If you're watching your weight, allow a couple of pounds fluctuation for that and maintain good eating strategies and you should avoid any weight loss. I know some anti-depressants can affect your eating patterns more than others--I'm sure your doctor has a good idea of what would help you the most.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    I think it affects the metabolism.. i use-to be on meds and gained 30lbs , but its not like i was eating healthy or exercising so im sure u can still get results maybe just not as fast!
  • ofthevalley
    ofthevalley Posts: 69
    I think it depends on the person.

    I lost 20 lbs my first couple months on generic Zoloft. It is what spurred my weight loss. I know some people have had the opposite reaction though.
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    Speaking just of the literature on antidepressants, weight gain is a frequently reported side effect. Different individuals may respond differently to various antidepressants, so some doctors will try different drugs to find one which has therapeutic value (the doctor's first concern) but minimal side effects.

    The action of antidepressants is complicated; antidepressants are neurotransmitter uptake blockers, enzyme inhibitors, and neurotransmitter receptor blockers. I have not seen any reports identifying the mechanism by which weight gain is promoted. And, of course, the effect varies with the individual.

    All that said -- brain chemistry is not destiny. The basics of calories in - calories out still apply, and people do manage to lose weight while taking these drugs. The best advice is to work at losing weight -- keep records that you can show to your physician. If weight loss eludes you, talk to your doctor about trying a different drug. (This is NOT medical advice, but the newer drugs are not always the answer for every patient.)
  • I've been on a variety of antidepressants. I was recently put on Remeron to sleep, but it made my appetite go through the roof - no matter what I did. So, I'm off it. Serequel made me gain weight, as well. Doxepine upped my appetite as well, but I got off that one mostly because it gave me very bad acne.

    I'm on welbutrin and lamictal now, and I love the combo :) No crazy appetite cravings, weight gain, etc. I still get "sleep amnesia" from my ambien, but not nearly as bad.

    It's just a matter of finding what works for you. And if something isn't working - TELL your doctor! And tell him/her that you DO NOT want to take it any longer. There are SO MANY medications out there, you do NOT need to be stuck with something you hate.

    I am losing my insurance this month, so I will be going off my meds and I'm scared. However I think clean and healthy eating does have a lot of do with feeling better. But you can only treat so much with it.

    Anyways, good luck :) Oh, I was on xanax and ativan and never had it increase my appetite.
  • robinslikeworms
    robinslikeworms Posts: 11 Member
    I did gain 50 pounds when I started taking antidepressants, but I'm also friends with a girl who lost all appetite and is losing weight. There is a possibility for it to go both ways, it's just more common for it to go the weight-gaining route.

    Most antidepressants increase your appetite and lower your metabolism, which is where the weight gain comes from.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm on prozac and it has attributed to my weight gain. I find I have to work a little harder in order to lose weight. I would like to be on wellbutrin, because that tends to have the opposite effect. However, wellbutrin was the first med I tried and it gave me panic attacks (I know a little strange that an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med can give someone panic attacks), it's one of the more rare side effects of wellbutrin.
    However, since getting serious with weight loss, my mood has greatly improved. My PCP said that I will not be on the prozac much longer if I keep up the good work because my body is making its own seritonin again!
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    I was on Cymbalta during the day and Seroquel at night to help me sleep and as a supplement to Cymbalta. I was already very heavy but those two meds combined helped me gain over 80 lbs. I disagree that mine was "behavior based" as did my doctor. I have found something more natural to help me sleep at night and that, coupled with other nutritional supplements, is at least allowing me to lose weight whereas while I was on Seroquel it didn't matter what I did. My doctor is aware of what I am doing and is supportive.

    I still have to take Cymbalta which doesn't allow me to lose quite as quickly as I want but it is helping keep me happy (and alive!). Also, I'm hypothyroid so lots of strikes against me but I WILL PREVAIL!!!

    All in all, original poster ... talk with your doctor, don't do anything without his or her knowledge, and do what is best for you. Not everyone responds the same way to the same meds. Good luck!!!! :)
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    I was on paxil and the first thing my doctor told me was you will gain weight ! and i did!
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    I'm on prozac and it has attributed to my weight gain. I find I have to work a little harder in order to lose weight. I would like to be on wellbutrin, because that tends to have the opposite effect. However, wellbutrin was the first med I tried and it gave me panic attacks (I know a little strange that an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med can give someone panic attacks), it's one of the more rare side effects of wellbutrin.
    However, since getting serious with weight loss, my mood has greatly improved. My PCP said that I will not be on the prozac much longer if I keep up the good work because my body is making its own seritonin again!

    so happy for you !! i got off my meds about 11 months ago and im fine!! its scary getting off but i was ready!
  • lilteddy78
    lilteddy78 Posts: 93 Member
    I am currently on 300mg of Wellbutrin XL (24hr SR Tabs) and 150mg of Lamictal. My dr changed my wellbutrin in January (I was 247lbs). He upped the dose and changed it to Sustained release because I could never remember to take the 2nd dose 6 hours later. Since then I have now lost 40lbs total (currently 207lbs). This all while losing my house, finding a new place to live, and my husband losing his job. I am a huge stress eater!!! I started using MFP at the beginning of May and since starting it I've lost 22.2lbs. My daughter has seen a huge change in me and I've had to go down two pants sizes. Tops I've gone down from a 2xl to a xl. I think sometimes it's how your body reacts to the different medicines. Every persons body is different.
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    There's no reason you can't lose weight while on these medications. The weight gain is behaviour based, not due to the meds IMO.

    I've been on Citalopram for five years, alongside psychotherapy, and I've gained 35 lbs over that time. I haven't noticed myself eating more but I have noticed a massive drop in energy, as some other commentators have said. I feel very relaxed most of the time and I am capable of sitting in an armchair and dozing like an 80 year old for an hour at any time of the day. I think the drop in activity led to my weight gain.

    Now i am watching my calories with MFP and i am forcing myself to be more active, and the weight is coming off slowly. I get through my day with espressos and I have to have a double to work up the energy to walk to and from work (my main form of exercise is walking, I walk about 25 miles a week and go hiking on the weekends occasionally).

    HOWEVER this is just my experience. The side effects of the antidepressant i am taking include weight gain and less frequently, weight loss. Other drugs have different side effects, and not everyone who takes these drugs experiences side effects. From my experience, I would guess that massive drops in energy might be to blame for some people, but that's why god invented espresso :)
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    haha, I started to reply to this post and then noticed that I already did. wow! there's my stupid moment for the day!
  • How quickly did you lose the weight after going off the medication? I just went off Lexapro and have gained 25lbs in 6 months. I only feel anxious about this crazy weight gain. I gained it while eating healthy and exercising rigorously.
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