Has anyone ever tried Shakeology?



  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I find it suspicious that every single one of your posts has been about beachbody products.

    Oops! I think this thread backfired OP.
  • NaturallyCrowned
    Not everyone will like or want to try it for whatever reason. That's okay everyone has their own way of losing weight and getting healthy. Shakeology has worked for me so far and I just wanted to see if anybody else has gotten results to. Thanks to everyone that answered politely! Others remember we should all motivate each other with support and kind words not rude comments. I'm open to any opinion just say it in a nice way.
  • toomanydogs99
    toomanydogs99 Posts: 33 Member
    It sounds fantastic. Does anyone know where I could buy it...my friends list is open

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Out of 12 posts, 10 of them have been beachbody related-- that sends up red flags that you're just here to sell stuff, and that's why people are being less than welcoming.

    Also beachbody is an MLM-- you won't find much love for that here.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Not everyone will like or want to try it for whatever reason. That's okay everyone has their own way of losing weight and getting healthy. Shakeology has worked for me so far and I just wanted to see if anybody else has gotten results to. Thanks to everyone that answered politely! Others remember we should all motivate each other with support and kind words not rude comments. I'm open to any opinion just say it in a nice way.

    I support other people not wasting a ton of money on shakeology. If you take that personally, perhaps it reflects on your impartiality.
  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    I don't use any type of diet related stuff. So can't say that I have.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Not everyone will like or want to try it for whatever reason. That's okay everyone has their own way of losing weight and getting healthy. Shakeology has worked for me so far and I just wanted to see if anybody else has gotten results to. Thanks to everyone that answered politely! Others remember we should all motivate each other with support and kind words not rude comments. I'm open to any opinion just say it in a nice way.

    Your results have nothing to do with shakeology... You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting otherwise and eluding to other people that they have to spend a ton of money to see results. Sorry if that sounds rude... sometimes the truth hurts.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Not everyone will like or want to try it for whatever reason. That's okay everyone has their own way of losing weight and getting healthy. Shakeology has worked for me so far and I just wanted to see if anybody else has gotten results to. Thanks to everyone that answered politely! Others remember we should all motivate each other with support and kind words not rude comments. I'm open to any opinion just say it in a nice way.

    I support other people not wasting a ton of money on shakeology. If you take that personally, perhaps it reflects on your impartiality.

  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Not everyone will like or want to try it for whatever reason. That's okay everyone has their own way of losing weight and getting healthy. Shakeology has worked for me so far and I just wanted to see if anybody else has gotten results to. Thanks to everyone that answered politely! Others remember we should all motivate each other with support and kind words not rude comments. I'm open to any opinion just say it in a nice way.

    Your results have nothing to do with shakeology... You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting otherwise and eluding to other people that they have to spend a ton of money to see results. Sorry if that sounds rude... sometimes the truth hurts.

    Agreed, You lost weight because you was in a calorie deficit and that would have happen without shakeology and by eating your calories over drinking them and on a side note I don't think you understand what the word "rude" means..... Best of Luck.....
  • ness12346
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    Wait you just said it is not meant to be a complete meal replacement but then you say you can use it as a meal replacement and it could save me money over eating whole foods for my meals?? I'm confused.....
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    These statements directly contradict each other.

    If you are going to be annoyed that people aren't dealing with facts, then you should deal in facts yourself.
  • ness12346
    It's not advertised as a meal replacement, but it can be used for it. Just like anything else. Obvi.
  • ness12346
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    These statements directly contradict each other.

    If you are going to be annoyed that people aren't dealing with facts, then you should deal in facts yourself.

    Aren't we talking about Shakeology here? And not the way people type... geez you've said your peace, move along.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    $$$$$ TOO....STINKIN'....EXPENSIVE!!!!! $$$$$ OVER...PRICED!!!! $$$$$$

    $130 a month for a shake mix???? I spend that on a WEEK's worth of groceries!!!! Ridiculous!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    The problem here is you are quoting their advertising not science. If there were studies to back this we might change our minds.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    These statements directly contradict each other.

    If you are going to be annoyed that people aren't dealing with facts, then you should deal in facts yourself.

    Aren't we talking about Shakeology here? And not the way people type... geez you've said your peace, move along.

    Who said anything about the way people type?

    They're saying that you're claiming our opinions aren't fact based but you haven't provided any facts either.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I personally like to eat my calories and not drink them. I think I'm doing fine without shakeology.

    Exactly. Same here;
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.
    Try getting a healthy breakfast for under $5? 3 eggs cost me about $.70. Done. 2 slices of bacon will cost about .$70. So my usual breakfast costs about $1.40. Much higher quality nutrition in an egg than in a cheap, highly processed, factory produced powder like Shakeology.