Looking for fellow pregnant ladies

I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and have been struggling to eat healthy. Now that Im right around the corner from my 2nd trimester I am hoping to find other ladies in the same situation. Mommas who are here to support eachother while making happy healthy babies.


  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    Hi there - I'm almost 38 weeks with my first so I completely understand your struggle. I've tried to remain healthy with eating and regular exercise but I know I will need to work very hard to get back into shape once our little girl is here!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
    Congratulations! Check out the group "Fit, fabulous and pregnant!"
  • CookeeV13
    Congratulations! I'm new to this forum and very newly pregnant. I have always had healthy eating and exercise habits, but have been struggling the last week. I try balance, like an apple with Carmel almond butter mmmm.....
  • dducroc
    dducroc Posts: 9 Member
    Im 16 weeks now and I am finally getting my energy back so its making it easier to work out, I am also struggling to eat healthy food. I have serious sugar cravings!! I try to balance my sugar snacking with fruit and veg. But Im really having a problem with not being able to work out as hard as I used to. I feel like my fitness is suffering but I, of course, dont want to over do it and hurt myself. Its also hard to talk to people about it, I dont think they understand.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm currently 21+3 with my third baby. I felt really nauseous until week 14, and eating was the only thing that helped me feel better. Now I'm in better control of the eating, although I have a bad cold/sore throat at the moment, so my eating has gone a bit downhill as I feel so crap. I've exercised throughout at least!
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    HI everyone I'm recently pregnant with #2. I'm looking to gain as little as possible since I'm already overweight (doctors agreed). We can do this!! :) congrats to everyone!
  • FatMommaMel
    FatMommaMel Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm pregggers with #2 and trying to keep my weight gain under control. I gained 60lbs with my first and really don't want that again! Feel free to add me. I'd love some new friends.:happy: