Thoughtful ideas for someone in hospital please !

My sport coach will be in hospital for an operation early next year. We have told her we will be coming to visit her that weekend at the hospital, I added I'll paint her nails which she seemed to like the idea of.
What are some other things we can take in with us, do with her/ leave to keep her busy, not just magazines and crosswords, but some nice thoughtful things/ideas.

I'd appreciate any comments or ideas you have, I think it's so nice for anyone to have someone come in and make a couple hours of their hospital time more enjoyable :)



  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Sneak in her favorite food/snack, lots of people say hospital food sucks.
  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    A blunt would do the trick
  • ziggiezambi
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but when I went in for surgery they told me no nail polish unless it was clear. They have to be able to see if the skin under your nails changes color. :/

    The best is just being there maybe get her a nice gift basket and chatting with her to keep her mind off surgery. :)
  • purplepink1992
    Something from edible arrangements? :)
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    A really good book, that always helps me when I am in the kind of transports me to another place far removed from the hospital.
  • Marie_lesecret
    Ohhhh :( but thanks for letting me know, we shall check with staff first ... :)
  • Cali_Chica
    Cali_Chica Posts: 895 Member
    Homemade goodies. I just took my dad that and he loved something other than the hospital food.

    If they are younger, a pillow pet
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    movies (most hospitals have dvd players now)
    Tissues (hospital tissue sucks!)
    a nice (soft) blanket (hospital blankets also suck)
    snacks (both for the patient and visitors)
    photo album/scrapbook - maybe have fellow co-workers or friends write notes for them?
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    As someone who works (seems like lives) in a hospital, the patient's food does completely suck. Bring them food, but first check to see in they can eat. Sometimes it can be a day or two after surgery before food is allowed. :drinker: