Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • Lorinda40
    Lorinda40 Posts: 20 Member
    what is the 5 day pouch diet?? Never heard of it. I had my gastric bypass over 10 years ago. I to have managed to gain about 45-50 pound back and I want it gone. I am working out a lot and watching what I am eating but it's just not coming off very easily at all. UGh!
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    My top weight was in 2001 when I weighed in at 444lbs. I had gastric bypass that year and wound up losing half my body weight and got down to 222lbs. (pics in my profile) I kept it off pretty well for about 5 or 6 years but then I lost focus on keeping up my workouts and let 15 or 20lbs a year creep on until my 45th birthday (this September) when I weighed in at 341. I decided that I've got to get back on track and work to make sure my lifestyle changes are permanent this time. I have gotten back in the gym and thanks to MFP meat eating habits have improved tremendously. I am hoping to be below 300 by the end of the month but it's going to be close.

    I still have struggles with cravings for junk (in excessive amounts) and have noticed that I sometimes overeat when I'm not fully awake. I'm not sure if I eat in my sleep but I definitely eat crap I wouldn't if I were fully awake.

    Feel free to add me if you want someone who has absolutely no room to judge anyone else LOL
  • leocat2
    I had the gastric bypas 11 years ago and I lost 125 lbs losing below my personal goal weight. I managed to kep it off for 9 years but then I had my gall bladder removed and lost my mom. I have gained 25 lbs back and its is driving me crazy. Seems like nothing I try works. I am scared I will just keep gaining more.
  • batmiriamgolda
    I Had Gastric Bypass A Month Ago.....I AM Following The Program But Stopped Llosing Weight Two Weeks Ago. Has Anyone Any Experience With This?
  • GrammaTree
    GrammaTree Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! My name is Theresa and I had a lap RNY bypass on 11/5/13. And yes, after losing about 35 pounds I seem to be hitting a wall also. I just saw the NP at my doctor's office last week, and she wants me to be eating 3 meals and 2 snacks within a week or two, but it's just not happening. I get my 60gm of protein by putting Unjury in my morning 16-oz coffee and having a bottle of Isopure Zero carb a day, and I try to make sure I get as close to the 64 oz. of fluid as I can, but I too have noticed that "starvation mode" that the calorie counter says I'm in and wondering if that's the problem. Like Marty, I think it was, I'm just not hungry. Plus I have major-league TMJ Disease, so that restricts my diet somewhat too, and if you look at my inputs you'll notice I'm not that great at exercising. I chose to have my bypass when I did because, among other reasons, I didn't want to go through another set of holidays needlessly stuffing my face. I'm new to MFP and always looking for resources to guide me on my weight loss journey. I topped out at 248lbs and am down to 214.4 after three days out of town; I quickly learned that weighing myself once a week was the best way to keep my sanity.
  • crz8catlady
    New RNY patient as of 11/25/13! I've lost 14lbs since surgery (about a pound a day), and haven't had any complications to date. With my pre-surgery WL, I'm down 29 overall, and looking forward to seeing less of me in the future! I would love to make new friends who are interested in supporting one another, sharing ideas, and accountability. Have a great week!

  • shalonthomas
    shalonthomas Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone -

    I am new to MFP! I am glad to see that there are other gastric bypass patients like me on here. I had RNY around 8 years ago, then had an intestinal blockage shortly after and was rushed in for emergency surgery. However, I started at 249lbs and got down to 140lbs. In the last few years I started to gain back 40lbs. However, I recently lost another 45lbs doing a very healthy juice cleanse. So I am back down now to 135 and am really trying NOT to lose anymore weight. It keeps coming off though and I am eating like I did when I first had by RNY, which was always 2 bites and then full. I feel like I am not getting the nutrients that I need though. I like the suggestion about Shakeology. I have a friend who sells it. I am going to try it. I also stopped taking daily multivitamins a long time ago and should start again.
  • GrammaTree
    GrammaTree Posts: 22 Member
    Hi shalonthomas, are you getting the approximately 60gm of protein we're supposed to get per day? And yes, the multivitamin will help, as will the calcium and B-12. Me, I *hate* the multivitamin, so I swallow it whole even though it's chewable. I take Tegretol for nerve pain so I have to have something in my stomach when I take it, and two crackers - one before my meds, one after - not only keeps me from barfing, it keeps me from tasting that horrid multivitamin. Maybe that would help you.
  • CarolM62
    Hi everyone,
    I am new to MFP and had RNY Bypass done 2002. Lost 110 pounds, was 150. But looked ill, then had issues with monthly female and had to be on birth control gained 10-15. Was happy at 165. Felt good, looked good in outfits. Then had lots of tragedy in life, 2011 June lost nephew in car accident, (My brothers only son) while same time my father was in nursing home and was getting worse. Lost dad January 26 2012 day after my daughters birthday. Think he knew and hung in there a day exactly. (215 am). Then November 2012 mom had surgery and doctor missed closing the artery completely and she almost died finally got her home June 2013 (not the same 75 yrs old lady that went in to hospital). Lost my job 7 days after her surgery and my husband lost his job month later. Daughter got married in Sept. Yes was gorgeous and exciting. But now I am up to 194. It happened in the past 5 months. Went to different surgeon since mine is no longer in area. Her comment was if you keep up this pace you will be well over 200 pounds by spring. So here I am found this board and so happy. Things people mentioned I have never knew about. The 5 day pouch diet. Going to try hopefully find the book on line. Having rough time getting weight off. Thanks for listening.
    PLACKL Posts: 5 Member
    My surgery was Dec 9 2013 .. also see myself thinking I want something I see but I cant eat im still on mashed food stage another week then I can start with regular food again....You have done great 2 months awesome ive only dropped 31 and and not changing any in last 5 days....
  • iamkesh205
    HI all! I have gastric bypass on 11/28/2012 and have lost 160 lbs. I have a strict regiment. No breads, grain, cereals, pasta. Very low carbs. I was blessed to have a surgeon that is skilled and educated on the effects of eating carbs especially for wl patients. I exercise about 3-5 times a week and drink lots of water. I have never been a big bread lover for it wasn't as hard giving it up.
  • sharesehenry
    Hi all I am having gastric bypass on 01/07/2014, how much weight should i expect to lose.
  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Good luck on your surgery. I had it 13 years ago and Im grateful. I lost 140 pounds in 11 months.
    Do what your doctor says. Don't cheat.
    Don't ever drink carbonated drinks after surgery
    Remember the first 6 weeks are the worst because depression cash set in Your copying devise is gone after surgery, so you have to give yourself time to adjust emotionally.
    It is temporary and as you watch the pounds fall off, you will start to get really happy.
    The second year is the best! Enjoy it
    The first year take attention and patience. But you will not diet! You will be adjusting to your new digestive system.
    Exercise as soon as you can. Start small, but start.
    Take good care of yourself. You deserve it.
    I wish you the best!!
  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi there, I'm curious about the juice cleanse … I had GBS 13 yrs ago, lost 140 pounds, in the last few yrs, put on 45 … now loosing again with doctors help, low calorie, exercise … but wonder if I should try to the 5day pouch diet or juice cleanse but worried about too much sugar with juice … can you share details? what kind of juice? how long? how many calories a day?

  • katt0628
    katt0628 Posts: 58 Member
    I had gastric bypass 10/8/12 and went from 282lb to 148lb today...2lbs under my goal weight. I am doing ok but I can see myself getting into the same old eating habits. I have found that I can eat sugar with no dumping and I have started eating junk food again such as chips and brownies. Last night I ate a whole piece of german chocolate cake with no problem. I knew at that point I have to do something to try and get back on track. I do eat protein but I feel like I'm failing myself by eating the junk I've been putting in my body. I have not had any weight gain as of yet but I really don't want to wait until that happens to try and correct myself. Any advice would be appreciated.
  • katt0628
    katt0628 Posts: 58 Member
    Is the 5 day pouch test used when you've gained weight or can you use it just to make sure your pouch is still working normally? I don't really want to loose anymore right now but sometimes think maybe I have stretched my pouch out because of the amount of food I can eat at one sitting (still not the amount I used to eat). I do feel miserably full after eating a lot but I very rarely get sick anymore. Just trying to get back on track and wondering if the 5 day pouch test is right for me. Thanks in advance.
  • ball_FXDWG
    ball_FXDWG Posts: 44 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2006. I really wasn't ready for it at the time. I have lost a total of 325 pounds I did gain about 70 pounds at one point. Sadly I never experienced dumping and can consume all the sugar I want. I really struggle processing breads and meats and rely on slider foods. I could sit down and eat a gallon of ice cream without a problem but if I try and eat a small chicken breast it makes me feel terrible and like something gigantic is lodged in my throat/stomach for hours and hours.
  • GrammaTree
    GrammaTree Posts: 22 Member
    Have you ever been checked to see if you have a stricture/narrowing of your gastric stoma? If you're relying on slider foods and having that much of a problem with meats, maybe you should see a GI specialist if your original surgeon isn't available. You've come incredibly far if you're only 44 pounds from your goal weight - don't give up now!
  • jayniblas
    jayniblas Posts: 1 Member
    I understand your worry! I am also going through the same kind of thing. I am almost two years out, end of March will be my surgiversary. I am able to eat small amounts of sweets and junk food. But, Im a fat girl at heart, I have learned to eat half a brownie and 45 minutes later eat the other half. I have recently moved to asia from the states and have found eating here a problem so I am relying on carbs and junk food. I had a wake up call when I got on the scale about a week ago. I have gained 10 pounds in the four months since Ive moved. WOW! It happens quickly. I think you came to the right place. By tracking your food and protein intake you become more aware of the foods you are eating. By being mindful we can make small changes.
    I know many people who have done the 5 day pouch test years after surgery and they do just fine. its kind of a restart for them. Good luck!!!
  • sailorsproudwife
    Hello everyone! I had gastric bypass almost 4 years ago. I was at 315 at my lowest I hit 150 (it made me look like I was sick I am almost 6 foot tall). Everything was going great with the diet and then life hit me with hard dose of reality. I lost my Dad and then my son was diagnosed with a severe form of epilepsy. I got wayyyyyy off track. My current weight is 221. I am back and ready to start getting back on track. I am looking for some pals who are in the same boat as me. Someone who is serious about losing weight and getting healthy.

    Thanks everyone!