Sibling weight rivalry



  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I have 5 sisters and of course i have always been the heaviest and the shortest of the bunch . For once I would like to get fit and just blend in with them ! lol
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I used to, until I realized that she's shorter than me and her body type is much different than mine. She also used to be more athletic in high school, which accounted for her being in better shape. She's kind of ruler shaped with no bum, while I'm pear shaped with lots of bum. lol.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm second thinnest in a family of ten. I'm a size 12-14. My thinnest sister got a tummy tuck to get rid of excess skin that wasn't going away. I'm hoping to do the same if it's needed when I get to goal weight. Its funny, I used to only compare myself to one sister who was closest to my age because I never thought I could be anywhere near the size of the thinnest sister.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    My sister and I are a year apart. She has never gained weight. She has stayed her nice thin self all her life. Me on the other hand can gain weight just by smelling the food. We are now the same size since I have lost 45lbs. My sister doesn't eat or work out, I do both. I bet she doesn't eat 500 calories a day, just drinks coffee and maybe treat herself to a leaf of lettuce.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I've always been the fat one in the family, which was kind of a harrowing experience considering everyone /outside/ my family always commented how small and thin I was considering I ate so freaking much XP. My brother's nickname for me is remorseless eating machine ;P.

    My oldest sister is 5'5" and 110 lbs, my other sister is the same height as me with two kids, she's 5'2" but 90ish lbs. She was 130 lbs post-pregnancy and man did she complain about gaining so much weight for her second pregnancy, since she was 90-something lbs before that, and in her first pregnancy, she gained only 15 lbs. Both my nephews are very healthy by the way XP. The women in my family are typically small naturally. Also, my mother is 5'4" and 100-105 lbs.

    From elementary school, there was always the comment of my legs being fat (by my family), and then 7th grade and a lot of depression later, I guess I was very heavy, and well, they laughed (quite loudly) behind my back about how fat I was on a daily basis. Thus, I was the fat one and slumped in self-confidence for years and years, and I'm still feeling it now o-o...

    I started losing weight a couple years ago, and they were absolutely raving about it, telling me good job to my face and the like.

    My oldest sister was quite snippy about her bridesmaid dresses for her wedding, which I was apart of and had to unfortunately model for her. My sister-in-law who came along to help asked what size I was, my sister replied snidely for me, "Get her a size /4/." She picked up a size 2 and laughed and said, "Can you even fit this?!" and dumped it in my lap. Being a size 1-2 already, well, I did and she seemed quite displeased about it, since I was supposed to be fat.

    Of course, being 111 lbs my for sister's big day wasn't enough for her, she told my other sister (VERY LOUDLY) behind my back that I looked so fat in her wedding pictures that it was embarrassing and that my other sister was the best looking bridesmaid that day. Uhm, thanks x.x;;

    Did I mention my mother sabotages me whenever she thinks I've become skinnier than her? She takes me to a buffet whenever she thinks so, and looks at me with a self-satisfied grin whenever she sees me pack on the weight again.

    It's been a struggle, but I'll get there someday...
  • Fridaklo77
    wow, kuroNyankoSen, your sister sounds like she is jealous of you! But, see my point..... sometimes the rivalary adds to the negativity. I actually feel better when Iam not around my family - no one to tell me that I am bigger than my sister. So............. i gueess we have to be balanced in all we do.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    When I was younger, I pined for my younger sister's super thin body. As I've gotten older, I've accepted that I'm built like my dad's side (hella leg muscles and pretty stocky) and my sister takes after our mom's side (thin legs, more apple-shaped). My sister's an inch taller and a good 25 pounds lighter than I am but the more I learn to love myself, the less I wish to be in someone else's body. I love and accept my body for what it looks like and what it can do right now, and comparing myself to my sister is useless because we're built completely different. My sister has been nothing but supportive of my weight loss and she's never had an issue with her weight, but if she did gain weight and want to get back to her thinner weight, I would do everything I could to support her.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I've always been the fat one in the family, which was kind of a harrowing experience considering everyone /outside/ my family always commented how small and thin I was considering I ate so freaking much XP. My brother's nickname for me is remorseless eating machine ;P.

    My oldest sister is 5'5" and 110 lbs, my other sister is the same height as me with two kids, she's 5'2" but 90ish lbs. She was 130 lbs post-pregnancy and man did she complain about gaining so much weight for her second pregnancy, since she was 90-something lbs before that, and in her first pregnancy, she gained only 15 lbs. Both my nephews are very healthy by the way XP. The women in my family are typically small naturally. Also, my mother is 5'4" and 100-105 lbs.

    From elementary school, there was always the comment of my legs being fat (by my family), and then 7th grade and a lot of depression later, I guess I was very heavy, and well, they laughed (quite loudly) behind my back about how fat I was on a daily basis. Thus, I was the fat one and slumped in self-confidence for years and years, and I'm still feeling it now o-o...

    I started losing weight a couple years ago, and they were absolutely raving about it, telling me good job to my face and the like.

    My oldest sister was quite snippy about her bridesmaid dresses for her wedding, which I was apart of and had to unfortunately model for her. My sister-in-law who came along to help asked what size I was, my sister replied snidely for me, "Get her a size /4/." She picked up a size 2 and laughed and said, "Can you even fit this?!" and dumped it in my lap. Being a size 1-2 already, well, I did and she seemed quite displeased about it, since I was supposed to be fat.

    Of course, being 111 lbs my for sister's big day wasn't enough for her, she told my other sister (VERY LOUDLY) behind my back that I looked so fat in her wedding pictures that it was embarrassing and that my other sister was the best looking bridesmaid that day. Uhm, thanks x.x;;

    Did I mention my mother sabotages me whenever she thinks I've become skinnier than her? She takes me to a buffet whenever she thinks so, and looks at me with a self-satisfied grin whenever she sees me pack on the weight again.

    It's been a struggle, but I'll get there someday...

    Holy Cow! Ouch!!!!
    It's really hard not to listen to your family, but it sounds like they've got skewed expectations.
    Focus on a healthy you, and let them all sod off.