Low carb buddy :)



  • cici13095
    Im doing a slow carb, but I eat less carbs than when I did low carb, so I'll do it with you!!
  • LPNJudy
    LPNJudy Posts: 3 Member
    I decided to go low carb about a wk. ago. I realized that everytime I ate a lg. amt. of carbs my stomach would just kind of puff out, lol. So, I've really only eaten rice cakes as pure carbs & so far, I think I'm pretty low. I love beans so that's my protein, never been a big meat eater, just skinless baked chicken & broiled fish. By beans I mean, black, red, pinto, garbanzo & believe it or not, I eat a whole can (low sodium) of course. It fills me right up but does cause quite a big of flatulence which is embarrassing. I also have been eating 6 prunes a day, lots of apples, vegetables, skim milk, green tea, iced water & since last Sat. I'm down 4 lbs. So, I must remain focused & diligent. I have high blood pressure & last week at work, I'm an LPN in a busy nursing home, I got out of breath & dizzy. Scared me. Then, a few days later, I got tightness in my upper left shoulder. The only other time that happened was when I excercised too hard. I've had a complete cardiac workup at Yale, which is close by to me. They said I checked out ok. But, now, I'm thinking of all the things I binged on & loved, cake, cookies, pastries, bagels etc. as poison. I'm actually breathing through my mouth when I walk by something tempting. So far it is working. And, I find that drinking the green tea just warms me up & fills me & takes my mind off of food.
  • LPNJudy
    LPNJudy Posts: 3 Member
    Add me in too! :O)
  • KarenJardim01
    Add me too !!:smile:
  • AliB118
    AliB118 Posts: 27 Member
    I try to stick to low carb and low GI foods. Feel free to add me!
  • briannw
    briannw Posts: 73 Member
    Trying to stick to slow carb. Add me
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Count me in. I'm on low carb, too.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member

    I'm lowcarb---I just feel better in every way.
    Looking for good lowcarb snacks besides meat, dairy.....allergic to fish.
    Also, I'm an athlete looking for quick snacks for before, during, after long runs and biking.

    Good luck!
  • fabiomuralha
    fabiomuralha Posts: 114 Member
    One more low carb athlete here :) be free to add
  • FitnessMeagan1105
    FitnessMeagan1105 Posts: 57 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me. I am diabetic so low carb is a great thing for me. I started out at 50 carbs a day and now I am doing the Keto diet with about 17-25 carbs a day. I feel so much better.
  • Crash7676
    Crash7676 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm doing low carb too :) Always get stomach pains when I eat to much bread or pasta so the decision wasn't that hard to make ;)
    ^^Same with me. Carb hunger pangs are way worse too. You get hungry more gradually on low carb, and the hunger pangs are gentler, not painful like carb hunger pangs.
    However, I have taken a lot of flak here on MFP for doing it, people seem to have trouble with the phrase 'low carb' with people criticizing & unfriending me for seeing my diary and how I eat. In fact, this is a new acct. Veggies are carbs!! And I eat plenty of those! I liked the suggestions earlier about joining specific group for it. Will do it. Thx all (:
  • Primeval_Princess
    Lower carb here as well. Request sent :smile:
  • Holly_Gets_Hot
    Holly_Gets_Hot Posts: 21 Member
    Ooo im low carb! please feel free to add me
  • linda231
    linda231 Posts: 12 Member
    I need a low carb buddy too
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I live low carb, you can add me, diary is open, it really helped me to have a few rules that stick to as much as possible.

    No refined sugar
    No artificial sweeteners unless naturally derived
    No wheat or gluten
    No potatoes, rice, pasta or flour
    Very little cheese (a treat)
    Very little fruit (because I'm really sensitive to carbs and convert them easily to fat)

    This really helped me to cut out all the carb crap I was eating - going cold turkey (so to speak)
    Now I don't want it and eat it in small amounts - it's really hard to avoid completely. I am losing fat steadily but more importantly I have created a life-long habit so I will never put if back on.

    The extra fat and protein I now eat support my ramped up exercise routines - I do about 7 hours a week of weights/badminton/circuit training/walking/stairs

    I'm the girl who doesn't do carbs! (And I am guided and monitored by a personal trainer with loads of nutrition qualifications and she monitors me with calliper measurements to make sure my body is getting what it needs so I can make macro adjustments as required.)

    Add me if you like :-)
  • ocescam1234
    I am doing low carb also.
  • sherrim68
    I am also doing low carb and would love a few buddies for support and ideas.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I live low carb, you can add me, diary is open, it really helped me to have a few rules that stick to as much as possible.

    No refined sugar
    No artificial sweeteners unless naturally derived
    No wheat or gluten
    No potatoes, rice, pasta or flour
    Very little cheese (a treat)
    Very little fruit (because I'm really sensitive to carbs and convert them easily to fat)

    This really helped me to cut out all the carb crap I was eating - going cold turkey (so to speak)
    Now I don't want it and eat it in small amounts - it's really hard to avoid completely. I am losing fat steadily but more importantly I have created a life-long habit so I will never put if back on.

    The extra fat and protein I now eat support my ramped up exercise routines - I do about 7 hours a week of weights/badminton/circuit training/walking/stairs

    I'm the girl who doesn't do carbs! (And I am guided and monitored by a personal trainer with loads of nutrition qualifications and she monitors me with calliper measurements to make sure my body is getting what it needs so I can make macro adjustments as required.)

    Add me if you like :-)
    too many rules…
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I live low carb, you can add me, diary is open, it really helped me to have a few rules that stick to as much as possible.

    No refined sugar
    No artificial sweeteners unless naturally derived
    No wheat or gluten
    No potatoes, rice, pasta or flour
    Very little cheese (a treat)
    Very little fruit (because I'm really sensitive to carbs and convert them easily to fat)

    This really helped me to cut out all the carb crap I was eating - going cold turkey (so to speak)
    Now I don't want it and eat it in small amounts - it's really hard to avoid completely. I am losing fat steadily but more importantly I have created a life-long habit so I will never put if back on.

    The extra fat and protein I now eat support my ramped up exercise routines - I do about 7 hours a week of weights/badminton/circuit training/walking/stairs

    I'm the girl who doesn't do carbs! (And I am guided and monitored by a personal trainer with loads of nutrition qualifications and she monitors me with calliper measurements to make sure my body is getting what it needs so I can make macro adjustments as required.)

    Add me if you like :-)

    By all means, if you like low carbs have at it. I'm just curious though... your trainer, how does she make adjustments to your macros? Looking back at your diary you don't have any consistency with the macros so how do you determine what is working or what isn't without a baseline.
  • JennyLyn28
    JennyLyn28 Posts: 474 Member
    You can add me too...I tried the Ideal Protein diet for a few weeks as a promotional trail at work and loved it. It's low carb, high protein and it taught me alot about how bad carbs can be. I felt great while doing it, and lost 15lbs in 3 weeks. Unfortunately my husband and I relocated to a new State and now where around here offers the program. So I'm going low carb on my own...send me a request....I could use the support :)