Dietitian/ Fitness Trainer-Yes I need to lose weight

I am at the upper end of my "healthy BMI", but I feel like crap. And my blood pressure is actually pre-hypertension! Not only that, but as a "Healthy Lifestyle Coach" for a living (yes I am a Certified Personal Trainer, and Registered Dietitian), it is important for me to be a role model. But I am HUMAN, Damnit! I like food and wine and beer! I like making cookies with the kids, and eating them. I like dates with the hubby and drinking a little too much and then having dessert!
SOOOO trying to reign it in enough to lose about 12 pounds, while still enjoying life. Can anyone relate to anything I am saying?!! GAH!!!!!!!


  • Zebra_chels
    Zebra_chels Posts: 3 Member
    Omg ! I know how you feel! I just gave birth 3 months ago and trying to shred this weight off is a struggle. I plan to go vegatarian! Lol we will see how that goes. Just hang in there girl! You can do it if you believe in yourself !! :)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    12 pounds doesn't sound That bad!

    We're here to help motivate! You certainly know mentally what you Should be doing!!!!

    Feel free to add me
  • SgtWife25
    SgtWife25 Posts: 7 Member
    You got this! Im with you, i love cookies, drinking, & having fun. But just gotta cut back. :-)
  • OH gosh it is so nice to see all the responses. I have been logging on MFP on and off for a year, but put on weight since starting work full time 6 months ago. 12 pounds may not seem like much to lose, but it feels daunting.

    I have been too embarrassed to put anything on here, because "I should know what to do," but the fact is, I need some motivation and some accountability. So, if you want to help motivate the trainer/ dietitian, PLEASE FRIEND ME!! If you provide me motivation and accountability, I would be happy to answer any factual info on nutrition and exercise :bigsmile: LOL... I have been doing this for 10+ years!

    So I am 5'6 and 141 lbs. I want to be 128 lbs. So I guess that's 13lbs if you ask me today ;) I am also a 37 year old mother of 2 who wants to look good in a bikini well in to my 50's. But mostly, I want to have lots of energy to play with my kids when I get home from work!
  • :wink: Thanks for encouragement. Let's stay in touch here!