Body Media

Ok, so, yesterday i couldn't remember the name of the awesome little tool i used to have. It strapped to my arm and you wore it everywhere except the shower.
Well, its the body media. Jillian from the biggest loser uses them on the show. This thing was amazing. Has anyone else used one or own one?
Here's what i did . i went on line to figure out what it was, then researched where i could buy a new one, and apparently costco sells them. So, i found out how much they were in a couple places.
I then proceeded to call jenny craig and told them that i had one , but i lost it !! which is true, i lost it when i moved across canada.
Well, the lovely girl put one aside for me, and gave me a sale price and included the little counter that you clip to your pants. That most places wanted 49.95 for. So, the arm band reads everything. Heart rate,steps, sleep. Everything, but , you need to plug it into your computer to see the results. But the little clip thing, shows you your steps, anytime of day, and tells you when you've surpassed a target or the day before. It tells you when you've got your heart rate up to a certain point, so you can see it all day as your doing it. Anyhoo, its supposed to be better than the fitbit and quite accurate. I'm just sooo ecxcited that up picking it up today at my lunch hour. I can't wait to hook it up and strap it to my arm.


  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Congrats! I had one and I loved it and found it to be highly accurate. Helped me lose 30 pounds.
  • pinky6767
    What happened to yours ? I used mine everyday ! Did you find it helped with the weight loss ? i found having it strapped to my arm helped to remind me not to over eat. I picked up a new one today, cause i missed it so much. Get wait to get it hooked up. i wish you still had yours. I havent met anyone to compare things with the body media
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I still have it. Living in Vegas and the summers I just got sick of wearing it and how visible it was. But I bought the very first one which I think was the Bodybugg and then bought the smaller Bodymedia through Costco. Same company I believe although the computer interface was a little different. Totally helped with the weight loss. If I ate it I tracked it. So tracking accurately and meeting my daily deficit I consistently lost weight while wearing it.
  • pinky6767
    Thats awesome. I wore mine everyday as well. It make me vary aware of everything i was doing ! Good and bad !haahaaa I got down to 119 pounds with that thing and felt amazing ! and i'm 5'7" when i lost it, i got lazy and stopped being accountable for how much i walked, ate and even hours of sleep. I'm super excited to have it back again. I heard you could get them at costco, but i was able to get on with a discount at jenny craig. Since i joined there years ago. I so want to get back down to 119. I was in a car accident ages ago and any extra weight causes alot of pain on my spine. I had 3 herniated discs and my pelvis was sliced in half. Yet when i was 119 pounds i could run 6 klms a day and was never in pain. I want that back :smile:
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'm sorry. You've been through a lot. I can relate to the getting lazy part for sure. When I'm good I'm really good but when I'm not, well, you know. Lol. At least you know the weight you feel good at physically. Can't wait to see your progress with the Bodymedia!
  • pinky6767
    Well, i finally got it up and running. I forgot how long it had to charge for and the work on the internet to get it all in sync. But, i'm ready. I've been through alot,but it has helped me to see why being over weight isn't an option for me :happy:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    i bought mine 2 years ago? (it was a while ago i dont quite remember when) and it was $100. what an awesome deal to get it half price now! it gives me an odd tan line and i like to go a couple weeks now and then without it, but it has really good info.
    i have a lot of sleep issues and i really benefit from reading the sleep info when i wake up in the morning. im a total hermit so plugging it into a computer to read the info isn't an issue for me, haha :)
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I've had mine over a year and just LOVE the hell out of it! It really motivates me to get move around, because being in a wheelchair I obviously don't burn much, so seeing how much I *don't* burn gives me motivation to move around more.

    Definitely would recommend it to anyone.
  • pinky6767
    i'm glad to hear there's others using it too. I think its the best thing in the world !! i'm back to being so aware of everything i do . The sleep thing is amazing too. I laid down the first night i wore it for 91/2 hours, yet only got 61/2 sleep. Good to know heeheeee. There were times it showed my heart rate up and me burning more calories than i was even aware of. Awesome !!