New today, need pals

Hi, I just joined today and could really use a buddy. Haven't got all my profile info up yet, nor a picture. But briefly I'm 61 and I'm still trying to lose the baby weight gain. The youngest was born in 1975 so I guess I really can't use that excuse anymore, especially since I've gained about another 100 since then. I've been dealing with a lot of illness the last 4 years and yesterday I just said ENOUGH! I know that not all issues will go away by losing weight, but some will and so will a lot of the pain, both physically and emotionally.

I can't do an exercise routine for now although I was out dancing in the hallway earlier with my walker. For now I just want to concentrate on not killing myself with food. Who knows maybe I'll be able to get rid of that walker and really go out dancing.

If anyone wants to give/receive support then please add me as a friend.


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Hello HuhDawn, Welcome!!!!
    Glad you were dancing with your walker

    sorry you've run into so many health issues. Hopefully the eating right puts things on the right path and you really are dancing without the walker, wouldn't that be awesome

    its amazing how our bodies respond when we fuel them right. (she says after eating microwave popcorn late tonight) Hey, we're not perfect :)
  • ladywizard43
    ladywizard43 Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    I shared a similar issue at age 40.. I used to walk with a cane after a car accident and knee surgery, and an excess of about 140 pounds! I've since lost over 100 pounds, and I'd love to help keep you motivated and offer what advice and support I can! Friend request sent. :)
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Hi:) I haven't been in your shoes but in mighty impressed to hear about your dancing:) you sound like someone who has tenacity:)
  • TheDramaQueen
    Hello there, I started (again) on Weds and have just sent you a friend request. I'm 49 and have around 40lbs to lose, like you I blamed baby weight for years but my daughter is now 19 so that's really not an excuse anymore!! I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, which means I'm not as active as I used to be, but I have to be careful and not use it as an excuse as I've never been a fit bunny. I need to get out and walk more and i'm hoping that MFP will get me moving a bit more.

    All the best with your weight loss journey, looking forward to seeing how you get on.

    Jan x
  • NMGeo
    NMGeo Posts: 8
    Friend request sent, along with a note
  • ultraconvoy
    I need pals too :)