
So I'm thinking this maybe more useful to me with friends. I started a couple of month ago but haven't really been using this consistently. I've pretty much been slightly overweight my entire life, and I'm tired of saying I'm going to loose weight and never actually doing it. That's just making me a liar to myself : / SO......... I'm a lot of fun. I'm a grad student. I'm 153 and I think I want to be 135. I'm 5'5". I care less about the number and more about looking good, so we'll see how 135 looks. I'm a vegetarian but I love having friends who eat meat. And I'm trying to be gluten free but being a gluten free vegetarian out at dinner with friends makes me the most annoying person ever. So I'm trying to find a good balance.

I'd love to hear your stories :)


  • kliermann
    wow gluten free vegetarian thats expensive!

    I have to say the community on here has really helped me in the past im just now cooming back and hope it will again.

    I was underweight my whole life went to germany for 3 years with awsome beer and jager boom blew up went from 120 lbs to over 200...then I deployed to Iraq and my boss was a body builder so I started body building got a rock hard 6 pack went up in weight to 230 lean and then pushed myself to hard and tore my bicep and then....i got fat again lost it with dieting but it effected my life to much to diet and not workout was able to start working out again and hurt my knee and ankle now im just able to start working out again and im excited to keep it going...so feel free to add me if you would like i got a lot of weight to lose still so ill be here a while
    So I'm thinking this maybe more useful to me with friends. I started a couple of month ago but haven't really been using this consistently. I've pretty much been slightly overweight my entire life, and I'm tired of saying I'm going to loose weight and never actually doing it. That's just making me a liar to myself : / SO......... I'm a lot of fun. I'm a grad student. I'm 153 and I think I want to be 135. I'm 5'5". I care less about the number and more about looking good, so we'll see how 135 looks. I'm a vegetarian but I love having friends who eat meat. And I'm trying to be gluten free but being a gluten free vegetarian out at dinner with friends makes me the most annoying person ever. So I'm trying to find a good balance.

    I'd love to hear your stories :)