HCG Questions

I keep hearing about this HCG diet, so I want to get more info just for curiosity.

I'm sure this has been posted before, but it doesn't seem safe. I'm wondering, what are the arguments for it, aside from rapid weight loss?

I know that few to none will listen to me because when it comes to rapid weight loss, who wouldn't give that a try.. but I was on the Atkins diet for years, lost 50 pounds, and gained back 130. I know it's a different diet, but as far as the speediness of the weight loss, it seems similar to me.

I would argue the most educated nutritionalist at the time that what I was doing was right, and all the evidence to back it up. Looking back, I realize now that being on Atkins my whole life was not something I would be able to live by. I truely believe that by limiting my carbs and sugars so excessively, I became "allergic" to carbs (for lack of better term) because when I re-introduced them back into my diet, it's as if my body didn't know how to use them, and it very quickly turned to fat.

Maybe I don't fully undersatnd the plan, but it seems that if you limit your body to 500 calories a day, once you stop living by that, it would be like a person on a 1,200 calorie diet suddenly eating 3,000 a day.. the body would just start storing it all. Not to mention all the muscle mass that must be lost by the body scravenging to find extra calories. I know it will burn the fat storage too, but I know that it will burn the muscle as well.

Anyways, just curious.. fill me in on what I'm missing.


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    do a search on the forums here and you will find a lot of posts.
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    Click on "Search" and type in "Don't judge me please" . There's lots of information about it.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I don't like fad diets. I don't want to spend my life on a diet. My Mom did that and can't eat right for the life of her. She doesn't even know how anymore. So I'm sticking with learning how to eat sensibly and exercise. Your body knows how to use food if you aren't screwing around with it. And eating good or bad food your whole life screws with your mind until food is no longer food. I want a life, not a diet.

    Whatever people to do help themselves doesn't mean it's bad. I'm just going for a different outlook. I'm not fat me, or skinny me. I'm trying to be me. So anything that reinforces me not being okay the way I am is out. When I was pregnant and breastfeeding, btw, I was a super baby incubator and gained. As a person should. I like to be the non pregnant me better. Because I'm not pregnant.
  • SharonsJetSet
    The best kind of diet to be on is one you can stick to for the rest of your life. The HCG diet is not for me. I hear they can lose lots of weight real fast which is probably good if you have a short-term goal to meet such as a wedding, class reunion etc. However, typically no one gains weight quickly and therefore should not lose it quickly. Its not good for your body that's trying to balance your system. Again, not saying the HCG isn't good for some, its just not what I would recommend.

    And Nammyl - LOVED your post!!
  • krisdw
    krisdw Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for the reply's.. I'm not considering it though, I just wanted to know the arguments for it.
  • ylekiot
    The HCG diet seems to be popular among a lot of people I know lately thanks to a book by Kevin Trudeau. If you are uncomfortable with that source there are several websites about the HCG diet and a few about how it has been used in weight-loss for years. It is a controversial diet and it is not a cure as some would have you believe. I've seen several people lose fantastic amounts of weight very quickly...I've also seen a few put back on the same fantastic amount of weight in almost the same amount of time. Before you do the diet do a lot of research and know that lotions, lip balms and some cosmetics are off limits because they contain lipids.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    It seems like it would be easier just to eat and throw up your food, IMHO. Which I don't think is a good option. Is there any good reason to have to loose weight so fast that you need to do something like this? I guess it's not for me.

    And my hormones are wacked out enough naturally!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    One of my friends did HCG and lost 100 lbs in about 6 - 7 months. Now, 8 months has passed.... he's gained 40 of it back already, because he has returned to his old eating habits. He still goes to the gym, but his eating is HORRIBLE (he eats fast, and bad... as in the time it took me to eat ONE taco, he ate 3 tacos, a bean burrito, and a quesadilla from taco bell).

    So yeah, you may lose weight, but it's all gonna come back, because it is definitely not the right way or a lifestyle change.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I have a friend who lost 90lbs in about a year eating better and exercising. After returning to her "old eating habits" she has gained most of it back. :huh: Wow, no matter how you lose it, if you go back to doing the same thing you will eventually gain it all back. Go figure. :indifferent:
  • dsmaddox
    There isn't a diet available that will help you keep the weight off if you go back to the same eating habits that caused you to gain the weight to begin with. I did the HCG diet and lost 47lbs. Its been 7 weeks since I stopped the diet and Ive lost an additional 19 lbs. You have to adjust your lifestyle PERMANENTLY for any diet to work. Ive found that the diet + the myfitnesspal phone app has helped me a ton. Just knowing my calorie count and keeping up with it helps you to determine what you can and cannot eat.

    For example. For b-fast I had a yogart and a cheese stick. For lunch my office brought in Fajitas. I was planning on having a steak for dinner. I limit myself to 2000 calories/day and the fajitas made it impossible for me to have steak for dinner - so Im going to have a small pork chop and brocolli. Counting my calories throughout the day allows me to know what I can and cannot eat later in the day.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    There isn't a diet available that will help you keep the weight off if you go back to the same eating habits that caused you to gain the weight to begin with. I did the HCG diet and lost 47lbs. Its been 7 weeks since I stopped the diet and Ive lost an additional 19 lbs. You have to adjust your lifestyle PERMANENTLY for any diet to work. Ive found that the diet + the myfitnesspal phone app has helped me a ton. Just knowing my calorie count and keeping up with it helps you to determine what you can and cannot eat.

    For example. For b-fast I had a yogart and a cheese stick. For lunch my office brought in Fajitas. I was planning on having a steak for dinner. I limit myself to 2000 calories/day and the fajitas made it impossible for me to have steak for dinner - so Im going to have a small pork chop and brocolli. Counting my calories throughout the day allows me to know what I can and cannot eat later in the day.

    100% Agree :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I have a friend who lost 90lbs in about a year eating better and exercising. After returning to her "old eating habits" she has gained most of it back. :huh: Wow, no matter how you lose it, if you go back to doing the same thing you will eventually gain it all back. Go figure. :indifferent:

    It really depends on if you learned your new lifestyle or not, doesn't it?
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member

    Kevin Trudeau made this diet 90% of what it really is not. DO NOT JUDGE THIS DIET BY HIS BOOK. I read the book and yes that where I first heard of HCG but he made it crazy!! Its not like that at all.
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    I keep hearing about this HCG diet, so I want to get more info just for curiosity.

    I'm sure this has been posted before, but it doesn't seem safe. I'm wondering, what are the arguments for it, aside from rapid weight loss?

    I know that few to none will listen to me because when it comes to rapid weight loss, who wouldn't give that a try.. but I was on the Atkins diet for years, lost 50 pounds, and gained back 130. I know it's a different diet, but as far as the speediness of the weight loss, it seems similar to me.

    I would argue the most educated nutritionalist at the time that what I was doing was right, and all the evidence to back it up. Looking back, I realize now that being on Atkins my whole life was not something I would be able to live by. I truely believe that by limiting my carbs and sugars so excessively, I became "allergic" to carbs (for lack of better term) because when I re-introduced them back into my diet, it's as if my body didn't know how to use them, and it very quickly turned to fat.

    Maybe I don't fully undersatnd the plan, but it seems that if you limit your body to 500 calories a day, once you stop living by that, it would be like a person on a 1,200 calorie diet suddenly eating 3,000 a day.. the body would just start storing it all. Not to mention all the muscle mass that must be lost by the body scravenging to find extra calories. I know it will burn the fat storage too, but I know that it will burn the muscle as well.

    Anyways, just curious.. fill me in on what I'm missing.
    Its better and fast than atkins
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    Please if you have a comment make it something that you know about or at least make it a question because comparing throwing up to hcg a diet where you eat 2 portions of lean meat, 2 portions of veggies, 2 fruits and also 2 small portions of carbs a day if wanted is really not comparible to throwing up and shows an insensitivity to those who suffer with bulemia so watch what you type.

    I eat cleaner and drink water all the time now and the first round I lost 18 and kept it off even while eating carbs, they were however cleaner, non processed carbs that were high in fiber so I hope you won't hold that against me as well but to me I'd rather eat those than the others.

    I have no issues with people genuinely saying they want opinions and input (maybe they have a friend or family member considering it?) like the OP. But hopefully it's that and not an intent to stir up drama. Again had np with the OP but to make comments that you have no clue about like some did on here just really makes me wonder why people would want to come across clueless? Research it, read up on it, ask on hcg forums or here how we feel, look, and what we actually eat but please lol don't make a comment about a diet that you know nothing of. Ask and you will get answers. Honest ones. I wish everyone the best in making their own choices and changes in life to achieve a healthier body.

    P.S. Of course if you go back to your old eating habits on any diet or do not continue with your healthier changes you will gain it back. That's just common sense. If you go back to it you were never ready to change in the first place and that has to do with you not the diet.
  • Irisherinfun
    Please if you have a comment make it something that you know about or at least make it a question because comparing throwing up to hcg a diet where you eat 2 portions of lean meat, 2 portions of veggies, 2 fruits and also 2 small portions of carbs a day if wanted is really not comparible to throwing up and shows an insensitivity to those who suffer with bulemia so watch what you type.

    I eat cleaner and drink water all the time now and the first round I lost 18 and kept it off even while eating carbs, they were however cleaner, non processed carbs that were high in fiber so I hope you won't hold that against me as well but to me I'd rather eat those than the others.

    I have no issues with people genuinely saying they want opinions and input (maybe they have a friend or family member considering it?) like the OP. But hopefully it's that and not an intent to stir up drama. Again had np with the OP but to make comments that you have no clue about like some did on here just really makes me wonder why people would want to come across clueless? Research it, read up on it, ask on hcg forums or here how we feel, look, and what we actually eat but please lol don't make a comment about a diet that you know nothing of. Ask and you will get answers. Honest ones. I wish everyone the best in making their own choices and changes in life to achieve a healthier body.

    P.S. Of course if you go back to your old eating habits on any diet or do not continue with your healthier changes you will gain it back. That's just common sense. If you go back to it you were never ready to change in the first place and that has to do with you not the diet.

    Well Said AZMOM!