
Sjenkins0408 Posts: 18
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, this may be a dumb question, especally for a nutrition board, but I'm tossing it out there anyway. I'm about 3 weeks into trying to make a postitive change for myself. We do not drink excessivley, but definitly like to have a few beers a few nights a week. I haven't really had the desire to have any in the last 3 weeks because I've been working soooo hard and don't want to ruin it, so thats good. But I know it will come up and I want to know how to do it right so I don't ruin the days good eating. We usually like to drink microbrews which seem pretty high in calories, so do I just cut out other snacks that I would normally have in a day if I'm going to have a beer that night??? What does everyone else do? Is wine a better choice?


  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I figure drinks into my calories for the day if I'm planning on going out that night.....How well I eat that day determines how much I can imbibe that night. :laugh: :tongue:
  • I tend to have wine more than beer, but either way I like to have a glass or two most evenings. Of course it's quite calorific, so you have to take account of that in comparison to everything else you're consuming... but for me the answer is to do plenty of exercise and then you have more calories to play with in the first place. Personally I think you have to have some pleasures from your food and drink... the key is moderation rather than total abstinence.
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    Bud Select 55 - low calories - low carbs - beer(ish) taste

    Don't get me wrong, it is not horrible tasting, but it is not full bodied, but you make those sacrifices in beer as you do in food. We all would love full fat butter, cream, mayo, etc... but you go for the lighter, healthier choices. You may taste a difference, but it gives your taste buds a hint of what your missing.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    I hear ya! I have generally reduced my consumption of alcohol, and try to go for red wine instead of beer since it is a little lower cal / alcohol ratio. I do love a microbrew as well but they can add up quick. I cannot go the Mic Ultra route, because I like taste too much. I tend to opt for Guinness when choosing beer because it is lower calorie than most and it is still delicious. Like Kityngirl, I try to plan it out accordingly when I will choose to drink.
  • I drink vodka and diet coke when I go out, only 54 calories per drink (25ml vodka and diet coke).
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    when I know Im havin beers,I try to burn 6 or 7 hundred at the gym that morning,then eat descently ,and that evening I can usually have at least 9 which is plenty and not too many where I won't get up and go to the gym the next morning,but never ever ever eat after drinking.I drink miller light,watch the calories on those dark beers!
  • you guys are awesome :) I was so scared of getting flamed, don't know why. This is still so new to me, but I feel so good about it, this site is awesome. Its nice to know that its ok, I have felt so guilty even thinking about it. I've been working with a trainer to get started and when I asked him he made it seem like all booze was the devil, lol. I actually really like bud select, I was looking in the data base and I forgot all about good ol' sam adams light too!
  • I switched to light beer for now. Heineken Light is drinkable and doesn't send you straight from sober to hungover with nothing in the middle.

    I used to be a microbrew girl, but the calories add up way to fast.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I figure it in, but consider a good beer a 'splurge'. When not splurging, I get a light beer and have a sip or two of my husband's microbrew.

  • Bud Select 55 - low calories - low carbs - beer(ish) taste

    Don't get me wrong, it is not horrible tasting, but it is not full bodied, but you make those sacrifices in beer as you do in food. We all would love full fat butter, cream, mayo, etc... but you go for the lighter, healthier choices. You may taste a difference, but it gives your taste buds a hint of what your missing.

    Personally, I just plan my calories accordingly (work out a little more, eat a little less) that day so I can have a full, non-light beer. Sjenkins0408 says he likes the microbrews and that's great! We should be supporting quality beer the same way we support organic and local food. Why compromise your craving with something that only tastes "not horrible". I'd rather splurge on one or two *good* beers or glasses or wines than several low-cal beers.
    But then, I also prefer full fat cheese, cream, mayo, etc... just in moderation! And to each their own. :flowerforyou:
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    you guys are awesome :) I was so scared of getting flamed, don't know why. This is still so new to me, but I feel so good about it, this site is awesome. Its nice to know that its ok, I have felt so guilty even thinking about it. I've been working with a trainer to get started and when I asked him he made it seem like all booze was the devil, lol. I actually really like bud select, I was looking in the data base and I forgot all about good ol' sam adams light too!
    Check out a post named like minded lushes,it's for folks like us that are still living life while making these life style changes.

    See you there!:drinker:
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    I have been working on having the drink I want to have with what I am eating or doing. For me, that has meant less alcohol all together. But, when I do have it, I have what I really want. I always ate pizza and beer. Now, I am not eating pizza as much, so I am not having beer. The other night, I had homemade BBQ ribs, and a beer sounded great. I have about a drink a week, sometimes two. I just figure in the calories and plan accordingly.

    And, about lite beer, that is for the birds. I too like microbrews. I exercise enough that having a drink now and then doesn't wreck the lifestyle. For this to work for me, it needs to be a lifestyle, not a diet. I am not going to give up a good beer or glass of wine for the rest of my life. It is just being responsible.

    On the other hand, my wife has at least one glass of wine a night. She has gotten to her goal weight, and enjoys wine and cheese. As long as the scale doesn't change, she figures she is doing okay. When I get to my goal weight, I will do the same.

    Good luck.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Plan ahead. Eat less throughout the day and leave room for a few. No biggie every now and then.

    The main thing to watch out for is eating. I know I turn into a human vacuum when I'm drunk, and I'll eat pretty much anything I can get my hands on.
  • Plan ahead. Eat less throughout the day and leave room for a few. No biggie every now and then.

    The main thing to watch out for is eating. I know I turn into a human vacuum when I'm drunk, and I'll eat pretty much anything I can get my hands on.

    Or worse, a human vacuum when hungover.
  • I love the microbrews too, and like most on here I have drastically cut down my alcohol consumption in the name of weight loss!
    However, I do have a Grey Goose / Club soda with lime every now and then...65 calories!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I too am a big fan of microbrews... my approach is to stay away from beer during the week, and limit myself to one day on the weekend. Normally it is while I am watching the GIANTS. I also make sure I eat less before hand.

    I do have a glass of wine with dinner most nights, but I have the calories available for it.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    Just remember that what you are aiming for is an eating plan that you can live with for the rest of your life. So moderation is the key. I enjoy beer and would not want to get rid of it for good. So keep having beer, in moderation, but plan on it being in your cal intake and eat accordingly.

    As for getting a good buzz on and eating all the really great tasting food that beer makes you want to eat, I got nothing :laugh: . for me those just become a bad Cal day and I just move on. :ohwell:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I agree - plan ahead..... if you know you're going to enjoy something.... exercise, watch the food intake then ENJOY.

    Good luck!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My life's too short to drink bad beer.... When I have the calories and the inclination, I'm a Newcastle fan... but only 1, now!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Guinness is worth the extra exercise it takes to earn it, IMHO

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