37 year old male 150 pounds to lose

anyone with the same goal as me out there


  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    Yes me!! looking at losing 200lbs! You can add me if you want to :) Good luck sir!
  • yayamay
    yayamay Posts: 16 Member
    almost..... I'm 20 lost out of 120 wanted to lose!
  • starryvagabond
    starryvagabond Posts: 60 Member
    I started with 170 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me and good luck regardless :)
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Me too! I started at over 400 pounds and my goal is eventually to lose about 220 more pounds!

    Its a long journey, but I only go by 10 pound increments. So I only ever working on losing 10 pounds or less. Its just works better for me that way. I also try to do something special after every 10 pound loss. Gotta find what works for you tho!

    Feel free to add me. I log daily and comment as often as possible.

    I'm off to go do my workout and then to have dinner!

    Nix :flowerforyou:
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Add me. I have 120+ lbs. to lose. Not in a foot race to do it, as I have lost and gained so much weight so fast that it will make your head spin. I want to lose weight, attain health and keep a life that can nourish me and keep me around for a while.
    Good luck to you.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
  • jamesbaird35325
    jamesbaird35325 Posts: 23 Member
    I need to lose about 25 to 30 more and I'm with ya!!
  • 55 yr. Old male 90 pounds to lose
  • Mickey2u
    Mickey2u Posts: 21 Member
    32 year old guy here

    i have about 160 to goal now.
  • I've got about 100 to lose. Maybe 110. I'm just starting out after a disappointing gain back from last year.
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    I have lost 19 pounds and have 127 more to lose. My stretch goal is to be down another 21 pounds by New Years day. After the initial 40 pounds, weight loss usually slows significantly for me so I'm shooting to average 2 pounds per week thereafter.
  • I am a 37 year old crazy female with A LOT to lose myself. Looking for supportive people that I can motivate/ get motivation from! They always say the first step is the hardest. I am on my way now! <3<3
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    I hope this helps and this is my story, feel free to add me if you want to, I would be willing to help in anyway I can.

    Well I have only tip, you have to keep showing up and pushing play everyday. I run challenge groups and help people stay motivated something I learned from my coach. I just jumped into Insanity because it did not require any equipment to start just the program. I did this for the following reason.

    Well I started looking at why I wanted to get in shape, asking myself one important question "WHY". I decided that it was for my girls and that I wanted to be around for them to graduate and get married and hopefully one day grandkids. Once I committed to that I chose to follow Insanity, and then P90X and proceeded to lose 60 lbs and 10 1/2" on my waist in the first 120 days. I just had to make the chose to when I went out with friends that I would stick to the plan that I had put into place for myself. Before I started I had high blood pressure, High Cholesterol, Major depression, and High levels of Anxiety taking medications everyday and at times saying I don't want to do this so I would stop taking them which you all know is and was bad for me. I then started the programs and felt a different release of energy that I had not felt before and wanted to keep that feeling going. I soon was able to stop the Medications for better reasons since all levels were normal again. I still take the medications for depression and anxiety because it is a chemical imbalance that I will always have to take but not for reasons previously described. With this I soon decided to be a coach with Beachbody wanting to share all my results with others and that anyone can do it if you put your mind to it and commit. I have since completed two rounds of Insanity and 2 rounds of P90X and have moved onto other now keeping the weight off for the most part. I used to be a size 40 inch waist and now I am a size 34" not where I want to stop but really a big improvement. I also drink a meal replacement shake everyday for lunch at work which helps control my cravings and helps me not want to just snack all the time instead of going out and spending money on something that is not good for me. It will never be a get quick slim program by any means but it is a healthier lifestyle that I am trying to show for my daughters. I hope this helped.

  • 4yetti
    4yetti Posts: 1 Member
    I am also new to MFP just joined last week I also have a weight gone goal of 150 lbs over the next two years. I say weight gone because if you lose something you try to find it and get it back. I plan on never getting this weight back. I am also looking for all the support i can get on this journey. I will give as much support as i can, i'm on here daily and am willing to interact with anyone. feel free to friend me
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Sup Bro...sounds like we've got some similarities. I started around 400 lbs. I'm down around 165 lbs right now and am thinking that another 30 lbs down would be great.

    Are you just starting? Do you have some ideas of what you'd like to do to "get there"? I'm curious! Please share :):smile:
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Hey Mike, I have been struggling with weight issues my entire teenage and adult life. Since joining MFP, I have found that good friends with similar issues that are honest and supportive really helps. While I have lost 30 lbs to-date, I still struggle with sugar and carbs. I need just as much support today as you do. Feel free to add me buddy. Cheers, Dave
  • KAlderman75
    KAlderman75 Posts: 14 Member
    I still have over 100 lbs to go to reach my first goal of 200 lbs