Eating after a evening workout



  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    No you're not a doofus! You're just learning like the rest of us! And from everything I've read, heard and done: it doesn't matter what time you eat. Just make sure you're working off more than you're eating in a day. If eating small or large amounts before bed doesn't bother your quality of sleep then go ahead. Just monitor your own body! Great job getting your workouts in! Keep it up! :D

    Agree on the sleep thing, personally I like to eat straight before bed, but if I eat something really sugary (which is rare) I have insane nightmares :-(
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Maybe it depends on your body.... My doctor told me not to eat 2 hours before bed. But I usually do because I don't get home until after 6pm and go to bed at 9pm.
  • vallbacka
    vallbacka Posts: 1
    a lot of people lose weight by not eating after dinner because that is the easiest way for them to get a caloric deficit.

    Most people just need to eat better, not less, and do more activity in general, not just exercise.
    Look at our great grandparents(unfortunately we cant even say grandparents anymore)
    they didn't even have gyms, and most of them ate a lot of white flour and fatty stuff, they just didn't eat
    as much and were working all the time.
    Keep up the great work everyone on all the weight loss!!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Eating after a workout can interfere with your HGH proteins. You produce HGH proteins after exercising. This is bad if you are trying to cut body fat as HGH proteins is one of the primary proteins that breaks down fat. Try and wait at least 1 hour before you eat anything after exercising. If you really have to eat, stay away from carbs as it is the insulin created from the carbs that would hamper HGH's ability to break down fat. Eating before a workout is what you want to do.

    A link to the study is below. Be careful and disregard his conclusion/results because it does not match what he really tested for.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Eating after a workout can interfere with your HGH proteins. You produce HGH proteins after exercising. This is bad if you are trying to cut body fat as HGH proteins is one of the primary proteins that breaks down fat. Try and wait at least 1 hour before you eat anything after exercising. If you really have to eat, stay away from carbs as it is the insulin created from the carbs that would hamper HGH's ability to break down fat. Eating before a workout is what you want to do.

    A link to the study is below. Be careful and disregard his conclusion/results because it does not match what he really tested for.

    HGH is released naturally every 3 hours or so, and I think trying to manage a post workout meal to prevent that release is really not necessary and maybe a little too analytical considering the body will manage to shed fat regardless of any particular meal. imo
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Eating after a workout can interfere with your HGH proteins. You produce HGH proteins after exercising. This is bad if you are trying to cut body fat as HGH proteins is one of the primary proteins that breaks down fat. Try and wait at least 1 hour before you eat anything after exercising. If you really have to eat, stay away from carbs as it is the insulin created from the carbs that would hamper HGH's ability to break down fat. Eating before a workout is what you want to do.

    A link to the study is below. Be careful and disregard his conclusion/results because it does not match what he really tested for.

    HGH is released naturally every 3 hours or so, and I think trying to manage a post workout meal to prevent that release is really not necessary and maybe a little too analytical considering the body will manage to shed fat regardless of any particular meal. imo

    Yeah, I am probably thinking about it too much but everyone wants the edge when cutting body fat no matter how small it may seem. :)

    I know you produce HGH on a regular basis but don't you produce more than usual after a rigorous workout routine? From my understanding, insulin is always being produced too but you just make more of it when you ingest carbs.

  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Eating after a workout can interfere with your HGH proteins. You produce HGH proteins after exercising. This is bad if you are trying to cut body fat as HGH proteins is one of the primary proteins that breaks down fat. Try and wait at least 1 hour before you eat anything after exercising. If you really have to eat, stay away from carbs as it is the insulin created from the carbs that would hamper HGH's ability to break down fat. Eating before a workout is what you want to do.

    A link to the study is below. Be careful and disregard his conclusion/results because it does not match what he really tested for.

    HGH is released naturally every 3 hours or so, and I think trying to manage a post workout meal to prevent that release is really not necessary and maybe a little too analytical considering the body will manage to shed fat regardless of any particular meal. imo

    I just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your posts since your one of the few members that likes to talk about actual cell metabolism.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Eating after a workout can interfere with your HGH proteins. You produce HGH proteins after exercising. This is bad if you are trying to cut body fat as HGH proteins is one of the primary proteins that breaks down fat. Try and wait at least 1 hour before you eat anything after exercising. If you really have to eat, stay away from carbs as it is the insulin created from the carbs that would hamper HGH's ability to break down fat. Eating before a workout is what you want to do.

    A link to the study is below. Be careful and disregard his conclusion/results because it does not match what he really tested for.

    HGH is released naturally every 3 hours or so, and I think trying to manage a post workout meal to prevent that release is really not necessary and maybe a little too analytical considering the body will manage to shed fat regardless of any particular meal. imo

    Yeah, I am probably thinking about it too much but everyone wants the edge when cutting body fat no matter how small it may seem. :)

    I know you produce HGH on a regular basis but don't you produce more than usual after a rigorous workout routine? From my understanding, insulin is always being produced too but you just make more of it when you ingest carbs.

    Most HGH (70+%) happens when we get a good nights sleep. After that is cycles and yes insulin will blunt HGH production and yes IF can increase HGH as well and a few more tricks but, sometimes the difference between optimal and decent is minuscule. Personally workouts and meal timing should be a what works best for the individual for long term compliance. If someone was training for contest readiness, or an athlete looking for an edge in performance, then fine, get a trainer, dietitian and manager and go to town, but for the everyday person, not so much.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Eating after a workout can interfere with your HGH proteins. You produce HGH proteins after exercising. This is bad if you are trying to cut body fat as HGH proteins is one of the primary proteins that breaks down fat. Try and wait at least 1 hour before you eat anything after exercising. If you really have to eat, stay away from carbs as it is the insulin created from the carbs that would hamper HGH's ability to break down fat. Eating before a workout is what you want to do.

    A link to the study is below. Be careful and disregard his conclusion/results because it does not match what he really tested for.

    HGH is released naturally every 3 hours or so, and I think trying to manage a post workout meal to prevent that release is really not necessary and maybe a little too analytical considering the body will manage to shed fat regardless of any particular meal. imo

    I just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your posts since your one of the few members that likes to talk about actual cell metabolism.
    Thank you. I can't help that I'm nerdy like that, so it's not my fault. :smile:
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Your body doesn't make the difference in the time you eat. A calorie at 9:00 will still be a calorie at 21:00. I don't like to eat too much late , I started having acid reflux lately and I exercise at night 90% of the time and sometime an hour before bed. I do have a snack after every time to refill my protein like protein shake, cottage cheese or a can of tuna might throw in a few veggies. This eating haven't prevent me from losing weight at all.Plus I hate most of my calories from diner... Its actually a good thing to eat after a workout, so you can refuel those muscles you worked.
  • gabriella112
    The whole idea of not eating before a certain time in the evening is literally because your body won't have as much time to burn off those calories as it would of done at breakfast and lunch. But this doesn't apply to you because when you exercise within the time frame of when you stopped working out to an hour after your workout you burn calories when you eat, a lot quicker than you usually would. So your ok to eat any time after your workout whether it's 5pm 9pm or even 11pm, just eat within an hour after working out, I wouldn't suggest a really heavy meal because that might give you energy and leave you lying awake in bed all night, but even if you do eat a big meal it's not like it's going to put a strain on your digestive system or anything and counterfeit your workout. Like someone else mentioned a calorie is a calorie it doesn't matter what time of the day you eat it. If you eat a 50 cal apple at lunch it's still going to be 50 cals at night! The only thing to stay away from is refined carbs and sugar because they will just get turned straight into fat, but that will happen no matter what time of the day or night it is. So no your perfectly fine to eat when you like after your workout just stick to healthy choices.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    The whole idea of not eating before a certain time in the evening is literally because your body won't have as much time to burn off those calories as it would of done at breakfast and lunch. But this doesn't apply to you because when you exercise within the time frame of when you stopped working out to an hour after your workout you burn calories when you eat, a lot quicker than you usually would. So your ok to eat any time after your workout whether it's 5pm 9pm or even 11pm, just eat within an hour after working out, I wouldn't suggest a really heavy meal because that might give you energy and leave you lying awake in bed all night, but even if you do eat a big meal it's not like it's going to put a strain on your digestive system or anything and counterfeit your workout. Like someone else mentioned a calorie is a calorie it doesn't matter what time of the day you eat it. If you eat a 50 cal apple at lunch it's still going to be 50 cals at night! The only thing to stay away from is refined carbs and sugar because they will just get turned straight into fat, but that will happen no matter what time of the day or night it is. So no your perfectly fine to eat when you like after your workout just stick to healthy choices.

    lolno at "refined carbs storing as fat"