I have no appetite. None. Nada.

I know this isn't healthy. Or at least that is what everyone tells me. I can go without eating all day until it gets dark. I have no hunger, no desire to eat. Now I will drink water all day long, but where I used to snack all day, I don't anymore. I just stay busy. And when I do eat in the evenings, it is small portions.

I have been like this for years. So naturally I am worried that if I start forcing myself to eat, my body is going to say "Woah this isn't normal, store it". And at 200 lbs, I don't need to store anything else.

I have a low sugar tolerance, I noticed that if I eat something carb filled, it's a guarantee that I will be 4 lbs heavier later that week. So I tend to stick to low, no carb. Unless I have a sweet tea once a day.

What is the verdict? What is truth? Should I be eating something all the time? Will that kick start my metabolism? Or has the past 10 years of habit developed my bodies mindset to be the way that it is?


  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Carbs really drive my appetite....
    If I cut back on them, I don't feel as hungry....
    If I start eating carbs, I just get hungrier.
  • Since I can't have a lot of sugar, would protein bars be a good start to introduce into my system to get it out of it's lull?
  • Carbs really drive my appetite....
    If I cut back on them, I don't feel as hungry....
    If I start eating carbs, I just get hungrier.

    See that's the thing, when I eat carbs it all goes into storage. So I phased out most if not all my carbs. (Have no desire for fast food, rice every now and then) I wonder if it could be because of my ADHD medicine. I have to take Adderall to keep me on track all the time being a mom who homeschools. (Been on this type of medication since I was in high school)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Your body will only tell you it's hungry for so long before it decides there's no food available and adjusts itself to cope with the amount you are eating. My guess is you either have a medical condition, or you've done this for so long you are just used to it.

    I would recommend visiting your doctor and explaining how you feel. Aside from that, there's nothing you can do other than to eat more. And yes, you will gain weight initially, but that's something you cannot avoid and is worth it in the long run.

    Try drinking high calorie shakes, if you really can't manage the food, Make eating a routine, rather than an inconvenience. You also probably haven't got a carb intolerance. Carbs are mostly high in calories, so I should imagine it's going from eating very little to having the occasional high calorie meal that's making you 'gain' that 4lb.. Something else to discuss with your doctor, anyway.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    I have a low sugar tolerance, I noticed that if I eat something carb filled, it's a guarantee that I will be 4 lbs heavier later that week. So I tend to stick to low, no carb. Unless I have a sweet tea once a day.

    To be honest, your body is reacting as it should
    Carbs draw in and hold water, so if you eat carbs, and then jump 4 lbs, that is most likely only water.....and the reason it is so noticeable is prolly due to the fact that you take in very little carbs daily.
    So when you do ingest the carbs, they suck up water and hold it.

    A lot of physique competitors use a similar strategy when they get ready to go on stage...
    They will drop carbs or cycle them in order to get shredded, and then a day or so before they take the stage, they will hit some carbs, so the water will come in and make them look "fuller".....make their muscles pop.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    My experience is that if you don't tell your body it will have good food and plenty of it, it will go into starvation mode.

    Eating every few hours controls your sugar and your metabolism nicely.

    It sounds like a LOT of food, but your body will not believe you are not starving until you show it you will feed it every few hours. Your metabolism will punch in a few days later and you'll feel amazing. It really only took me two days until I felt GREAT.

    Good luck!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    What about eating high calorie foods like nuts, avocado, olive oil, etc...things that fill you up in small portions?
  • Carbs really drive my appetite....
    If I cut back on them, I don't feel as hungry....
    If I start eating carbs, I just get hungrier.

    See that's the thing, when I eat carbs it all goes into storage. So I phased out most if not all my carbs. (Have no desire for fast food, rice every now and then) I wonder if it could be because of my ADHD medicine. I have to take Adderall to keep me on track all the time being a mom who homeschools. (Been on this type of medication since I was in high school)

    Adderral is known for surpressing appetite. Talk to your doctor.
  • That is what I feared is that my body has gone into starvation mode. I have had my thyroids checked, blood work done, all came back normal.

    My body has been in starvation mode then for so long that the mere thought of food just makes me think ugh. And I am far from anorexic that is for sure.

    I would eat nuts and such, but sad thing is, it does a doosy on my IBS. I may start tying the meal replacement shakes to see if that kick starts my metabolism. At least I would be getting something into my system that won't make my IBS go crazy.

  • Adderral is known for surpressing appetite. Talk to your doctor.

    That is the thing, we have tried every other medication for ADHD. Strattera made me apathetic to the point it almost caused me a divorce, Vyvanse made my heart feel like it was going to explode, Concerta did nothing. All that was left was Adderall which has worked, but that appetite suppressant part is what is getting me.

    So in a rock and a hard place regarding medication wise.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    in so this shows in my newsfeed....
    oh and you are not in starvation mode.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    So you only eat in the evenings, then? That's not really a problem... unless you go kerazy to make up for a day's lack of calories. Check out intermittent fasting. Go 16 hours without eating, then eat within an 8 hour window. You will still get fat if you overeat during the eating window...

    You don't even need to eat breakfast. Or porridge. I don't know which swine has been spreading rumours that you need to eat porridge for breakfast but the local Tesco is always out of the cheap porridge because people want to have a "healthy" breakfast. :grumble: (I only eat porridge because I'm on a bulk.)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    If you don,t have an appetite and hardly eat during the day, how did you get to be 200#? Or where you a lot more and have gotten down to 200 from the lack of appetite? Is there a medical condition present that changes calorie intake and burning requirements?

    Some people eat all their calories at once and are fine with it, so it's probably OK to not eat all day as long as you get your calories eaten in the evening, or whenever.

    I rely on protein shakes and protein bars because I often don,t have an appetite for much but can get a protein bar eaten. (Something about Ohio, last time. I lived here, it was the same-no appetite and I got super skinny. TOO skinny! Unhealthy skinny. We just got back from 5 yrs in Cali where I gained the weight, moving back to Ohio and being here MFP, the extra weight is off and am at a good normal weight and realize. I have to force protein/meal,supplements down me to keep from going back to unhealthy-skinny)

    Can you add oils? Olive oil, coconut oil, etc to foods? Have you figured out your TDEE/BMR (calories needed to maintain as is/bare minimal calories required to just stay alive)?

    Edit-PS- if you have been under eating for a while, your body will temporarily gain weight when you get back to normal eating, but it will even put and you will lose weight again when you are eating the required fuel for it.
  • So you only eat in the evenings, then? That's not really a problem... unless you go kerazy to make up for a day's lack of calories. Check out intermittent fasting. Go 16 hours without eating, then eat within an 8 hour window. You will still get fat if you overeat during the eating window...

    You don't even need to eat breakfast. Or porridge. I don't know which swine has been spreading rumours that you need to eat porridge for breakfast but the local Tesco is always out of the cheap porridge because people want to have a "healthy" breakfast. :grumble: (I only eat porridge because I'm on a bulk.)

    Nope, don't go crazy eating thankfully. I just eat a small portion of meat or salad, then I am good to go.
  • If you don,t have an appetite and hardly eat during the day, how did you get to be 200#? Or where you a lot more and have gotten down to 200 from the lack of appetite? Is there a medical condition present that changes calorie intake and burning requirements?

    Some people eat all their calories at once and are fine with it, so it's probably OK to not eat all day as long as you get your calories eaten in the evening, or whenever.

    I rely on protein shakes and protein bars because I often don,t have an appetite for much but can get a protein bar eaten. (Something about Ohio, last time. I lived here, it was the same-no appetite and I got super skinny. TOO skinny! Unhealthy skinny. We just got back from 5 yrs in Cali where I gained the weight, moving back to Ohio and being here MFP, the extra weight is off and am at a good normal weight and realize. I have to force protein/meal,supplements down me to keep from going back to unhealthy-skinny)

    Can you add oils? Olive oil, coconut oil, etc to foods? Have you figured out your TDEE/BMR (calories needed to maintain as is/bare minimal calories required to just stay alive)?

    Edit-PS- if you have been under eating for a while, your body will temporarily gain weight when you get back to normal eating, but it will even put and you will lose weight again when you are eating the required fuel for it.

    Actually, to explain my weight its very simple. I have led a very VERY sedentary lifestyle until recently. The weight has creeped up on me slowly. After pulling up my fitday that I installed years ago, in 2006 I was 168lbs. That was the year my father in law died. After he passed, I delved back into working on computers, fixing them, building websites etc. I did not exercise. At all. Mentally I am fit as a fiddle, but physically all that sitting slowly put on the lbs. Now that we are going into the year of 2014, I can account that it seems for each year I gained: 4lbs per year. Not much, but after 7 years its a dramatic change.

    It is one of the reasons why I never really noticed the weight gain in the mirror. This is the most I have ever weighed. And I refuse to allow it to go higher. In the past week, I have started walking my puppy four times up and down the road (at least 2 hours worth of walking) when it isn't raining. I have recently joined a gym, and am working with weights to rebuild my muscles up. Since I have started to be more active, I fear I am now not intaking enough calories. I realize at night, I am purely exhausted and find falling asleep to be a breeze.

    I know I need to feed my body more since I have begun making the physical part work, not just the mental part. Just don't want to start on the wrong foot, and really want my body to accept the changes.

    Edit: As for oils, I take fish oil and glucosamine to ease joint pain and help make them more fluid. As for doctor reports, the only thing abnormal is my LDL cholesterol (too high) and HDL (too low) which he states I needed to become more physically active. All other bloodwork has come back normal as well as any tests have come back normal.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member

    Adderral is known for surpressing appetite. Talk to your doctor.

    That is the thing, we have tried every other medication for ADHD. Strattera made me apathetic to the point it almost caused me a divorce, Vyvanse made my heart feel like it was going to explode, Concerta did nothing. All that was left was Adderall which has worked, but that appetite suppressant part is what is getting me.

    So in a rock and a hard place regarding medication wise.

    Getting the food in front of you is half the battle. I take Adderall and have no appetite. Until it starts to wear off and then I do, and all I want is fat and sugar RIGHT NAO! I have to make myself eat during the day, even if I don't think I'm hungry. It's hard to motivate myself to get a meal ready when I really don't want to eat, so having some things ready in advance really helps. And once I start eating, I find that I'm enjoying it and it's no longer forced. You're going to have to work on it and make it a part of your routine. I've tried other meds and the other stimulants also suppress appetite. Good luck!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    So you only eat in the evenings, then? That's not really a problem... unless you go kerazy to make up for a day's lack of calories. Check out intermittent fasting. Go 16 hours without eating, then eat within an 8 hour window. You will still get fat if you overeat during the eating window...

    You don't even need to eat breakfast. Or porridge. I don't know which swine has been spreading rumours that you need to eat porridge for breakfast but the local Tesco is always out of the cheap porridge because people want to have a "healthy" breakfast. :grumble: (I only eat porridge because I'm on a bulk.)

    Nope, don't go crazy eating thankfully. I just eat a small portion of meat or salad, then I am good to go.

    Then if you're still moving towards your goal, keep going. :-)

    If things go awry then check out the sexypants thread for what seems to be a sensible solution for long term weight management: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Carbs really drive my appetite....
    If I cut back on them, I don't feel as hungry....
    If I start eating carbs, I just get hungrier.

    See that's the thing, when I eat carbs it all goes into storage. So I phased out most if not all my carbs. (Have no desire for fast food, rice every now and then) I wonder if it could be because of my ADHD medicine. I have to take Adderall to keep me on track all the time being a mom who homeschools. (Been on this type of medication since I was in high school)

    How long have you been taking the adderall? When I first started it I had a hard time choking down 500 calories a day. I was just never hungry. It gradually got better but it took about a month.

  • Getting the food in front of you is half the battle. I take Adderall and have no appetite. Until it starts to wear off and then I do, and all I want is fat and sugar RIGHT NAO! I have to make myself eat during the day, even if I don't think I'm hungry. It's hard to motivate myself to get a meal ready when I really don't want to eat, so having some things ready in advance really helps. And once I start eating, I find that I'm enjoying it and it's no longer forced. You're going to have to work on it and make it a part of your routine. I've tried other meds and the other stimulants also suppress appetite. Good luck!

    That's my battle right now, I am during the day thinking "Food? Blech." I have to take my son to the orthodontic doctor today, so going to stop by a local nutrition shop and look into meal replacement shakes. At least something to get into my system to at least force calories and nutrients in, so I don't literally neglect my body since I have started to work out.
  • How long have you been taking the adderall? When I first started it I had a hard time choking down 500 calories a day. I was just never hungry. It gradually got better but it took about a month.

    Oh wow, I am 35 now, when we finally got to Adderall being the best solution for me, that was about two years ago. Was taking different ADHD meds beginning in 1998 I think? Then finally hit the correct type and dosage that wasn't too much for my heart, but was enough to keep my mind in line with the workload I was doing. So instead of my mind being all over the place, which bless my husbands heart was slowly driving him insane, I can focus on projects, schoolwork, etc without looking out the window and going "SQUIRREL!"