My net cals and stats for one week. Why no weight loss?



  • Arbeidslyst
    According to recent research, eating more often just makes you want to eat all day long. Your body never gets a rest and you never get to tap into those fat stores. Dr. Michael Mosley mentioned this in his research. You body needs downtime to do repairs and to rebuild. Think about our ancestors. Do you think cavemen ate every 3 hours? Nope. They may have gone for days and not eaten a thing. Our bodies were made to tap into those fat stores when there is no food available.

    Here are some links that may be helpful:

    Documentary from Michael Mosley

    Link to Mosley's Website

    The Fast Guide

    Bottom line, you have to find what works for you. Check with your doctor because everyone is different and one person's lifestyle may not be good for someone with health issues. Be safe.

    I can post links as well
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    All of the above have answers.
    Eat more to me is eat MORE LOW CAL FOOD.

    I used Jenny Craig x 2 and it worked for weightloss but its not a lifestyle that I could afford long term.

    Vegetables can be eaten in very large quantities - with a low calorie total.
    WEIGH EVERYTHING and record.

    I stay away from highly refined Carbohydrate because they aren't filling and they have No nutritional benefit.
    Keep modest amounts of your binge food in your life as this will stop you binging.
    Menstration caused me to go up 1kg or more per cycle.

    Exercise is good for your health but ultimately it will not help you lose much weight. - it is very important for all the other reasons.
  • nikigmoney
    Your right,starving yourself and not taking into account energy level, or food cravings or the fact that people might want to be healthy and not so skinny they almost die. You should really rewrite the nasm, and issa certification texts. If I am not credible then neither are they.
  • nikigmoney
    Not to mention the fact that I was only trying to help someone, maybe if you would eat something you wouldn't be so cranky:happy:
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    Reading the OP is precisely why I believe that weighing yourself every week can be detrimental in the short run for some folks. Notice I said "can be". If a person is given to having to see some measurable number (downward) on the scale every single week to judge whether they are successfully losing weight, that person could be is setting themselves up for failure. There are just too many variables that are in play when a person steps on a scale every week. Not to mention, some people do it every day which is crazy in my opinion.
  • nikigmoney
    Ugh, please stop with the myths, you're losing all your credibility. Eating 6 times a day makes no difference. Fasting makes no difference, as long as you get your total calories in for the day.

    It takes almost 4 days of complete fasting to have any negative metabolic effects. Fasting for 18-24 hours does not have any negative effects.

    I feel badly for your clients, since you're obviously lacking the basic scientific knowledge to help them. Go read some actual studies.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    You're off to a good start! Patience! You can't expect results in 7 days. Hunker down to the long haul. Forget 'diet'. Think lifestyle change!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    OP, the strategy you are doing is the same one that failed for me. It took me a long time, but I finally found the strategy that works for me, which is LCHF. I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    This is the best thing I think you can do is try to eat healthy nutritious foods and drink enough water. Maybe try something like this:

    lemon water
    green smoothie (Mine is 1 cup water, 2 cups baby spinach and baby kale or other greens, 1/2 banana, 1/3 cup blueberries, I also add 1/3 cup fage yogurt or 1 tbl peanutbutter for protein-I don't like protein powders, a few mint leaves, cilantro leaves, a tiny bit of ginger)
    2 boiled eggs with salt, pepper, paprika, and a little extra virgin olive oil

    1/4 cup raw unsalted almonds or other nuts

    lean chicken or fish
    lots of veggies (especially green)

    1 gala apple or other fruits/veggies

    lean chicken of fish
    lots of veggies (especially green)
    sweet potato

    LOTS of water, add lemon, cucumber, mint if you want

    After dinner "tea":
    1/4 lemon juice
    few mint leaves
    few cilantro leaves
    tiny bit of fresh ginger
    add boiling hot water, drink after a few minutes

    Some form of activity as often as possible every day. (cardio 3x, strength 3x, walking whenever possible)

    Medjool dates could replace the m&ms for any sweet cravings. Mix up the fruit and veggies and it can have tons of variety. A high quality multi-vitamin might be worth adding as well. The idea here is to work towards a healthier lifestyle that involves foods that nourish the body with vitamins and minerals, not just empty calories. I really hope this helps.
  • Fridaklo77
    give it more time - and eat often, even if its almonds, veggies, - keep active, everything counts, taking the stairs. etc. Drink H2!
    Let us know how it goes .......... you are not alone!
  • nikigmoney
    Here is a quote from a study

    "During the first six to twenty-four hours of avoiding food, your body will use stored sugar called glycogen (gl-eye-co-gin). This fuel does not last forever, and once it is gone the body will spend the next two to ten days using amino acids from your muscle tissue as well as fat to make more sugar for the body. This is not a lucky thing since a loss of muscle means a less efficient metabolism overtime.

    This may be surprising to some who think fat is the primary fuel during times of fasting. While some fat is being burned, muscle loss can still be significant (as much as 20 to 50%). Fat becomes the primary fuel after a fast has lasted greater than seven to ten days.

    This is an ancient survival mechanism of our ancestors that served them well. However, for us it is a liability since long before 10 days have gone by, you will have likely already broken the fast by inhaling large amounts of sweets and/or fatty foods (this is what the body craves after it is deprived). This can set up a fasting and binging cycle where small amounts of muscle are lost each time and fat is gained or stays the same.

    So, rather than fasts that lasts days or weeks, it is far better to engage in short fasts. Remember within one day of a fast you can begin stripping muscle off of your body, which is something you will regret overtime as your body begins to sag (weight training reverses this). A soft skinny body “skinny fat” is a sure sign of chronic low calorie diets and/or fasting without exercise."

    So I guess the question is, do you want to lose weight or do you want to lose fat while increasing lean body mass. Fasting will make you lose weight but there are healthier ways to achieve this.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    You need to log fruit and veggies along with everything else.

    If I eat 1 apple, 1 banana, and 1 orange, I have consumed between 200 and 300 calories. Do that over 7 days and you have 1500 to 2000 extra calories. Not losing weight? No wonder.
  • IsaacHudson
    IsaacHudson Posts: 33 Member
    According to recent research, eating more often just makes you want to eat all day long. Your body never gets a rest and you never get to tap into those fat stores. Dr. Michael Mosley mentioned this in his research. You body needs downtime to do repairs and to rebuild. Think about our ancestors. Do you think cavemen ate every 3 hours? Nope. They may have gone for days and not eaten a thing. Our bodies were made to tap into those fat stores when there is no food available.

    Here are some links that may be helpful:

    Documentary from Michael Mosley

    Link to Mosley's Website

    The Fast Guide

    Bottom line, you have to find what works for you. Check with your doctor because everyone is different and one person's lifestyle may not be good for someone with health issues. Be safe.

    I can post links as well

    I couldn't be bothered reading all of your links, but the first 2 certainly don't do anything for an anti-fasting argument.

    And no I don't fast.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Trying to reconcile this...
    ....I still try to walk at least 3-4 miles, 4-5 days a week.
    With this...
    ...Cals burned:476...Cals burned: 707...Cals burned: 408 ...Cals burned: 470
    At your posted weight, doing a 4 mile walk is just over 200 extra calories. Where are those high burn numbers coming from? I ask because over-estimating exercise burns is one of the most common mistakes in the MFP community, and before any thought of "eating more" I suggest making sure the numbers being logged are correct.