NutriBullet 6 Week Challenge!

Does anyone have a Nutribullet? The back of the book has a 6 week transformation plan and my hubby and I are going to give it a try in a week. Gives me time to get the stuff that I need.....if anyone would like to do this with me please add me and send me a message! I would love to support others trying a new lifestyle change!!!


  • what is this diet plan about?
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    what is this diet plan about?

    Do you have a Nutribullet? Its kind of like a juicer, but easier! You basically have a smoothie for breakfast, two snacks a lunch and dinner. But they tell you how to put the meals together and have the recipes already in the book for you. Interesting they said not to mix starch with protein. Like whole wheat pasta with say chicken. Apparently they cancel each other out nutritionally when being digested so you're body doesn't get any benefit from them. So you shouldn't be eating both at the same meal. If you don't have a Nutribullet they diet plan and recipes is online, I saw it last night. But you should google Nutribullet and watch some videos on it if you haven't seen it!! I got mine from the website because they let me make monthly payments.
  • Jziller
    Jziller Posts: 45 Member
    I'm getting one for Chirstmas!! I can't wait to try it. Let me know how the diet goes.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I just received one that I bought off of eBay. My Christmas present to me :). I didn't realize that there was a 6-week challenge in the back. How are you doing on yours since you started?
  • Jziller
    Jziller Posts: 45 Member
    Other than the holidays getting in the way, I'm doing well.. My fruit intake has gone up a ton. I'm still nervous about adding veggies to my smoothies. I did however just buy a bag of spinach so it going to start happening.
  • I just received my Nutribullet last night from ebay. It was only $80 plus free shipping, in store at walmart it's $100! I had a personal little blender thing from Walmart before that I got for $20, it couldn't handle the frozen fruits and I blew it up after 2 weeks! I made my first nutriblast today w spinach, an apple, a pear, banana, and pineapple. It was really good! And the nutribullet blended them all very well. it did still have a bit of a course texture and from commercials I thought it would be completely creamy but it's fine. Anyway my fiancé and I are gonna start the 6 week chAllenge tomorrow! Would just like to know how it is going for you? My fiancé is active at his job and I am afraid the dinners won't be enough. HAve you found any other recipes to use? Looking forward to trying this out!