Help and support needed about my work situation, please x

I'm Ellie :-)

Good evening all. I have a long story and I promise I will try to be short.

I'm Polish born. I arrived in UK 18 years ago when I was 16. As soon as I arrived I got a job in the hotel. Also the hotel employer gave me a rented accommodation. 3 bedroom flat which is getting quite small now. My rent is low. Over the years I got married and now have 3 little boys (9, 8 and 5 year olds). In the hotel I work as a kitchen assistant. I work 5 evenings a week, around 20 hours a week.
Good side to my job: cheap accommodation and free time during the day to look after the home and boys. BAD POINTS are that I absolutely hate my job. The manager is rubbish and most of co workers are back stabbers.

In the meantime my husband and I owned a garage but because of recession we had to close it in February this year. My husband become unemployed and we were in a bit of debt.

In March this year the hotel come up for sale. If the hotel sells I lose job and home I applied for a part time job in local care home as a kitchen assistant to work afternoons and days, evenings in the hotel while my husband will look after the children. Take them to school and look for the job for him.
I went for an interview in care home and got the job the same day. I loved working in care home. I love the residents, the staff and the manager. The three months there were fantastic I felt happy going to work, I felt valued.... In June my husband got an excellent job. He is paid over £1000 a month but because we live in a small village the childcare options run out for the summer hols and I had to leave care home for that reason. I was heartbroken but the manager said that he would like to have me back in September when children go back to school. I did go back in September and worked there until end of October. I got promoted to be a chef. I was relief chef when the main lady chef was off or on holiday. My childcare closed, we don't have any local family members, all my friends work in the day so I just left care home again. The manager was ringing me offering me shifts but I just didn't answer to him.
Time passed and co workers were facebooking me that they miss me at work, why I left etc...
I got care home - home sick. I lost 40lbs with mfp but in the last 3 weeks I put 20lbs on. I just miss my job in care home.
I rung the manager today to see if I'm allowed to bring some cakes to residents on Christmas Eve. I was the one who usually made all the cakes when I was working. The other ladies did hardly any.
The manager said that it was very thoughtful of me and said yes. Then he asked me why I didn't return his phone calls for so long. I just said that I was stupid and ungrateful. I said that I left it till 'tomorrow' and then tomorrow never came. He told me he was disappointed with me but I'm still on the books. I said that I'm just too embarrassed for disappointing them. He said that no one hates me here and if I wanted to work just one day a week the door is always open. He asked me to think about it! Awwww.
All this time I'm still working in the hotel and live in the flat with my family. We can't afford to move out until we'll pay our debts off.

He is still so nice after I messed him about!

I have to work in the hotel, because of the accommodation. We cannot afford to move out yet noway

What do I do?? Any ideas how I can find a good childcare??
What would you do?
I'm not sure what I'm asking really but any thoughts you might have on this situation is hugely appreciated.


  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Once the Hotel sells, could you arrange to work hours that your husband is off? I would just keep in regular contact with the people at the care home, even if you don't work there. They sound really nice.

    I know how difficult it is to arrange child care when you don't have family to fall back on- I am a working mom as well. On occasion I have been the sole breadwinner too. Good luck!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member

    Contact your local council's 'early years' service - they can provide you with a list of childminders and nurseries in your area. If your income is low, you should get help towards the cost of this from tax credits.

    I'd definitely take him up on the offer of one day a week if it's something you enjoy - and get yourself onto the list for a council house so you're not trapped in the hotel job you hate.

    Good luck x
  • shaun_george
    Thank you so much ladies :-)

    I'll ring 'early years' today - I never thought about that!

    I'm glad you talking nice about the care home because my heart is there :smile: