Focus T25

I just purchased Focus T25 from Beach Body. I am not ready to try Shakeology because of the mix reviews. My question is did anyone still receive great results with T25 without drinking Shakeology.


  • Yes, within 2 weeks I saw results xx
  • Krystal287
    Krystal287 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    Just saw the T25 commercial for the first time today. It seems reasonable. . .25 minutes. . . everyone can fit in 25 minutes!
    Let us know how it works.
  • Slim2k
    Slim2k Posts: 57 Member
    Completed our first session today. Not 100% convinced, as we're switching over from insanity for the time. We were both sweating at the end. A lot more gentle on the joints than insanity and I like the modifier, as my foot plays up a little.

    We're both hoping foe body changes and I want to lose weight (6lb in 4 weeks)

    But we'll stick with it for the 10 weeks, we live in the uk so shakeology isn't really available.

    What annoyed me was, we have paid £100 for the programme and as soon as rhe DVD is in the Xbox, shakeology advert plays. Reminds me of the Disney movies when I was a kid.
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    I finished day 2 of T25 yesterday. I was definitely sweating. Im in it for at least 5 weeks. Hopefully 10. I have plateaued and am hoping this kicks me in gear.
  • How is it going? Are you keeping at it?
  • Beachbody will be going to the UK real soon so you will be able to get Shakeology if you like! :) How is the workout going for you?
  • I had great results from T25 without using Shakeology initially. I ultimately added Shakeology in and became a Coach so that I could get the discounts on Shakeology. I love it but realize it's a bit pricey for some people. As one of the other posters said, run a calorie deficit, follow the nutrition guide, and do the workouts and I think you'll see great results. I am a big proponent of Primal eating, I think if you get processed foods out of your diet that'll also help you see results.

    Also, if you are interested I've got a T25 New Year's Challenge Group going. Here is the link!
  • Completed our first session today. Not 100% convinced, as we're switching over from insanity for the time. We were both sweating at the end. A lot more gentle on the joints than insanity and I like the modifier, as my foot plays up a little.

    We're both hoping foe body changes and I want to lose weight (6lb in 4 weeks)

    But we'll stick with it for the 10 weeks, we live in the uk so shakeology isn't really available.

    What annoyed me was, we have paid £100 for the programme and as soon as rhe DVD is in the Xbox, shakeology advert plays. Reminds me of the Disney movies when I was a kid.

    I found that if you do two of the T25 workouts back-to-back it seems to be on par with Insanity. Keep in mind, Shaun T has stated multiple times that T25 was not meant to be another Insanity.
  • Krystal287
    Krystal287 Posts: 3 Member
    It is going good. I am on week 3. I didn't lose much weight but losing inches. I have to use the modifier a lot. The 25 minutes goes by really fast. Shaun is a great motivator.
  • I am just getting into week 7. I am down a little over 20 lbs but MFP only shows what I lost since joining. I am down at least one dress size and can see a huge difference in my midsection.

    I am only doing 1500 calories a day at most.

    So T25 without Shakeology definitely works
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    It definitely works. I have done T25 without shakeology and have lost weight

    move more + eat less = weight loss =) no matter what the program is
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    It is going good. I am on week 3. I didn't lose much weight but losing inches. I have to use the modifier a lot. The 25 minutes goes by really fast. Shaun is a great motivator.

    FWIW, I'm on week 9 and might be just starting to lose some weight now. I lost some inches, but even that didn't start until the Beta phase when the weights were added in. The only real benefits I've seen so far have been increased endurance on the exercises (being able to keep up with the group longer before switching to modifier on certain exercises) and increased athleticism as far as range of motion, ability to do certain exercises, etc. I have a friend who is repeating the Alpha phase now because she didn't feel ready to go on to Beta and she did not see huge losses so far either. It's a good program if you are short on time and helps get you into a routine, but you may not see the huge weight changes unless you are very strict about keeping your calorie intake down.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Completed our first session today. Not 100% convinced, as we're switching over from insanity for the time. We were both sweating at the end. A lot more gentle on the joints than insanity and I like the modifier, as my foot plays up a little.

    We're both hoping foe body changes and I want to lose weight (6lb in 4 weeks)

    But we'll stick with it for the 10 weeks, we live in the uk so shakeology isn't really available.

    What annoyed me was, we have paid £100 for the programme and as soon as rhe DVD is in the Xbox, shakeology advert plays. Reminds me of the Disney movies when I was a kid.
    I do a bit of a warm up whilst its on.
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    I do not drink Shakeo and I am on week 9 of T25. So far I am down 25 lbs and over 22 inches.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    The program is OK, but I'm finding Alpha dull tbh. Has anyone skipped the rest of alpha and gone straight to Beta? I've done Insanity before and I was hoping this would be Insanity in 25 minutes, but its not - not enough press ups or burpeesfor it to be a full body toning workout.

    God help me, I miss level 1 drills!
  • hardenedheartx
    hardenedheartx Posts: 42 Member
    Keep at it. I wouldn't skip Alpha. Just finish it and keep going. Beta and Gamma get progressively tougher. Believe me you will get your burpees and your pushups soon. You will see results. I was skeptical, but follow the program. I saw a huge difference.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I just got this yesterday and I'm excited to start it. I was trying to figure out how the workouts go... can someone please confirm:

    Gamma Hybrid


    I'm currently eating 1,800-1,900 calories a day because I workout like a crazy person and still intend to do my regular workouts on my lunch hour at work. I was thinking of lowering to 1,650-1,750 because I want to see quicker results in my mid section - I had the pack going and got sick, so I'm super pissed off that I lost all that progress and am keeping my fingers crossed that I can get it back within the next month.

    Add me as a friend if you want to keep dibs on each other!
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    I've been thinking about getting T25 for a while but I'm in the UK as well so Shakeology would cost me a fortune to buy. Is it like a protein shake or more like a meal replacement? Is there another product you could substitute for it?
  • hardenedheartx
    hardenedheartx Posts: 42 Member
    I have done Insanity and T25 without Shakeology and have had amazing results. You don't need that stuff to do the workouts.