cheat meal gone bad



  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I never really liked the idea of "cheat" meals ....... usually felt sick afterward .......

    You can eat almost anything you want, just not all at the same time :laugh:

    Use common sense & incorporate it into your daily goals ..... keep on truckin' !
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    When I go on a crazy cheat binge, I start the next day with, "Forgive my friend, for I have binged." Then I list my binge foods and feel better.
    So, to be fair, "Forgive me MFP, for I have binged. Yesterday I ate over a dozen homemade cookies, Chinese food, cereal, and I bloated from all the salt. My tummy puffed from the carbs in the cookies."

    Oddly, this morning I woke up 1.5 lbs lighter...

    Cookies anyone???

    No worries. You are human and we all have good and bad days!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Thank you, truely, but I am still so not happy with myself. My calorie goal to lose 1lb a week w/o exercise is 1200, so I scarffed down 2 days of calories in 2 hours :noway:

    The body doesn't have a timer. It has no idea what time or day you ate those cals. Shave a little off each day. Burn an extra 100 cals in a couple of workouts. Or if you dont want to slog it in the gym pull on your boots and go for a walk. Honestly - you will be fine. X

    If you are already eating only 1200 a day then no, please don't reduce your calories for a few days to compensate. If you restrict to extremes, that often leads to overeating later. Just move on. One day of overeating may lead to feeling bloated, or a little water weight which will disappear in a day or two...but you haven't gone backwards or ruined progress or anything like that. You had ONE night that you overindulged and for goodness sakes we ALL need that every once in a while!. Did you have fun? If the answer is yes, then it was worth it (as long as you get back to it the day after). Every once in a while, we have to let ourselves have that...we have to let ourselves have a night where we don't think about it. Every once in a while.

    Also, you didn't "waste" any cardio. Cardio is good for your cardiovascular system and overall health and even people who aren't trying to lose weight do it because it's just plain good for health.

    Is also like to add that if you don't have much to lose (did I read 20 pounds?) you will find more success setting your loss to .5 a week. For people close to goal weight, it just comes off slower, sorry, just the way it is! and this way you will have more than 1200 to work with.


    Yes, my goal is 20lbs, I am down 4... so 16 more to go. But I generally eat back my exercise calories, so I'm usually eating 1600 to 1800 a day.... So should I still not restrict what I ate?

    Do your best to NET 1200 calories minimum. Going under that for a day or few won't actually harm you, but it WILL make you more vulnerable to overeating...which is exactly what you're trying to avoid. And don't let this get to you,'s not as big a deal as it feels like.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    Also when you eat the SAME amount of calories over and over and over again then BAM!, jump up in calories and immediately go back down to your normal calories it can knock your weight loss into action and you'll seem to drop a couple pounds. This has happened to me at least 4 times in the last 5 months. I was RELIGIOUS the whole month of October and lost nothing, then one day of going over my calories by about 500 knocked me into gear and suddenly I dropped 4 lbs in the next 2 weeks.

    As you already know, the key it just to keep moving on! :flowerforyou:

    I was curious if this really works... I usually eat back most of my exercise calories, taking up my calories by 400 on the days I work out. So... does this still apply to me? *fingers crossed lol*

    Well obviously I can't TELL you that it will work that way for you, but I'm just saying SOMETIMES it does. I don't use the MFP model on calories and eating back exercise so my stuff is a little different.
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    You're being too hard on yourself. What you experienced last night is reality and life. You will not be able to exclude these type of "events" from your life forever. They happen and you move on to the next day. It's when they happen all the time that there's a problem. Good luck!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Personally, I think it sounds like it all started with the martini. If you can find what started you binge, you can turn this into a learning experience and take cautious steps to prevent it. Don't worry so much, your human, so overheating every now and then is normal. Good luck!

    I had the martini after everything else while watching the OSU game. But yes, I waited to have it until afterwards because I do get the munchies if I drink. :smile:

    You have to have a drink when watching football!:wink: Actually I overate by 2000 calories on a camping trip, and I gained a half pound which was gone the next week. You are going to have those meal challenges. Just educate yourself before hand on how many calories each thing has. If you had stayed with the beer, you would have been okay.

    Good luck and above all, be kind to yourself.
  • w75collins
    w75collins Posts: 3 Member
    Don't worry about it. I have a spreadsheet that I custom made that is a mathematical model of weight loss by day from cutting calories and working out. A single day like that out of one hundred good days does virtually nothing!
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    Every time I think I've had a bad cheat day, I wind up losing more weight in the process. Like others have said, I think it's because it gives your body a nice wake-up call.
  • w75collins
    w75collins Posts: 3 Member
    What IS important is hitting that daily goal consistently. If you are on or under that goal consistently, then you will be fine and this one time is not a problem at all! :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    It was one day, it will not destroy you. Doing bad one day and expecting to get fat is like eating healthy one day and expecting to get skinny.

    This is slightly off topic, but why do you do an HOUR of cardio every day? Unless you enjoy running that much or are training for a marathon it's probably not helping your weight loss. When I started doing strength training and cut back on cardio I lost 15 pounds in 8 weeks (I hadn't been losing weight for a while).
  • newlook4me
    newlook4me Posts: 4 Member
    If you don't eat your exercise calories may be an advantage. I restrict my calories for 5 days (usually Monday thru Friday) and then eat to maintenance calories on the weekend. This allows more variety and flexibility when I need it the most. What helps me is remembering that "CALORIES ARE KING!" You can eat anything you want, but stay at your calorie goal and manage them the best you can. If you choose to eat all of your 1200 calories in one meal, then try to compensate and not eat anything else for the day. Drink a lot of water! This really does curb your appetite. If you get hungry, drink a glass of water and wait a couple minutes. The hunger will usually pass. Keep yourself busy to divert your thoughts about food. I've found that my toughest time with food is when I get home from work. So, I skip breakfast (I know this is controversial, but it works for me) and eat a small lunch around 2:00. Then I eat the rest of my calories for dinner. I allow myself a 6 hour window to consume my calories for the day. So, I usually don't eat anything after 8:00 PM. I have been following this method for almost a month now and have lost 13 pounds.
    I need to lose 20 more pounds to be at goal. I'm excited because I've been stuck for the past couple of years and I've finally found a method that works for me. Oh, exercise....I walk my dog a few times a week. That's the most cardio I do right now because I live in Chicago and it's really cold outside. I do resistance training for 30 minutes 3 times a week.

    I'm not very active on these blogs, but your's just hit home for me. I've struggled for many years with overeating and feeling guilty and sick afterwards. I realized you need to be kind to yourself. Treat yourself like you would your best friend. You'll get results! Stick to your plan "whatever works for you" and you'll be successful. Good luck to you!!
  • W8G0
    W8G0 Posts: 30 Member
    I had the martini after everything else while watching the OSU game. But yes, I waited to have it until afterwards because I do get the munchies if I drink. :smile:

    As a Buckeye fan, I think drinking during (or especially after) that game was mandatory. :)

    As others have said, it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. In the grand scheme of things, 1 day has a teensy effect.

  • foxruddellc1
    foxruddellc1 Posts: 65 Member
    Also when you eat the SAME amount of calories over and over and over again then BAM!, jump up in calories and immediately go back down to your normal calories it can knock your weight loss into action and you'll seem to drop a couple pounds. This has happened to me at least 4 times in the last 5 months. I was RELIGIOUS the whole month of October and lost nothing, then one day of going over my calories by about 500 knocked me into gear and suddenly I dropped 4 lbs in the next 2 weeks.

    As you already know, the key it just to keep moving on! :flowerforyou:

    I was curious if this really works... I usually eat back most of my exercise calories, taking up my calories by 400 on the days I work out. So... does this still apply to me? *fingers crossed lol*

    Well obviously I can't TELL you that it will work that way for you, but I'm just saying SOMETIMES it does. I don't use the MFP model on calories and eating back exercise so my stuff is a little different.

    I was just asking a question... no need for bold letters... thanks, i guess...
  • foxruddellc1
    foxruddellc1 Posts: 65 Member
    I had the martini after everything else while watching the OSU game. But yes, I waited to have it until afterwards because I do get the munchies if I drink. :smile:

    As a Buckeye fan, I think drinking during (or especially after) that game was mandatory. :)

    As others have said, it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. In the grand scheme of things, 1 day has a teensy effect.


    I KNOW!!! I wanted to cry!!!
    :) Thank you :)
  • foxruddellc1
    foxruddellc1 Posts: 65 Member
    Personally, I think it sounds like it all started with the martini. If you can find what started you binge, you can turn this into a learning experience and take cautious steps to prevent it. Don't worry so much, your human, so overheating every now and then is normal. Good luck!

    I had the martini after everything else while watching the OSU game. But yes, I waited to have it until afterwards because I do get the munchies if I drink. :smile:

    You have to have a drink when watching football!:wink: Actually I overate by 2000 calories on a camping trip, and I gained a half pound which was gone the next week. You are going to have those meal challenges. Just educate yourself before hand on how many calories each thing has. If you had stayed with the beer, you would have been okay.

    Good luck and above all, be kind to yourself.
  • Veggiegirlsf
    Oh Foxy, what are we going to do with you?!?! :wink:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I got stuck on the banana split martini... *runs off to Google recipe*
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    OP, Don't be mad honey.

    Food is not the enemy, it's not something you should use as a reward or reason for cardio punishment.

    You could use a better reward - a new music album, a trip to the cinema, a fun day out.

    Given your history with an ED I would say "reframe this scenario"

    Change the word cheat to treat if you feel you must eat food you wouldn't normally eat and only do it when you feel you have earned it (at a milestone).

    Have complete control over your treat meal. It should be at home prepared by you so know exactly what is in it, include any drink and dessert you like. You sit and eat and enjoy but it's all under control. You get to indulge but you stop yourself from falling into this self loathing and punishment afterwards. If you get up from your seat for anything, for the phone or anything, even the doorbell, that's it, you're done.

    This way you can plan it into your weeks allocation too so you have no extra work in the gym and no negative feelings about it.

    Hope that helps :-)
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I think this is part of the program long term. Wouldn't most of us have had that meal in the past, and not given it a second thought. It isn't that you can never do it, by all means enjoy. The fact that is troubles you will subside over time. You will be able to have the meal, enjoy it, and them make adjustments so that it does not keep happening daily, and the pounds pile on. Awareness is a big step forward.
  • Widadita
    Widadita Posts: 176 Member
    Don't feel bad, one bad meal won't make you gain weight just like one good meal won't make you lose weight.

    You're allowed to have a cheat meal once or twice a month, that will keep your metabolism high, don't forget that. Good luck!