Who wants to Turbo?



  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    *fist pump*

    Done, done, done, done, Done. Gonna eat everything in sight now :-D
  • navy_taxi
    How's it going, people?

    1a1a - Congrats on getting that HIIT workout done! It's crazy how little time you actually spend working out during a HIIT workout yet it completely takes it out of you.

    HIIT 20 & Tone 30 done this morning. And because I'm such a glutton for punishment I'm playing an extra game of netball this evening... not sure I'm going to have much in the legs for Fire 45 tomorrow morning!

    Roll on Wednesday Rest Day....
  • KrisNicole5
    I just got done with my first day! I just hope this time I can stick with it! This week will be incredibly hard because of Thanksgiving.

    My profile pic is from the Run or Dye 5K. It's a fun run and (depending on which one you do) every K or .5K you get color thrown at you by volunteers. And each station is a different color. You can run, walk or dance through the entire thing and at the very end there's a party and even more color gets thrown around! It's a blast. I've done 2 of them this year and I want to do more of them! :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think i'm going to join this 20 week Turbofire program.

    I've started it before (stopped at week 14) but let's hope I can keep it up now.
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    I'm in!!! Its my first round with TF. I have done combat already
  • KrisNicole5
    Woke up late this morning and had to hurry up and get ready to work from 1-10. I was exhausted when I got home..but I forced myself to workout today! HIIT15 is completed and although I didn't work as hard as I would have liked, I'm just glad that I did it. I also realize that I don't like to work out at night haha.
  • navy_taxi
    Norabeth - welcome! How did you like Combat? I used to go to Combat classes at my gym and they were amazing; we had the most energetic instructor! Not sure I'd enjoy the DVD instructors (based on the infomercial) but it doesn't matter anyway as they aren't on sale here yet! (I really wish Beachbody would make more of their stuff available in the UK)

    KrisNicole - congrats on getting it done! I'm also not a fan of late workouts - it feels like the last thing I want to do after a hard day's work.

    MissAnjy - when are you starting? I find it helps to think in terms of getting to the end of a week, and then a phase (i.e. every 4 weeks) rather than as one long program - good luck!

    I've kept Wednesdays as my rest day so I just did a quick (but pretty intense) yoga video this morning (YouTube, Sadie Nardini - Weight Loss Yoga (the playlist in 4 parts) if anyone's interested).
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm actually doing the 20 week TF/CLX hybrid because my body always responds better to weights AND cardio. I love the way weight lifting changes my body comp so I'm doing them together.

    The first 3 weeks of the program is all "Recovery" and focuses on a lot of abs/yoga and I've decided to bypass that, but didn't want to miss out on the burn circuits, so I'm doing the cardio set out in week 4 and supplementing in the burn circuits from CLX as fit.

    Monday I did Fire 45
    Tuesday I did Fire 30

    Tonight is Burn Circuit 1 and I'm going to add in HIIT 15.

    I'm going off the grid a little bit to change it up to suit my needs but I absolutely LOVE turbofire. It's sooooo much fun!!

    Can't wait to lift those weights tonight.

    Anyone doing this program, or both, feel free to add. I'm very dedicated to it.
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    So last night was hiit 15. I felt stronger and less likely to keel over this time compared with the first time I tried it.

    I feel my muscles getting stronger already.

    I feel like that last hiit was designed for folks who haven't had children!! All those squat jumps in the last hiit make me want to invest in some adult diapers. Am I the only one with this problem? Will my bladder get stronger? Sheesh. Day to day life I have no bladder issues and general high impact jumping is fine. Jumping and landing in a wide squat is no good for me :)

    Today is supposed to be my rest day but i'm moving on. Does anyone else not schedule their rest days? With 2 kids, a full time job plus running my own small business, life usually forces me into a rest day.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    So last night was hiit 15. I felt stronger and less likely to keel over this time compared with the first time I tried it.

    I feel my muscles getting stronger already.

    I feel like that last hiit was designed for folks who haven't had children!! All those squat jumps in the last hiit make me want to invest in some adult diapers. Am I the only one with this problem? Will my bladder get stronger? Sheesh. Day to day life I have no bladder issues and general high impact jumping is fine. Jumping and landing in a wide squat is no good for me :)

    Today is supposed to be my rest day but i'm moving on. Does anyone else not schedule their rest days? With 2 kids, a full time job plus running my own small business, life usually forces me into a rest day.

    I'm 28 years old, I have 5 year old twins....and I have SERIOUS issues with jumping and bladder control. It's appalling. I literally have to slow down on the jumping jacks or the jumping squats etc. It's also not that I have to pee. I will pee before I workout and within 5 minutes of the intense jumping, it's happening. I can relate and it's so annoying! Sometimes instead of doing all the jumps when it starts happening, i'll do the skip rope movements OR I don't jump into a squat quite as much OR i follow Ally's low impact movements, whatever helps. It doesn't affect my burn AT ALL and I'm always burning an insane amount of calories, so I don't push myself to do things that I just don't feel comfortable doing with the issue I have.

    I don't take rest days. I find that If I do, sometimes I don't start back up again. It seems like even ONE rest day is enough for me the next day to feel like "meh, I don't want to" so I continue on with the program. Although if i'm feeling tired, one day I'll put on yoga or a lower intensity workout but I always keep those shoes being tied and the play button pressed. This is the only thing that works for me. If I put on those workout clothes and tie those shoes everyday and do SOMETHING, even if it's only 10 minutes, it works better for me.
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    Haha. Is in insensitive to be glad I'm not alone in my issue? :)

    Anyone else experiencing shin pain? I don't think it's shin splints as I used to get that when I played soccer and that was at the very front of my shun. This is pain in the band of muscle (I think?) directly to the inside of my shin bone. It doesn't bother me during my workouts too much it's only if I physically press on it that it really kills! If my daughter sits on my lap and hits that spot, I yelp in pain.

    I had this before when I was doing competitive kickboxing. I'm thinking it's muscular.
  • navy_taxi
    Did HIIT 25 yesterday for the first time since week 3. Oh. My. Gosh. The leap between HIIT 20 (which I quite enjoy) and HIIT 25 (which I thought was going to kill me) is huge. So many jumps. Squat jumps, air jacks, tuck jumps. Wow. I definitely have a 9 or 10 for effort but I think that intensity was probably closer to a 7 because my body simply could not do anymore. Proud of myself for putting in a solid effort at Sculpt 30 afterwards, though I have no clue how I am going to manage to do it three times next week!

    Today was EZ 55. As usual, it was both fun and painful. I find that the first 20-ish minutes are the worst. Then once you make it to the fire drills you know you're over the hump and it gets easier to keep the intensity up.

    Yogamama - yes, I definitely remember having sore-to-touch shins (along with the intermittent knee pain I have experienced during TF). For me, in both cases, the key is to keep my form up and make sure I am doing my jumps on a cushioned floor of some kind. I had a tendency to stop landing properly when I'd get tired which put a lot of pressure on my shins/knees so now I tell myself that if I'm going to go for that extra height in a jump I have to commit and land softly with bent legs. (For the floor I have an elaborate set-up where most of my workout is done on my yoga mat/wooden floor except for the really jump-y fire drills which I do on my folded over rug. Living in a flat = creative noise prevention!).

    Good luck with the workouts (and bladder problems!) everyone x
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Helloooooo, sorry ive been mia, stressful busy working then just plain spent and a bit depressed.

    Tomorrow should be a good day for eating sensibly and there will be time a plenty to turbo. Im looking forward to it (though wont be surprised if im back to scratch aching legs wise)

    How are peope doing?

    Dye run idea is genius :-D you get to walk away with a unique and great looking momento
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    I've been adding Les Mills Pump to my turbo routine and I'm really enjoying it. I add it on hiit/fire 30 days and I also do it instead of the sculpt video which leaves me underwhelmed.

    The scale doesn't seem to want to move but that's another story. I think I need to lower my calories a touch. Sigh

    Where is everyone else? I'm on week 2
  • navy_taxi
    1a1a - sorry to hear you've not been feeling great - hope your day was as good as your optimistic post indicated it might be!

    yogamama - interesting combination. I've only ever done Pump at the gym and that was a few years ago now. The Sculpt/Tone TF workouts are not my favourite but since this is my first run through of TF I thought I would give the programme a fair shot as it was intended and see what the results were. When I next come back to TF though I think I will probably do three days of heavy weight training and three days of TF (either HIIT/Fire/EZ) for cardio (and fun!).

    Congrats on making it to Week 2. I really wouldn't worry about the scale at such an early stage - like most, I have found it to be such an unreliable indicator of progress. As long as you are eating quality food at a moderate calorie deficit, you are on the right track! For the first four weeks I did very little to modify my diet and made slow progress, but I have started tracking my calories since then and found the weight loss has been a lot more consistent.

    Good luck!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Yesterday never happened but HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30 today. Done. BAM! Those of you who don't break a sweat doing Sculpt, please accept heaping mounds of my envy, can I say lactic acid BUUUUUUUUURN?!!!! (Also think you can make that harder with tighter resistance bands. Maybe mine are 'heavier' than the standard issue Turbo band.

    So, had a bit of an epiphany, I can video myself working out!!!!! (Using the laptop camera, which is already out in place for watching the turbo vids). Nominally tried it so I could critique my form (it Totally works for that). But now thinking we could all post vids of us working out for accountability and motivation. Like in the group class they all have each other to try and do better than but us all separated by the tyranny of distance and time zone, have to do a bit more self motivating. Anyway, anyone wants to watch mine I'll upload it, if I can get over how trashy my house looks and how much it appears I actually walk like a man. (I'm Not a man, why do I walk with so much swagger?!! o.O )

    I'm still hanging out somewhere in week 2, next workout, fire 55. Planning on not prioritising working out above work, or socialising, because last time I did that it was problematic and unsustainable. But I do want to be able to come back to it after an 8 day break and jump straight back in without getting stuck on the one week like I did last time, so I'm going to work through the program linearly, just probably with more rest days than most.

    *Is still watching back video of workout* OMG back is Not flat. Got to work on that!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Totally Turboing today, Fire 55, it's been a few and I'm psyched :-D
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    Turbo addict here! tomorrow's gonna be my week 8 of turbofire! i love chalene! :)
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Bloody marvellous :-D I know right? She's an absolute gem

    Fire 55 EZ done. Pretty much no stopping this time (WHOOOOOOO) but conclude I can't turbo barefoot anymore, my feet go numb, it's unpleasant.

    Was looking at some people's AMAZING before and after shots doing Ripped in 30, and day dreaming about how A my fitness and stamina would be up by now if I had been turboing every day and B my shape would be changing for the better if I was on a proper deficit but ah well (she sighs), I just don't want that shape enough to go hungry and I'm too disorganised to prep good food consistently (believing if the good food is there, ready to eat, will fill up on that and not feel the need to eat over cals/do better at resisting chocolate and chips).

    How's everyone else going with their eating? And are the rest of you succeeding in following the schedule properly?
  • navy_taxi
    Congrats on getting it done both of you! 1a1a - I don't know how you can do it barefoot at all - I very much rely on the cushioning in my trainers for something with as much explosive and lateral movement as TF.

    My eating has been quite up and down during TF. I didn't count calories/make a concerted effort to eat better for the first 4 weeks, and unsurprisingly only lost a couple of pounds. Since then I have been a lot more focused, tracking calories and protein levels, drinking >2l of water, etc. I've still had a few days where I completely overate but I'm also trying to recover from those more quickly. As of Friday, I had lost 17lb over the 11 weeks (with 2 workouts left for the week).

    Unfortunately, this weekend was absolutely horrible for me food/exercise-wise. I have suffered with disordered eating in the past, and had something of a relapse from Friday to Sunday. However, I am determined not to beat myself up about it or obsessively focus on the scale, but will instead complete my last week of TF and take pride in having successfully made a commitment and stuck to it.

    As for following the schedule, I think I've done pretty well - I missed two Stretch 40 workouts in weeks 1 & 2 (I skipped them because I thought they'd be easy/unimportant - SO wrong) and missed yesterday's workout (HIIT 25 + Sculpt 30). Today is a rest day so I could potentially make it up this evening but I am slightly concerned by the amount of knee pain I have been experiencing over the past few days. Might just do Fire 30 tonight, and then add in the missed workout at the end of the week. Meh, we'll see.