Weights before Cardio... Right or Wrong?



  • RochelleBlack
    I agree with weights first, then cardio. Of course there will always be differing opinions, even amongst the professionals, but your body is NOT going to burn lean tissue before fat. Your concerns about burning lean tissue would be valid if you didn't have any fat to burn...
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I've heard that doing cardio after weights is actually damaging to your body. Since it has no more easily accessible energy store, it turns to the next most readily available source, which happens to be muscle (NOT fat). I'm not entirely certain either way, but I look forward to reading peoples' opinions!

    I've heard the same thing - and thats why people split their cardio and lifting days. Either doing 2-a-days or one day lift and the next day cardio.

    I personally usually do cardio first unless its packed ... Mostly because its the part I hate and I take a thermogenic prior to working out. Which takes 20-30 minutes to make it through my body. By then I'm out of cardio and have an extra boost to lift.

    I guess I could switch ...

    what you said in one part is why i have been doing cardio first lately. i hate the cardio love the wheights. so i use the weights as a 'reward' for gettign through my cardio lol though sometimes i do split. though those are usually time reasons
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I agree with the majority of the article, with one exception. Like most of you, I have read a lot of studies and have some personal experience as well. When I have done hard cardio before lifting I just couldn't lift as well. So I always do lifting first, after a brief warm-up. But, the one place I disagree is the article says when you only have thirty minutes to exercise do weights not cardio because of the length of time it takes to begin burning fat. The start of fat burning is relative, not fixed. According to some studies I have read fat burning from cardio does not kick in for an out of shape person for 30 to 40 min or more, making the article correct. BUT, fit people begin to burn fat much more quickly, in as little as five minutes. Unlike sedentary people the bodies of fit people anticipate the cardio workout and respond quickly. Covert Bailey has some books out that go over this in detail. So I do agree with the majority of the article, but I have to take exception in that one area. I do both regularly, so I'm not taking sides in the cardio/strength training wars. I often do two-a-days, sometimes back to back and other times AM and PM. I think both are essential to fitness and health.
  • syates83
    syates83 Posts: 87
    I recently started doing circuit training...3 minutes of cardio, then 1 minute strength training, back to 3 minutes of cardio...etc. I am just starting out with this weight loss journey but I can already tell you it it WORKING!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I have just been reading this article and it turns out I have always done the way its discussed below, but not becuase I am any sort of fitness guru by any means. Forn me it was the way I was taught while in the military, and its just stuck with me through the years. (light cardio to warm up, then hit the weights and finish off with cardio sessions.)

    Curious what others do or think of the below article?



    ""Having been an athlete for most of my life, I figured I knew my way around the gym. On a typical day, I'd hit the treadmill or elliptical machine for 30 minutes, then move to the weight machines. And that's what I started to do when I recently joined a gym. Then I got my assessment -- you know, the review of your habits a lot of gyms do. And the review told me I was doing something wrong.

    Hit the weights hard, the assessment said. Then go to cardio.


    "The body needs to burn through its sugar source first before it taps into the fat," says Iman Nikzad, who runs the fitness program at my LA Fitness near Irvine, Ca. "You burn the sugar while doing the weights then burn the fat while doing the cardio."

    I did some more research and, turns out, he's right and I was wrong. The optimal workout is a 10-minute warm-up on a low-impact cardio machine followed by 30 minutes of weights and then 30 minutes of intense cardio.

    Yes, really.

    "Efficiency is the key when structuring any workout, so long-duration cardio should not be done in the beginning of the session," says certified strength and conditioning specialist Jim Smith. "The most intensive training should be done first in the workout, when you are at your best."

    By starting with weights, you alert your muscles to trigger the proteins that churn through calories while you train. So even though you're probably spent after 30 minutes of weights, your body is ready to eat fat faster than it would if you started by "telling" the body to attack sugar.

    A lot of people get this wrong, thinking weight training diminishes the effect of the cardio work. It's the opposite. Just remember the phrase: "Muscle eats the fat." If you want to lose the flab -- and who doesn't? -- you want your muscles as active as possible. That means starting with weights.

    And if you only have 30 minutes total, go for weights instead of cardio. That sounds counterintuitive, since we feel sweating is "proof" we're losing fat. But you will lose a lot more fat by pushing and pulling weights and then going on a brisk walk in your neighborhood (or even at the mall). The guy or gal who is dripping buckets on the Stairmaster is getting a good workout, but you're likely getting a better one by getting sore and not getting soaked.



    I was just reading this article!! i was also told this by a trainer at my gym
  • giggles007
    giggles007 Posts: 22 Member
    interesting topic: BUMP
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I recently started doing circuit training...3 minutes of cardio, then 1 minute strength training, back to 3 minutes of cardio...etc. I am just starting out with this weight loss journey but I can already tell you it it WORKING!

    This post made me think of Supreme 90. It is not classic circuit training, but the strength training is done in repeat sets with only short breaks and I feel like I am getting a cardio workout while doing strength training. He does three sets of two to four different exercises then a one minute break while he explains the next exercises. That minute goes by fast. And it has cardio workouts that include weights. Tabata Inferno kicks my tail! I use Supreme 90 as a switch up with P90X. I'm only in week two but so far I love it. I hope this isn’t too off topic.
  • nursegessica
    I have fibromyalgia and arthritis. I find that doing yoga or serious stretching, weights, and then cardio is best for me. I started losing more weight after doing this. It makes me able to go longer on any cardio exercising. I've been able to stop wearing my ankle brace when working out and I don't cramp up as much. I like weights then cardio. My husband likes it too.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Oh gosh....too late right now for this trainer to go into all the reasons I don't necessarily agree with this article. But suffice to say right now, one size does not fit all. There are different reasons to start with cardio or weights. Personally, I never combine the two. I don't have time. But I will say the best way to warm up for weights is to do some of your routine at a much lighter weight. From what I read, this is one trainer at LA Fitness....Puhleaze.............This is a teaser article, and highly incomplete.

    When I read it, my initial thoughts were, "this is how I have always done it", BUT at the same time I thought, well different things work differently for other people and its just too generalized of an article, ......Always good to hear your input as a personal trainer. :-) Thanks!!!

    Thanks for valuing my opinion. I am trying to get out of town right now. We have a funeral and a graduation in the next week, in two different states. So much to do, but I wanted to check back. I think you're on the right track though. And you're right. It is too general, but it's the writer's fault, not so much what the trainer said, but how she took it out of context. Do you ever divide up your workouts?
  • kumarprabhat
    ased on the discussion - wanted to try it out and see if the results are better.

    So, of the total duration of 55 mins in gym today, started doing Weights and Strength exercises first (20 mins) then cardio (30 mins).

    Lets hope I see better results. Will post again later.

  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Please read this. Although pretty common sense, and meant for general public, I feel it's a little more complete and talks about the personalization I want to address when I have more time.


    There are those of us, like me, who burn carbs and fat when I do interval training. But that kind of training once or twice a week is beneficial in many ways. The articles you posted really didn't mention that. I can only assume that the kind of cardio referred to in those articles are lower intensity. I guarantee you that you are burning way more than fat when you do sprint work. And if you do weights first, you simply will not have a good interval workout, and yes, you will be prone to injury.

    And people please remember, to lose a pound of fat it's more total calories out than in. Using fat for fuel is not the same as losing fat on your body. One reason strength training is so important, is because as you increase your muscle mass, you burn more calories throughout the day, even when you sleep.

    People get hung up on articles like this because they want the fat to go away. Do you remember how many times people said, "oh, I don't want to get my heart rate too high, because then I will be burning carbs, instead of fat." I still hear that and it drives me crazy.

    Here is an article to explain that myth away too.

    I'm really impressed that you're trying to learn, so read these two articles. They are from a reputable certifying organization.

    Again, if someone worked out with me, I doubt they could do cardio and weights back to back. Because both my workouts are extremely varied, and HARD! I split it up.

    A lot of trainers say a lot of things. And there are a lot of trainers that don't follow what their certifying organizations teach them. They read something in muscle and fitness and trust it over objective journals written by folks who research this stuff time and time again. Just because a trainer says it, does NOT make it so. If it was, you would all believe what I say. Because I am a trainer. Anyway, stuff gets passed around and exaggerated. So for what it's worth, here is this trainer sticking to not what I "hear" but what i have learned through two of my nationally recognized gold standard certs.

    To quote from a reputable source, the American Council on Exercise. "The idea of a “fat-burning zone” is simply a myth. .... Keep in mind that you lose weight and body fat when you expend more calories than you consume, not because you burn fat (or anything else) when you exercise." Everyone, please read that last statement over and over until you get it.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Been hearing weights first and then cardio a lot lately. I managed to lose my weight this last year doing cardio then weights or just straight cardio at times. So, you CAN lose weight while doing cardio then weights. I've been switching it up since hearing a lot about this -- I'll let you know if I drop any weight (haven't so far...).
  • makeit_alice
    I always start my workouts at the gym with a 5-10 cardio warm-up, then 40-45 minutes of weight training, and then the last 10-20 minutes of different cardio to end my workout. I had a session with my mom's personal trainer and she said that this way, you can get your body ready for the initial workout and burn the easy sugar, then the weights are what really build muscle and get your metabolism going (which, in the future will help you consistently burn more calories), and then the last bit of cardio is to burn the fat.

    I think you have to spend a good time doing cardio in order to really burn fat (like at least 20-30 minutes).
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    Great info - thanks for sharing!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Definately start with weight training.

    I try to keep them on seperate days, that works best for me.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    @c2sky - Thanks for your post. I read both of the articles referenced in your post and enjoyed both. As you say, it is mostly common sense, but common sense has been found to be in short supply (not a reference to any post here!!!) I am 58 and have seen so many fitness and diet fads come and go that I am no longer impressed with the latest and greatest new revolution in whatever. There are so many "scientific" studies out there that purport to prove this and that I long for good, sound, no baloney health and fitness information. Thanks again for your post.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    @c2sky - Thanks for your post. I read both of the articles referenced in your post and enjoyed both. As you say, it is mostly common sense, but common sense has been found to be in short supply (not a reference to any post here!!!) I am 58 and have seen so many fitness and diet fads come and go that I am no longer impressed with the latest and greatest new revolution in whatever. There are so many "scientific" studies out there that purport to prove this and that I long for good, sound, no baloney health and fitness information. Thanks again for your post.

    You're welcome. And again, thank you for your gratitude. I certainly don't claim to know everything, but I have learned a lot as a trainer and group fitness instructor. I'm always happy to try to clear up the "myths" and confusion. So far, I haven't received any disrespectful responses, so I will contine to help where I feel it will be appreciated.

    Are you a cyclist? My husband is an avid racing cyclist (age 52) and bicycle frame builder.
  • JaneBear42
    I always do weight training first. I just felt that is when I have the most energy. I always felt weight training gives those after burn effect. So you do your cardio after it.

    So I always start my workout doing resistance training. Basically I follow the workout routine at http://www.workoutbuddyx.com/cb/home.html
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've used 3 different personal trainers over the past few years, and all of them have started with a quick cardio warm-up, then focused on weights and strength training, and then gone on to cardio.
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
    Bumping for later :smile: