
Hey everyone! I have been using this site for awhile now but never really introduced myself. So HI! I am Jai and using this site helps me out so much. I have read alot of your posts and topics and posted on a few but I just wanted to say that they are very informative and inspirational. Thanks so much! Hope to actually have some friends here now!


  • brockly25
    yeah this place is so cool :) people to help you out . the food chart to log your food ... exerise log to see what your doing right and it all works together... thats cool :) and you have friends to talk to you when you need it :) .... and if you need a friend you can add me :)
  • corniche
    I have just found this web site and I have found it very easy to use. Hopefully that will not change! I have along way to go but one day at a time
  • kazzanelson
    kazzanelson Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome! I'm new to the community too, though have been using this site for logging calories etc. and loving it! You've done so well already! Hopefully we can cheer each other on along the road! If you like you can add me as a "friend" on here :)
  • corniche
    I will add you as a friend as soon as I work out how tooooo! Hope your weight loss is going well