Hello everyone!

I have already done this an gave up. This time i plan on making it a priority. Currently at 150 and i want to atleast be 130. Any advice? Exercise suggestions or diets? Thank you :)


  • lauragokey5
    I too am starting over again....I think I'm really going to focus on tracking my food this time. Friend me if you want!
  • SgtWife25
    SgtWife25 Posts: 7 Member
    I would just stay watch your food intake. Try the Sworkit App. It has circuit training for you. Or if your up for a challenge Melissa Bender has a blog- Do the 3 month Bikini workouts. :-) You definitely will see results especially toning. :-)
    Im not a huge diet person. I love food. I will eat food but i will also watch my portions.
    I do push alot of protein since im wanting to build muscle. So i lift heavy and i still do my cardio. :-)