Ed recovery

Ok so I'll tell you what, I've been in recovery for months now and wasn't getting anywhere at all. I've decided that I'm not going to let my illness take the better of me anymore and I will overcome it and I'm determined this time! So having a look at my diary, could you tell me what I could do to improve it and help myself recover? And am I still undereating? Thanks for the support x


  • Florameg456
    Florameg456 Posts: 71 Member
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    I looked over the last few weeks. Its not bad. A few days where you definitely should eat a bit more. Skipping meals isnt going to help you any either.

    I would get rid of all of the diet foods (i.e. the Weight Watchers) and just replace it will full calorie options. That should get you firmly into the realm of healthy.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    You are still undereating. You say you aren't getting anywhere, and I am assuming that means you are aiming to gain weight. In the past 5-6 days you barely hit 1000 calories each day. Having been in recovery (I had EDNOS, but it was like a combo of Anorexia and BED), in the past, my dietician put me on a 2500 calorie meal plan. I did NOT gain weight quickly, like I thought I would, and like I feared. To put on weight, you need to eat more. Period. I needed tough love - someone to tell me, "Get over yourself, and just eat more. Tell your fear to take a hike." Having a dietician really helped. Good luck!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    It is a brave thing to be facing this, and asking for help along the way. Good for you.

    When you say you are in recovery - are you getting some help from a doctor, dietician, or other qualified person. I think that would be an important piece of help and support to have in place.

    The advice above to get rid of the diet food and stop skipping meals is good. Also, look for ways to add more calories to each meal - put some peanut butter on the toast, add granola to the hot cereal, or have cheese on that sub.

    Having the right mindset is important - your goal on your home page suggests you still want to lose weight. Changing that could be an important daily reminder.

    Good luck!
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Coming from someone who lived 20+ years with an ED (I'll always be in recovery)..... You are doing well. You need to eat at LEAST 1000. There were a few days you were under 1k. Each week you need to try and increase your daily NET by 50-100 until you get up to about 1400-1600 cal. I know that seems scary, but take it slow.

    For now aim to get in at least 1000 per day MINIMUM. Up the protein and fat (75g protein and 50g fat). The rest of your macros look good.

    This is a very brave step. Take it slow so you don't relapse. Good luck!
  • Yes. You are still under eating.

    Also Maybe more nutritious food would be helpful. You had a banana, a little bit of skim milk and a piece of sausage. The rest was non-nutrition. I only checked one day though.

    Don't give up, keep working on it. Your calories are much better than many with eating disorders. Kudos to you for that dear.