Shakey and Fatigued after workout

I hate the way I have been feeling.. I often feel shakey and fatigued after my workouts even though I go fully hydrated.. I even eat an hour or 2 before my workout.. Does anyone else feel this way? Any suggestions on how to Not feel this way?


  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Either you're not eating enough during the day (or right before your meal), or you're working out too long. My guess is that your electrolytes are probably low. While sports drinks are pretty bad for you, try sipping on 1/2-1 cup of a sports drink such as gatorade or poweraide during your workout. Make sure it's @ least a 50/50 mixture of sports drink & water as sports drinks are hard for your body to absorb in their most concentrated form. Some companies make "sport beans" as well which are a solid version of a sports drink in a jellybean form. Try snacking on those when you start feeling shakey & fatigued.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am guessing, you are getting enough protein and eating long lasting complex carbohydrates.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Eat a banana before workout and maybe the Powerade Zero for electrolytes.
    Also, I take a pre-workout mix called Fuzion K-akg that has electrolytes, caffeine, etc.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough protein, hydrate during your workout.
  • Bluediesel
    It could be your thyroid. Have your dr write you blood test.
  • rclarke05
    You might be having low blood sugar. Try to eat a carb snack with a little protein before your workout. That should help. Or like the others mentioned, your potassium might be low. Make sure you take a daily vitamin, and a banana a day. :) Hope it helps.
  • serena22289
    serena22289 Posts: 36 Member
    How long are you working out? Is it mostly cardio? It could be that you're just doing too much. It could also be you're not getting enough protein to rebuild muscle after workouts. If those don't seem likely try Emergen-C. It gives you lot's of vitamins and nutrients to replenish your system, dancers swear by it. You have to drink it 2-3 times a day but from my experience it's totally worth it. My favorite is the pink lemonade flavor. :)
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Try a banana before and a cheese stick or a handful of nuts after your workout