Weighing In

Allegra289 Posts: 48
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone just a quick question. I have been weighing myself once a week (on Tuesdays) and I was wondering if any of you weighed more than that? I feel like weighing in twice a week would keep me more motivated. What do you think?


  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    I think it is a personal choice...I don't feel more motivated...I feel more frustrated the more I step on the scale....I prefer to see larger losses, so the less I step on, the better!!

    I had posted a thread last week or so about this and it was funny how many different opinions I got on the topic...that is why I totally LOVE this website!!!!!!!!

    Whatever you decide, GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • I weigh myself every morning...

    If you do weigh yourself that frequently then be prepared for things to move around a bit... hydration and the amount of waste in your gut (for example) can change from day to day and mask the true trend a bit. Be consistent about when you weigh yourself - just after you get up (having had a pee first) is best.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Monthly is best, but I offically weigh in on Tuesdays my self for the V.A. Move program. But I am one of those who will check it daily, but I know that my weight will go up and down daily as well.
  • I read this yesturday! I was always told not to weight in more than once a week but this article might help.

  • I weight in every morning.even if I lose a couple or gain a couple it helps with motivation to do the same thing that day or eat less junk haha.Do what makes you happy ..:smooched:
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I've heard everything from do it daily to do it once a week. As long as you don't obsess over the daily fluctuations in your weight, you can do it daily, just make sure you are not stressing over it. You can do everything right and see a 1 pound increase from one day to another and then suddenly drop 2.
    For me I will weigh often during the week but then set a day for my "Official" weigh in day.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I weight every day. But you have to be prerpared to see gains too!! If you find that motivating, go for it. I do!! But some people get into a panic. Depends what type of person you are really :flowerforyou:
  • Oh dear. I will give up so quickly if i try to weight myself everyday. I got ride of my scale because i couldn't help weighing 3 times a day and when i don't see the scale move, I'm like "what difference does it makes? i might as well go doing to KFC and tomorrow, the scale still wont move, lol" I prefer to see big numbers so i weight myself at the most every 2 weeks but ideally, i would love to weight once every month (just after my period) but I'm always to excited when i know that i have been doing well.
  • It depends on the person...me, I weigh every morning at the same time. Some days it is up, some days way down. I have learned how my body responds to different foods, water, salt, etc. this way. It has been so helpful to begin to learn my body and what makes me gain or lose.

    It is how you motivate yourself that answers this question. I have a friend that only weighs once a week, that is her happy place. Mine, well, it is daily so I can see that 2/10 of a pound melt away. I need to see it to keep going! I also know that when I get bloated I better either check my salt, or the the time of the month on the calendar :O).

    Do what feels the most comfortable for you. Try it both ways and see what helps you feel the most motivated. If it discourages you when it doesn't move [and doesn't make you work out more], then perhaps weekly or monthly would be best for you. :happy:
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Oh dear. I will give up so quickly if i try to weight myself everyday. I got ride of my scale because i couldn't help weighing 3 times a day and when i don't see the scale move, I'm like "what difference does it makes? i might as well go doing to KFC and tomorrow, the scale still wont move, lol" I prefer to see big numbers so i weight myself at the most every 2 weeks but ideally, i would love to weight once every month (just after my period) but I'm always to excited when i know that i have been doing well.

    I once had to hide my scale in my husbands trunk to avoid being on it all day. I feel the same way, too easily frustrated. Maybe I need to hide my scale again:wink:
  • As long as you consider fluctuations (water mass, muscle weight etc) do it daily - it's a good indication you are on the right track.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I'm going to echo what everyone else has said and tell you to do what feels right for you. I'm a weekly weigh-in person. If I check daily I get fixated on it (especially if my weight goes up one day, which logically, I know is normal, but emotionally I get freaked out). I'm sure there are a lot of researched theories out there about what the "right" way to do it is, but I'm a gut feeling person. If it feels right for you, then that's the way to do it.
  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh myself every morning right after I get up....naked of course..haha. I know my body will fluctuate a lot so some times its down and others its up...like this morning it was up 1.2 lbs...but i ate something salty last night...no big deal...im still doing the program and watching what I eat....its a womans body....crazy as they may be but if you log your food and exercise you will lose the weight....:smile::drinker:
  • I weigh myself every morning...

    If you do weigh yourself that frequently then be prepared for things to move around a bit... hydration and the amount of waste in your gut (for example) can change from day to day and mask the true trend a bit. Be consistent about when you weigh yourself - just after you get up (having had a pee first) is best.

    This is what I do.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Once a week (and never during menstruation) is plenty. More frequent trips to the scale more often serve as a DEmotivator.

    If you feel great, use THAT as motivation. You don't need the scale to validate you.

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
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