Feeling like this isn't working, even though it kind of is

I have lost about 40 pounds since March, which is great. I've gone down 4 sizes, but I still have 20 pounds I would like to lose. But, I haven't lost any weight in about 2 months. Granted, these were the most stressful months of my life so far, but I feel like with how I'm eating/exercising, I should have at least lost something. I have noticed changes in my legs and arms, and general fat loss around my tummy, but I feel like I'm not getting anywhere in terms of toning up my midsection. I also have been running more, but I can't run fast. Right now I'm at about 5.2 mph for what I can do long term (aka for more than a minute) and even then I typically can't keep that up for more than 5 min. I know running is the best calorie burner in terms of cardio. Any suggestions on how to not give up?


  • gloryandgore
    Firstly, congrats on your weight loss agalassie! That is a fantastic achievement, and you should be very proud of yourself. :)

    Working hard for two months without any weight-loss results can be very frustrating and disappointing. I can understand that it can make one feel quite unmotivated to continue. When you ask for advice for not giving up though, are you able to elaborate on that? Do you mean giving up completely, or in terms exercising (or dieting)?

    Do you change your workout routine regularly? I was once told that workout routines should be adjusted every 6-8 weeks to avoid complacency; this could mean a longer duration or a change of exercise. Also, are you eating according to your current weight (and not to your previous weight) and do you weigh your food to ensure accurate logging? To avoid giving up, it might also be more worthwhile to focus on fitness-related goals than weight loss goals (e.g. how fast you can run in 30min) or engage in physical activity with a friend.

    I'm not sure if I was of any help, but I'm sure other members here can provide useful tips. Congrats again on the weight loss so far, and hopefully you'll be able to break out of that plateau soon. :)
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Other suggestions to add;

    Try taking a few measurements each time you weigh yourself, quite often even if the number on the scale isn't budging the inches will be.

    Also, look into trying a beginners running programme, like c25k(couch to 5k).

    You've already lost 40lbs and even say yourself that you can see changes, so it is working! Abs and lean toned midsections are a combination of low body fat and working your midsection. Adding some ab exercised like planks, crunches,etc can help tone up the muscle but if you still have fat to spare in that area you're probably not going to have visible results.
  • agalassie
    agalassie Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks you guys! I''m not going to give up entirely, but I am losing motivation to keep going as strict as I have been. I know I need to get back to logging absolutely everything; I did slack on that some. Last week, I changed up my workout again and I'm feeling muscle soreness again, so maybe that is what I needed. Thank you for your suggestions, I will look into C25K