Ravenous day

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
Ugh, damnit. I'm having one of those ravenous days where no matter how much I eat I keep feeling hungry. I've pigged out, and I don't even want to know how far over my calories I am. And I'm still freaking hungry.

I wish I knew why this happens... am I lacking in something? Maybe I need something in the foods i'm hungry for? I just don't get it.


  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Ugh, damnit. I'm having one of those ravenous days where no matter how much I eat I keep feeling hungry. I've pigged out, and I don't even want to know how far over my calories I am. And I'm still freaking hungry.

    I wish I knew why this happens... am I lacking in something? Maybe I need something in the foods i'm hungry for? I just don't get it.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I've noticed that I get those days if I have a few days where I'm really low in either protein or carbs. . .maybe check your reports?

    Also, for whatever reason, there are some days my appetite just goes nuts, where I'm physically very hungry. I've worked really hard the past few years at recognizing the difference between stress hungry and real, physical hunger, and some days I'm just hungry. I'm sure there's some scientific reason for this. . .but I don't know what it is.
  • XimePaz
    XimePaz Posts: 2
    As a woman we always have the excuse that our metabolism speeds up once a month, but you guys, you have no excuse, unless you've deprived yourself and now your body is trying to make up for it (going on starvation mode) or maybe you're just stressed/depressed/emotional eater. I too lack major self-control, no matter the day of the month, its constant! I'm supposed to be consuming 1200 calrories, I've already gone over 780 and I haven't even left work. I guess I won't have dinner tonight and might have to fit in another work out session. It's hard isn't it!?!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    How is your water in take. Sometimes drinking extra water helps me with being hungry. I was feeling like you are yesterday, went to bed still hungry. But better today. :flowerforyou:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Hmm, interesting. I've been extremely low on carbs the past few days which ties in with that idea. I've also been drinking a lot of water. Last night I worked out for a few hours.. maybe that has something to do with it? Ugh.
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Ugh I hate those days, I do the same as you....come here for motivation. After having a couple of those episodes I"ve learned if I'll juse EAT, not binge but eat an honest to goodness balanced full meal with my meat, veggies and starches and a small dessert, that will usually satisfy me. I was like that last Friday and I finally gave in.....went to the sandwich shop w/dh where we split a chicken salad sandwich, each had a cup of soup and I ate the cookie that came with the meal. I'm still satisfied from that meal!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    You taking vitamins?

    Just a thought.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I am, I take one-a-day men's formula with my morning cup of tea every day.

    I'm thinking today might just be a freak day, with a hurt neck and sore arms my body might be wanting more I'm giving it, not to mention doing a ton more exercise daily.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am definitely hungrier on the day following a really intense workout.
  • BreaNix
    BreaNix Posts: 205 Member
    If you worked out for so long yesterday and have been low on carbs latey no wonder you are hungry.

    You have been doing great and are inspiring!

    Its not easy figuring out if you are craving something or just having a hungry day.
    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I have had nothing *but* ravenous days since I went off the lexapro. I am hungry all the time! I am lucky I have only gained 6 pounds or so, but it seems like I'm starting to level off. I hope so, and so does my poor stomach.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Welp, I took yesterday as a cheat day and just ate what I wanted. The downside is I feel gross today. But I've been eating all healthy stuff since I woke up. Just hate this feeling in the morning, ugggh.