Share Your Goals - It Helps Motivation!

Hello, everyone!

I've heard that sharing your goals with people - especially friends and members of your community - improves your chances of reaching those goals. Since we are all here to make long term and sustainable lifestyle changes, I figured it would be a great place to share some of mine.

While I have attached number goals to my weight loss, I am really more focused on other aspects. However, I'll list all of my goals and motivations here. I hope you'll do the same!

Feel free to send me a friend request too - I'm always looking to expand my support network! (And I do my best to comment and support as often as possible!)

- FEEL healthy, LOOK better, BE stronger.
- Lose ~75 pounds
- Be able to find a pair of pants that fit everywhere; not just the waist/hips, not just the legs, EVERYWHERE.
- Those dream pants are a pair of dark wash skinny jeans.
- Feel confident in a bikini

The list goes on and on, but those are the main ones! I'm 5 pounds down, which is 6% of the way there. I can do this, and you can reach your goals too!


  • keonor89
    keonor89 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I too am learning that goals are important!

    -Feel better
    -Look better
    -Get stronger
    -Lose 100lbs
    -Walk in heels :-)

    We can definitely reach these goals!
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I believe in sharing goals too. I changed mine (they are on my profile I you want to know more) when I realized that most would be achieved one day and then nothing would prevent me from gaining back cause my goals would have been reached anyway... This is what happened to me many times in the past. Now that I identify this pattern, I am aiming for goals that can never be reached. The carrot will be forever dangling close to my nose... Will it work? I am convinced it will...
  • Inrequia
    Inrequia Posts: 53 Member
    I believe in sharing goals too. I changed mine (they are on my profile I you want to know more) when I realized that most would be achieved one day and then nothing would prevent me from gaining back cause my goals would have been reached anyway... This is what happened to me many times in the past. Now that I identify this pattern, I am aiming for goals that can never be reached. The carrot will be forever dangling close to my nose... Will it work? I am convinced it will...

    Hmm.. I never thought of that! Personally, I really love the feeling of achieving a goal, but I tend to set high ones for myself. I hope that works out for you!

    It's such a good feeling to identify issues and flaws with our plans and then do something about it.
  • Inrequia
    Inrequia Posts: 53 Member
    Yeaaaah! Heels have a way of making a lady feel so fine ;)
  • toridehaven
    -Keep up with my kids
    -Look & feel sexy in lingerie
    -Wear a bikini for the first time ever
    -Wear a pair of jeans in the single digit range
    -Run a whole mile without stopping
  • Inrequia
    Inrequia Posts: 53 Member
    -Keep up with my kids
    -Look & feel sexy in lingerie
    -Wear a bikini for the first time ever
    -Wear a pair of jeans in the single digit range
    -Run a whole mile without stopping

    Fantastic goals! I've never worn a bikini either - next summer is our summer!
  • smithbeck2
    smithbeck2 Posts: 36 Member
    -Lose 30 lbs
    -run a half marathon
    -keep up with my kids as they get older
    -feel sexy

    My current goal is to not gain over the holidays. A loss would be great but really I just want to maintain for the next few weeks!
  • Chellellelle
    Chellellelle Posts: 595 Member
    -Lose 10 pounds by the time I go to Vegas in April

    I have other goals, but that is my immediate one right now. :)
  • davidaward14
    davidaward14 Posts: 14 Member
    My goals is to maintain the weight loss and continuously challenge myself!
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    To finally get six pack abs to show! Almost there:)
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    My goals:

    Lose 1.5 pounds per week for a total of 6 pounds a month and an overall total of 36 pounds by May 31ish. I would like to drop from 27 percent body fat to about 22 percent or 21. I would like to be able to have a firm booty...:) And get rid of the "bat wings" on my arms. Though they aren't terrible, but still, jiggly and I hate that! I would like ABS! I haven't had those since I was in tenth grade. So yeah...those are my goals...why? Well, to be healthy for my two little ones and to prove that I can accomplish something. And two, my ten year high school reunion is coming up. But mostly, to be healthy and to prove to myself that I CAN DO THIS!

  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I can taste my weight loss goal from here, so mine are:

    1. Make maintenance stick this time, through sustainable practices. Yo-yo be gone!
    2. Complete my Virtual Ride Around the Equator on my mini-bike. I'm past the 4,000 mile mark (since Sept. 1, 2012). Completing the "ride" will take at least another 5-6 years.
    3. Keep building stamina and mileage in my return to running. Participate in local runs.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I want to lose the last 10lbs by my wedding in Oct- and keep them off! I also really want to fit into my nice designer jeans from college. Getting there!
  • Inrequia
    Inrequia Posts: 53 Member
    I can taste my weight loss goal from here, so mine are:

    1. Make maintenance stick this time, through sustainable practices. Yo-yo be gone!
    2. Complete my Virtual Ride Around the Equator on my mini-bike. I'm past the 4,000 mile mark (since Sept. 1, 2012). Completing the "ride" will take at least another 5-6 years.
    3. Keep building stamina and mileage in my return to running. Participate in local runs.

    That virtual ride goal is so neat! I may have to try that one day!
  • Inrequia
    Inrequia Posts: 53 Member
    We can meet and EXCEED these goals if we stick together and stay motivated. Keep 'em coming, guys! Accountability! Dedication! Endurance!
  • eugovogue
    At first my goal was to win my workplace weight loss challenge (which may happen still), but now I see that my goals are to:

    -Get 6pack abs (all my fat goes to my legs thankfully, so I think I can really do this)
    -Loose fat mass in legs, go down to a solid size 6 (instead of being in between a 6 and 8)
    -tone up and have visible thigh muscle
    -be stronger (hold my planks for longer, more push ups)
    -greater endurance on treadmill
    -lose 12lbs (8lbs to go!)

  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    - Not die of a heart attack at 46 like my dad!
    - Lose at least another 60 pounds
    - Run a 5km
    - Do the spartan Race at some point
    - Be comfortable and feel sexy in heels
    - Wear form fitting/sexy clothes like pencil skirts
    - Feel comfortable naked
    - Not feel ``fat`` anymore
    - Gain self-confidence (I know it`s not all about weight, but it helps)
    - Be a good examples for my daughters
    - Feel in control of my body

    and about ten thousands more reasons!
  • Arabian45
    I want to maintain my weight, if not gain more SOLELY through muscle mass. Want (need) to eat more to refuel properly after working out. Want to feel and look healthy, not necessarily skinny (skinny and fit are two entirely different things). I want to accept myself the way God accepts me. Any females out there who struggle with not accepting themselves or their body?
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I want to look better and feel better.

    I will never wear a bikini, but a swimsuit would be nice. :)

    I want to be able to quit taking blood pressure meds.

    I want to be fit and develop some muscle tone in my abs.

    I want to be the best I can be, both physically and mentally.
  • lizfiz50
    lizfiz50 Posts: 179 Member
    Get to a size 14/16 by next month.