Bad week...

My calorie goal is 1330.

Today I was at 1,901. The day before that, 1,607. On Saturday, at 1,597. I wince typing this, but I've only made my goal four times since Thanksgiving.

The thing is, I KNOW what's going on. I have to go get my gallbladder out Friday and I'm nervous about the surgery -- not unduly so, but enough that I'm stress-eating. Add that to the usual December range of holiday parties and treats all over the place, plus crappy weather that's keeping me inside more than usual, and KABLOOIE! Blown diet.

So ... advice? Support? Hugs? Part of me feels like it's crazy to be worrying about calories when I'm going to have surgery, but I know if I just totally let this go I'll end up falling off the wagon entirely.


  • queenbekks
    queenbekks Posts: 58 Member
    Hugs! I have only made goal a few times in the past few weeks, too, only I don't even have the excuse of stress eating, lol! But you're still here, still tracking, and sometimes that just has to be enough. If you never quit, you can't fail! Maybe just go on maintenance until your recovery is over? I have found that sometimes just seeing that slightly higher number makes me relax, and hitting the goal a few days in a row gets the inertia going again.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    Hugs! I have only made goal a few times in the past few weeks, too, only I don't even have the excuse of stress eating, lol! But you're still here, still tracking, and sometimes that just has to be enough. If you never quit, you can't fail! Maybe just go on maintenance until your recovery is over? I have found that sometimes just seeing that slightly higher number makes me relax, and hitting the goal a few days in a row gets the inertia going again.

    Thanks! I like the sound of "if you never quit, you can't fail." Never heard it before.

    And yeah, I might switch to maintenance and see if things look better. It's not like I was going to be losing that much weight before the end of the year anyhow. Thanks for the thought.
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    The holiday parties have started up, I spent this weekend eating every slowcooker meatball in sight, and drinking every martini or wine spritzer handed to me.

    I'm going to switch my goals to maintenance for the month of December, and just try to slide through Christmas without gaining.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The thing is, I KNOW what's going on.

    Are you sure about that? If the problem truly was the holiday season or upcoming surgery, you wouldn't be needing to be on a caloric deficit in the first place.

    Don't look for external reasons - the answers lie within us.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    The thing is, I KNOW what's going on.

    Are you sure about that? If the problem truly was the holiday season or upcoming surgery, you wouldn't be needing to be on a caloric deficit in the first place.

    Don't look for external reasons - the answers lie within us.

    I agree the larger problem -- not a pun -- is a pattern of bad choices on my part, and there's always going to be SOMETHING external I can blame, whether it's surgery or work stress or vacation or whatever. And you're right that making excuses doesn't really help anybody.

    However, I know myself. And the fact is, most of my weight has been gained in spurts of stress-related high calorie eating followed by long periods of relative control where my weight stayed stable. It's not the healthiest pattern -- but like you said, if I was great at healthy patterns I wouldn't need to be on a diet to start with. What I'm trying to do right now is head off the indulgences before they turn into crazy 3,000-calorie days that would undo all the good work I've done the last couple months.
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    I quite like Mercedespony's advice - going for maintenance if you feel you can't do the weight loss. Keep on honestly logging then at least you are still on some sort of track (even if it's not taking you to your desired destination!). You will get back to it when you are ready, and I too like queenbekks "if you never quit, you can't fail" !

    I also know how you feel as I have gone over my numbers few times this weekend and didn't log, yesterday I logged it and was over by about 600 cals, not good at all. today however is a fresh start and going to make concerted effort to get back on the track!

    you might need to just accept till after the op you are going to be haywire and then get yourself back in the zone afterwards good luck and give yourself a break, x