Lifters: beta alanine?

I've been taking beta alanine for a while now, and it's all good. I'm about to run out however, and I don't really know whether to bother restocking.
Do you think that the small benefit that beta alanine gives is worth the cost?


  • UCSMiami
    UCSMiami Posts: 97 Member
    I tried it and had incredible focus but would have jitters the next day after any type of caffeine stimultion. Not tingles which were expected the day of intake but jitters the next day without intake. Apparently it does affect some folks in that manner. I dropped it. Some folks swear by it at my gym and have developed a tolerance where they feel no tingles.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I dropped it as well. I tried using it for a few different benefits that I had heard came with it, but I was able to receive some of them without it (and never received the others). I would try going without it for a month or two and see if there's a noticeable difference. If you keep all the factors the same, then you should be able to discern whether it was beneficial to you or not.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    been researching this quite alot this past couple of days.

    I'm in favour of using it. just ordered some. its so damn cheap too...250 odd serves for 40 bucks i think.
    stacking it with creatine.

    there has been a few articles put up on PUBMED that are worth a look.

    from what i understand, cycling it on and off equally might be the best way to continually benefit from its supplementation.
    combining with taurine is said to help and counter the requirement to cycle it. but i need to read more on that.