Back again

Well I did really good for a while and lost about 100 pounds. However, over the past several months I have put a lot of weight on. I have been to disappointed and ashamed to get back on the scale to see how much I have actually lost. I was even very excited that I was able to get back on the ice and play hockey with my son but I can't even do that anymore. I have really been struggling with food all I want to do is eat and eat a lot. If I don't snap out of this funk it will not be good.


  • lauragokey5
    First of all, congrats on the weightloss. That's a huge deal and you should be very proud of it. I know you can't enjoy that feeling for long because of your weight gain. But please try and keep the joy you had playing hockey with your kid in mind. Keep it there and strive for that feeling again. You've done it once, and you can do it again!