Getting burned out..

Ok so here is my deal, I go to the gym at 5 am every week day morning, I work out until 7 am. Then get ready and be at work by 8 am, work 8 hours. Finally I go home to a one year old, dinner, bath time, laundry and so forth.. I have been doing this for 4 months. I lost 23lbs and feel great, but I am losing my motivation. I'm not sure if it's the cold or tired that is making it hard to go in the morning. Should I try and go to work earlier in the morning so I get off early to make up my gym time after work? I wont give up, but I want the enjoyment back!! Any ideas??

Thank you.

Looking for motivated friends on here. :)


  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I'm right there with you... I get really burned out after a couple of months. But, I'm getting back into everything now and I just have to stay disciplined. I also just asked my brother to start working out with me a few times a week so I'll at least be held accountable and have to go since he's making the trip all the way over to my apt. Maybe get you a workout buddy or take a day or 2 off throughout the week and use a couple hours on Saturday or Sunday to workout. That way you're not getting burned out on doing everything throughout the week, including a full time job. :) feel free to add me for support/motivation!
  • meeperpark
    Have you looked into some new options for activity? Sometimes doing the same thing for months is boring. I am thinking about trying an activity I would have been afraid to do 50 lbs ago... I figure it'll keep me motivated if I'm learning aikido or a fun new dance style instead of the usual step aerobics and machine workout
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have thought about trying one of the classes that they offer at my gym. It's just finding one that will start at 5 am. I would like a work out buddy for sure! I don't want to chat anyones ear off or have the same done to me, but some one to just push myself because they are simple there. I am getting bored with the routine I have, but I am still learning and I don't know a whole lot of work outs. I considered a PT after the Holidays. But until then I just don't want to wait around for that. I guess I just need a good push :)

    I may try switching up my days. It's only a little tough on the weekends with the LO. She HATES the play center lol.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    I get burned out every few months or so and I just take a few days off and try to figure something different.... Look at groupon... they often have tons of classes you can try for just a month to give your mind and body a break from the same ol same ol. I've tried crossfit, zumba, and hot yoga. I always go back to my favorite gym activites but sometimes its nice to have a break.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Ha, I get it. It's cold here and I just what to stay in my pjs and hibernate! Sounds like you need to shake things up a bit. Try something new, meet new people, etc...

    I play volleyball twice a week and have met some amazing people. It's so much fun!

    At least you have a good attitude about it!
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    My advice - switch it up some. Regular schedule Monday, new schedule Tuesday, regular schedule, new schedule, regular schedule.

    Or one week on, one week off.

    See if that helps?

    eta: Forgot half my post. My point was, this way you'll be able to see which schedule you actually prefer, and if that's actually having an effect on your motivation.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Do you even like what you're doing? I pretty much live for pumping iron and riding my burnout here. Maybe you just need to find exercise that you actually enjoy. If I hated what I was doing I'd probably burn out pretty easily too.

    Also, maybe make some fitness goals that are outside of just trying to lose weight...having been at maintenance for 7 months now I can tell you that your fitness regimen is far more important during maintenance than it is for're going to have to find something you enjoy and something you can ultimately stick with for pretty much forever.

    For me, this means having "seasons" that I train for. For example, right now my primary focus is the weight's winter and it's cold and dark out and I detest cardio in the winter, my primary focus is weight training. If I get in some cycling on nicer day then that's great. In the spring I will start getting out on the bike more to start increasing my endurance for my bike 1/2 century ride in May and other rides throughout the spring and summer. In the summer I will also throw in a lot more swimming...would like to do a triathlon but I think running is out for me given recent foot issues. I still lift during these seasons but I lift much differently than I do in the winter. In the fall I do cyclocross racing and that take me back full circle to winter and hitting the weight room hard.

    Basically training as per above keeps things interesting and moving and I'm not doing the same stuff endlessly...but you have to have something that makes sense to you and helps you accomplish other goals besides weight loss. Afterall, when you get to maintenance you will absolutely HAVE to have goals beyond to start now.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Burnouts happen. Take as long of a break as you need to recover, then get right back at it.
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    thank you for responding to my Thread :) I read everyones advice and I will try some of these things mentioned for sure! :)
  • Shannonthompson73
    Shannonthompson73 Posts: 105 Member
    I was there with you in November. I was starting to get lazy and let things slide. I joined a MFP group, Keep it Green while Eating. It is just a daily check in but it is something new in my routine that motivates me again. All of the group members have been very welcoming.

    -6 at 5:30am does make going to the gym less appealing! :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    In addition to what others have said, is there any reason you need to workout for 2 hours every weekday? That's quite a lot if you're not training for something specific. I think I'd burn out doing that much exercise every day, even things I enjoy.
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    Well most of the time I get up and out of the house by 5:15 and to the gym about 5:25, some days I get there earlier. It's a rough count of one hour and 30 min maybe 45. I would like to be able to run.. I do at least 60 min of just cardio.. and I try to do at least 30 min of weights. I'm not training myself for anything rite now. I may want to run in the future. I kind of use the cardio because it helps keep the asthma away. I do enjoy hunting and hiking so it makes those things easier. Some times I'll switch it up and do more weights then cardio too. I enjoy the gym. I like to be there.. I think I just need some thing new in my routine.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day. 7 days a week.
    some times this happens,, and I have to cut back a few days.
    but I still work hard 7 days a week
    or I just feel like crap,
    once you stop or slow down
    it takes too long to get it all back.
  • MauxFaux
    Is there any way you could go for a run outside on your lunch hour a couple of times a week instead of hitting the gym every morning? It might help with the burnout to have a couple of days a week where you don't have to leave the house quite so early.
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    Is there any way you could go for a run outside on your lunch hour a couple of times a week instead of hitting the gym every morning? It might help with the burnout to have a couple of days a week where you don't have to leave the house quite so early.

    In the summer I was running outside in the mornings. Then I would come home and jog, pushing my daughter in a stroller. It's cold.. Yes I know I live in AZ and it's not like I have to deal with the snow, but I do NOT do well in the cold lol. I may try again when I get off work though. I did enjoy taking my baby girl for walks. :) also I work through my lunches.

    thank you :)
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    I do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day. 7 days a week.
    some times this happens,, and I have to cut back a few days.
    but I still work hard 7 days a week
    or I just feel like crap,
    once you stop or slow down
    it takes too long to get it all back.

    wow 3 hours!! that's awesome lol. I just got myself able to jog for 60 min a few weeks ago!