
Hey everyone. My name is Angie. I've been on MFP for about one year now, and it's done wonders for my calorie counting. If you'd like to add me on here so we can share in each other's journeys that would be awesome ;)

I also wanted to throw a link out to my twitter since I forgot to before.


  • Hi, there. I just found out about MFP & I already love the way I can see my diet (what I eat-not the other meaning) with calories and fitness calculated. Now, I just have to keep up with it. Wish me luck!
  • Added. Congrats on your progress.
  • Thank you! I wont begin to discuss how long it's taken (lol) but slow-and-steady now !

    I used to be heavily into fitness- but I spent a good amount of time being incredibly lazy and eating delicious food so now I'm back at the starting line!
  • Thank you! I wont begin to discuss how long it's taken (lol) but slow-and-steady now !

    I used to be heavily into fitness- but I spent a good amount of time being incredibly lazy and eating delicious food so now I'm back at the starting line!

    Also don't like my goal or avatar fool you, that's a photo from when I *was* fit, I have it there as motivation haha. And the weight goal is short term. Multiple short-term goals- the ultimate psychological trick :)
  • jamesbaird35325
    jamesbaird35325 Posts: 23 Member
    Being here a year shows dedication and slow and steady usually wins the race! I'm at the starting line and ready to go!!
  • Being here a year shows dedication and slow and steady usually wins the race! I'm at the starting line and ready to go!!

    Excellent!! & good luck in your journey!