Need advice from the ladies (TOTM)

I have reached my period but it has come really bad, it hasn't been this heavy or painful for about a year. I have been told by my doctors that I should go on the pill to regulate and stop the heavy bleeding but my mother forbids me from taking it.

When I bleed this heavily it's impossible for me to excersise let alone even go out, I bleed through everything :'( what should I do?

Ever since I gained weight my periods have gotten bad as they were before, I never has this problem when i was lighter.


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I apologize if I am speaking out of line but you are 19 years old. You are allowed to go ont he pill without your mother's permission. Especially since it is for medical reasons and not because you have an ulterior motive. I had to go on them when I was 15. I was the one that did not want to. I had the misconception that you go on the pill so you can have sex and I was not ready for that. My doctors encouraged me to go on it because I would pass out from the pain every month which is dangerous. My mother urged me to do so as well. I finally did and man was I happy with the results. No more pain, no more passing out, no more throwing up every month, and so on. I would encourage you to speak with your doctor about this. It is your body and your health and you have absolute control over it. Good luck sweetie!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks girls, I know Im 19 and that i should be able to do what I want but that's the problem, I don't, my parents control me until I'm married off :/

    As much as I am I want to go on the pill, I am scared of weight gain that come with it :(
  • sallyLunn
    You are Moroccan/Irish, I see from your profile. Leave the (I'm guessing traditional) Moroccan side of you home and take the 19 year old Irish side of you to the Dr.

    To quote an old song from the 60's, "You're 18 you can do what you like."
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks sally LOL that put a smile on my face :)

    Bynsky, how much water weight is added? and do I keep gaining or is it just one weight gain?
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    my stepdaughter had the same issue and was told by her dr that she is ovulating more eggs than most women (hence the heavy bleeding and massive pain). The dr told her that us women have only so many eggs to release and then we become infertile. For most of biggie since we release the normal amount. So the Dr put her on bc pills to slow down the release of her eggs. You need to have your dr tell your mom this information (if that is what your dealing with) so that she can fully understand that this is a medical issue, and she could be causing her daughter from giving her any grandbabies in the future! good luck!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Thanks girls, I know Im 19 and that i should be able to do what I want but that's the problem, I don't, my parents control me until I'm married off :/

    As much as I am I want to go on the pill, I am scared of weight gain that come with it :(

    I went on the pill when I was 16/17 and didn't have any weight issues. I've always been a decent weight. I only gained weight when I ate poorly not because of the pill. If you continue to watch what you eat and exercise then you won't see any weight gain from the pill.
  • BayleeGirl
    I had the same problem. I would bleed through my pants every single month in high school. My mom didn't want me to get on it either. I tried to talk to her about it. It was so embarassing in college.. so I went and did it anyway. I was raised in a family like yours it seems.. my parents had complete control over my life. But they don't have control over my body.. and I needed some help. I had to sleep the first day of my period before. As soon as I got on the pill my periods were so much better.. I have little to no cramps.. and it only lasted 3 days. I would highly suggest not going behind your parents back but maturely explaining to them what you're going to do any why. I even offered to my mom that I would try other natural or herbal methods before going on the pill and it didn't work. She will be much happier if you're honest with her. But do what you need to do.
  • Pandemonium
    Personally, when I am sick or when my period is tooo heavy, I don't exercise.

    I make sure I keep eating clean, and when I am not heavy, or when the cramps are not too bad, I get back into exercising.
  • avalonfloyd
    Well, if you are 19 and in the UK, you *can* go get the pill without your parent's permission, you are legally an adult. Now I'm not saying that's a great idea, because if/when your parents find out, I imagine they would be really mad, imagining you are taking it for sexual reasons. Perhaps you can go to the doctor together with your mother, say, and have the doctor explain to you both the benefits of it for your period pains. When I went to the doctor and told him I wanted it for cramps, and to regulate my period, not to have sex, he was really happy (i thought it was funny, he seemed so surprised!).

    I've been on the pill now for nearly 5 months and I wouldn't say I've noticed any significant weight gain. I was a little worried about that, but I haven't seen much. It might also be because a month after I started the pill I decided to start eating better and counting calories. But as long as you are eating healthy and exercising a bit, it shouldn't be an issue.

    As another one of these women who had very painful periods, I would definately suggest you go on the pill for it. I'm sorry that your parents don't want you to, because I think it would really help. Could you not get you mother to maybe monitor it for you? Like, she gives you your pill every day? Maybe if she was involved more in it she wouldn't see it as such a negative?
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I was recently told Accupuncture can help and even cure Heavy Menstrual Periods. Maybe you can convince your parents to let you do that instead. :flowerforyou:

    Best wishes!
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    There are a lot of negative side effects from the pill such as a higher risk of blood clotting - which can be fatal. S if you can find a way to cope without it, that would be better for your health.

    I've found that if I really cut back on my sodium the week before my period, I don't get cramps or pain when it comes.

    Also, a lot of women find that adding Omega 3s into their diet really increase how heavy the flow is along with clots.

    Lastly, I've noticed that if you do a search in this forum for things like "TOM" and "PMS" you'll find that most women here find their periods have gotten much much better as they take off weight.

    Maybe give those things a try for a couple of months and see how they work for you. Then if you really aren't finding any improvement at all, go have another talk with your doctor or your parents.

    I hope that helps.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I was recently told Accupuncture can help and even cure Heavy Menstrual Periods. Maybe you can convince your parents to let you do that instead. :flowerforyou:

    Best wishes!

    True. This will work work you too.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    My periods are TERRIBLE no matter what I weigh. I feel your pain because I also bleed through everything hourly. I have to work from home two days/month because I can't even last my commute in the car without ruining my clothes.

    I'm currently trying to regulate my periods with the birth control pill, but am also working with my chiropractor on wholistic solutions. He has me on a daily regimen of supplements. Perhaps you can meet with an herbalist who sells Standard Process Brand Supplements?

  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    You can get the monthly shot wich works exactly like the pill. the only difference is that you only get one injection a month and that should help.
    Meanwhile, make sure that during your period, you are eating your lentils & spinach so that you don't loose too much iron. Take extra Calcium too during this time and don't exercise intensly. Just go for nice easy walks.
    If you continue to eat healthy and exercise, you won't gain weight..
    As far as your parents are concerned, you don't need their consent for this. As was mentioned above, you go to the planned parenthood (or equivalent) and just ask for the shot.
    I have cousins who live in Uk, i can ask them exactly the place where they get it if you need me to.
  • ginnyroxx
    When I was about your age, my mother was the same way and my periods were (and still are) super bad. I went to the clinic at my college and started getting them through there.

    you shouldn't have to suffer.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    if you're losing that much blood, you're going to become anaemic. I'm on BC, and trust me it's helped in so many ways. I don't use it for birth control, I use it because my period sucks. My PMS is right up there with Cruella Devil's, cramps and bleeding are so bad I hide in my bedroom...until I went on BC. I agree with everyone's suggestions, either go get the pills yourself, or take your mother with you so the doctor can explain the benefits of going on the pill...promise her you're not going to run out and get laid just because you're taking the for weight, i gain about 5lbs in water right before my period...yeah it gets me down but i have come to realize that i shouldn't weigh myself during that week...just let it go, you're going to feel like a beached whale, but it's all goes away after a couple of days. Good Luck my dear, keep us posted.