High Heels!

So, ladies, I have a question. Right now, I weigh around 200 lbs. And high heels SUCK! I want to wear them, and I think they're cute, but they are hell on my feet. Will they get better when I hit my goal of 145? Or do they always suck?

Just curious...


  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    I was just wondering the same thing today!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    They always suck. :laugh: they just suck a little less once some weight is gone.
  • DG82
    DG82 Posts: 105
    Lol I'm at 150 and even at 138 (when I was able to get down to that) the heels just suck. The things we do to be sexy right?! :-)
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    What a good question because I was wondering the same thing. I was thinking that with less weight to carry they might hurt less but I see from other responses they don't. :(
  • brittanydaniel79
    Damn! Looks like I'll permanently have some flip flops in my purse, just in case!
  • serena22289
    serena22289 Posts: 36 Member
    LOL pretty much heels always suck. I can't wear them for more than a couple hours, especially if I'm walking around. Obviously the higher you go, the more they will hurt. I have a bunch of pairs but I rarely wear them unless I'm going out on the weekend. I do have one pair that's approximately 3.5 inches or so that I've had for 5 years or so and they're ridiculously comfortable just because I've been able to break them in really well. They make your calves look awesome though!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've honestly never been able to comfortably wear high heels. I have pretty wide feet, and they're flat... bad combo. So I've lost 61 pounds so far... and guess what...


    No joke! It's SO much easier to shop for comfy heels now. My feet aren't as wide so I can find pairs that fit much easier, especially ones that have a closed back, they don't pop off when I walk anymore. It's only within the last few months that I've realized heels are an option now. I still don't like to wear them for longer walking or standing days, but for wearing around the office I can handle it. I prefer lower heels and ones that run a bit wider, but still... I CAN WEAR THEM NOW!!!

    Perhaps that will give everyone who still has a ways to go to their goal that one day, you too will wear heels!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    they suck no matter what! but i am convinced that mine just suck because I'm cheap and won't pay $200 for a pair of shoes... I hope the $200 pairs don't hurt as much! you get what you pay for right? i'll keep my flip flops :-)
  • msmcredit
    The higher the heel the better I feel. Not only do I wear them out I clean up in them too! 5.5 are my highest as of now and I am well over 200. I found the brands totally make a difference. I love my nine west pumps but my maddens are my favorite. I shop for heels and then find clothes to match.
  • msemejuru
    They always suck. They sucked when I was skinny in college, they sucked when I was pregnant, they sucked when I weighed over 200 and they STILL suck now that I am a semi-decent weight. But I still love them because they make my butt perfection!
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    I never paid $200 for any pair of shoes but I'm betting even those are killer on your feet.LOL
  • YogiGirlLucy
    Love your response, msemejuru! I agree, high heels suck no matter what the weight. I opt for "chunky" high heels or boots. Also, the square or rounded toe, rather than the pointy ones. And I like to carry a pair of ballet slippers in my purse just in case my feet start to hurt. Quality will make a difference, i.e., paying more at Nordstrom rather than picking up a pair at Payless. Ill fitting or cheap shoes can cause damage to your feet that will certainly catch up later in life.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I love the heels..... unfortunately my daily uniform requires me to wear steel toe combat boots. Ugh.....

    Since I'm either in combat boots or running shoes, I can't walk in heels. So, I resigned to cute flats, sandals or flip flops.

    Now when I do have heels on for a function, my feet protest after a short while.

    The other times I wear heels, I just give hubby a come hither look....... :)
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Heels are bad for your feet no matter what you weigh. No lie, my mom used to weigh around a hundred pounds and she had to wear heels back in the day (think shoes like on Mad Men~ she is now in her late 70's). She ended up with the worst bunions. She had to have surgery and it was horrible. Her experience scared me straight, LOL!

    Of course flip flops are horrible for your arches, too. That is why I stick to sneakers and the best part, I can sneak up on anyone (insert groans at lame joke here).
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! It DOES get easier! I was addicted to 4" heels years ago and found I could not wear them when I started putting on weight and become more clumsy :o) Now that I am down it is fantastic to be able to wear them again!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I completely agree about Norstrom. They have the comfiest heels I've ever worn! And they have ANY size and have'm actually in stock. None of that "ooh we can order it" junk. I bought shoes from them back when I had to wear business formal outfits every day to work. But still, after a few hours, a heel is a heel. I've also tried on some $300 heels at Norstrom's that feel more like a glove than a shoe, but I've never bought any that expensive, just tried'm on for kicks. I have a feeling though that as long as the weight's concentrated on two places on the foot, and as long as the muscles are all extended from the heel it's still gonna hurt after a few hours. It's just anatomy, right? We weren't made to walk on our toes all day.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    So, ladies, I have a question. Right now, I weigh around 200 lbs. And high heels SUCK! I want to wear them, and I think they're cute, but they are hell on my feet. Will they get better when I hit my goal of 145? Or do they always suck?

    Just curious...

    Good news - it does get easier. I weighed 199 (probably really 200) 4 1/2 months ago. I work in a job where it is expected that I dress relatively nice. I had gotten to the point where wearing heels killed my feet, my legs, and my back. So, I had been wearing jeans and tennis shoes most of the time. I have now reduced my weight by a little over 46 lbs and I am able to wear heals with relatively little pain. My lower back no longer hurts for sure. My knees still give me some problems (but hey, I have arthritis and I am 56 years old), but nothing like they used to. In fact, my heels have gotten loose on me - I didn't know my feet would lose mass too. LOL So, yes, it does get easier - especially if walking, running, dancing, biking are your aerobic exercises - strengthening the leg muscles really helps with your over all core strength. I love wearing heels except for when I have to walk for long distances in them.

  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    There are some that are really quite comfy. Cole Haan sells pumps with Nike air cushioning. Not cheap...but you can get them pretty discounted on 6pm.com or outlet shops
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Seriously... These things are magic...


    Expensive, but magic.
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    You do get what you pay for! If you really would like to spend the money on great looking and comfortable heels, try Onyx or Donald Pliner. Onyx is less expensive than Donald Pliner. They are truely the most comfortable heels that I have ever had on my feet. Even at 3 inches, they feel like slippers on your feet!