Now Recruiting for the Apocalypse Training Academy



  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Lets do it for Hersel!!!! adding you now

    Hershel? What happens to Hershel?! Lol
    Also sending that fr yo.

    Nothing happens to Hershel. Hershel meets a nice lady and settles down and adopts a bunch of zombies and sings lullabies to Rick and... RUN!!!

    Absolutely love this!
  • L4gym
    L4gym Posts: 81 Member
    Heya, you guys should check out nerdfitness.

    RL role playing: What's your profession? You figure out your profession, join a guild, do main mission and side mission (fitness and life goal) with bunch of support from rp nerds like yourself! :)
  • :heart: 'Sup, you beautiful beings?

    I don't know if you've heard, but the apocalypse is coming (again) (not really) and we need to get off our *kitten* and train like a motherlover to protect our families (and that cute guy from work). I have 45lbs to lose until I reach my goal of 150lbs, and I plan on doing this by eating clean and training DIRTY. You see, I am the Slayer. The Chosen One (well, one of them anyway).

    Now, I know it seems like a tough ride but no matter how we plan on doing it, we all want the same damn thing, don't we? We all want to feel better, look better and BE better. So, instead of walking this road alone, why not walk it with an army of badasses beside you?

    Here's how it happens. If you don't mind a 22 year idiot called Sammy on your timeline, talking about her latest struggles with cake addiction and spewing nonsense about eating your greens, then add me. Let's get this *kitten* started, yo. The sooner we begin, the sooner we can finish our training and kick some zombie *kitten* (unless they're those slow and dopey zombies, in which case we can just run around them in circles and giggle).


    (Sorry - I've been watching a lot of The Walking Dead recently. Although this is normal behaviour for me.)

    THIS! All of this and every bit of this... I'm a Criminal Minds obsessed 25 year old who's addicted to diet pepsi and fighting crime with my black ninja of a cat named Dexter :D
  • jetenold
    jetenold Posts: 55 Member
    Love your style! and your energy is awesome! FR already sent:)