Mini Goals?

shell_83 Posts: 16
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I know this might sound stupid, but I was wondering how to set mini goals? like when you click on someones profile it says by (date) loose (number) lbs, etc.....


  • If you keep in mind that the weight comes ON a few pounds at a time, it only makes sense that it will come off in the same way. So every pound is a victory, right?
    A long time ago I lost 50 pounds..... FIVE pounds at a time! I set five pound goals and, once I reached one, I gave myself a non-food reward (i.e., a new scarf, a ring, a trip to the art museum, etc.). I also did not allow myself to buy a new pair of pants until I was in a size somewhere close to where I wanted to be. It took me a year and I grew to HATE my fat jeans. But, I made it and I kept the weight off until I had my kids.
    So, now I'm back at it again! Ten down, thirty to go! Good luck to you!
  • mommyjos
    mommyjos Posts: 98 Member
    not stupid at all! I actually just posted something similar in my blog!
    Basically, in the beginning, you need goals that are reasonable and not too far out of reach. You don't want to get discouraged and be tempted to give up.
    I started at 218, so my first goal was to be under 210. Just because I wanted to get there. I didn't set a date because I didn't want to get discouraged if I did it, but not by the date. I didn't do anything special, but, just kept going.
    My next goal was to get under 200. Again, just because I don't want to weigh over 200lbs. Then, based on my previous couple weeks, I set a goal of 3 weeks from when I got under 210. As long as I lose 1.9lbs in the next 4 days, I'll make it! So that gives me some confidence and excitement. When I see 199, I am getting a pedicure!
    But there is where I'm pre-Cody (2nd baby) weight is 177, and my "non-obese BMI" weight is 174 and they seem very far away to me. I want something in the middle so I can keep the momentum. It has taken me 5 weeks to lose the 16.4 so it will take me longer than that to get close to the pre baby weight. I don't want to get discouraged and slow down.
    I hope this helps you with a few beginner goals, but I am also looking for others' ideas on where to go from there. Good luck!
  • Tems
    Tems Posts: 16
    Click on the community tab (at the top of the page) then signature...
  • Thank you you guys are great :happy:
  • I think they are really important. I lost a LOT (12.5 pounds) my first week, then the second week, I felt like I was not losing any weight. I almost got discouraged on day five of the second week and said forget it. But two days later, I was down a pound and a half. I know you are not supposed to look at your weight too often and I know that you should not give up when you don't hit a goal. I think that is why setting mini goals that are realistic and far enough apart is helpful. Daily or bi-weekly goals are not realistic, but semi weekly or monthly goals can really motivate.
  • wpodenton
    wpodenton Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to the message board but i found your comments regarding the mini goals quite appropriate and I plan to apply that philosophy. Often times I set my goal at the higher end and when I don't reach that goal I am discouraged and feel like a failure. thanks for the logical reasoning.

  • You are ALL keeping ME going, too! I slipped back and put a few of my pounds back on and then thought of a guy on this site who had lost something like 80 pounds over a year. SO, here I am again!.... slugging it out with the scale! Will keep checking back in with you all to see how you are and I'll be out here working right beside you... on my NEXT five pounds! LOL
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