The Virgin Diet (lose 7 things in 7days lose 7 pounds)

Morning everyone, Just wondering if anyone has heard of this diet and book. I saw it on tv the other night and its about cutting out things that have a high food intolerance rate like gluten, soy, dairy etc,,,, Supposedly there are 7 things you take out of your diet and then after 3 weeks you slowly reintroduce to see if you have and intolerance to them and if they may be the culprit for slow wieght loss, fatigue etc.... Has anyone tried this and does it work??? Im down 2 lbs in about 3 weeks but I am so dang tired all the time even when I sleep good. Thanks in advance looking forward to some input on this.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I prefer the stripper/porn start diet personally…

    on a serious note, any diet that tells you to eliminate certain food groups, because they are "bad" is idiotic in IMO…

    Unless you have some kind of medical condition/food intolerance, then you can eat the foods you want, just maiming a deficit and hit your macros…

    This diet did not make you lose weight, eating less calories did …if you cut out all the "bad" foods and still over eat then you will still gain weight….

    you are tired because you are probably staring yourself…how many calories a day are you eating?
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Just googled it - it involves drinking their shakes. What a surprise.

    It would be a good idea in theory but one, you don't have to buy a book to do it, two, you certainly don't have to drink shakes, and three, it's still promising an unrealistic amount of weight loss. 7lb in 7 days, if you manage that, is going to be mostly water, which is all these diets are.

    If you really think you have an intolerance to food, stop eating gluten for example for a couple of days, and see if you feel any better, and consult your doctor.

    It's far more likely to be that you just aren't eating enough. What is your calorie intake? Have you gone low-carb? If you open up your diary that might help.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    it's a gimmick diet.

    pretty much if you have to PAY for something (book, special food, etc.) to get started on a diet, you should steer clear of it.

    all you need to lose weight is:

    1) count calories accurately. calories in < calories out leads to weight loss.
    2) IIFYM to make sure you are getting enough micro- and macro-nutrients.
    3) patience.
    4) commitment.

    very, very few people have legitimate food intolerances or medical issues that could complicate their efforts to lose weight.

    it's very trendy for people to seek those as excuses, but it's hardly ever true. no matter how much they may insist that it is, statistics say otherwise.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    I believe what she is saying in the book.. I saw her on TV and believe that not eating these foods for 21 days will give you
    an idea of what foods are harming you. I think you would lose a few lbs in the process also.
    She also says that one habit of thin people is having a smoothie in the morning.. You can make your own and do not
    need to buy hers.
    The only foods I gave up were corn and sugar. I tried it and lost maybe 2lbs,, It is much harder than you would think. I ate
    a lot of potatoes.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    "The Virgin Diet (lose 7 things)"

    I thought you could only lose your virginity once?
  • angelzprophecy
    whats your exercise like? You might be tired because of that.
  • Number_44
    Number_44 Posts: 97 Member
    "The Virgin Diet (lose 7 things)"

    I thought you could only lose your virginity once?

    Maybe its like a cat or a cow thing?

    Cats have 9 lives, Cows have 3 stomachs.....maybe some people have 7 hymens?
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    "The Virgin Diet (lose 7 things)"

    I thought you could only lose your virginity once?

    Maybe its like a cat or a cow thing?

    Cats have 9 lives, Cows have 3 stomachs.....maybe some people have 7 hymens?

    Breaking news!
  • helen195
    helen195 Posts: 90 Member
    If you think you may have an intolerance to a food type, see a dietitian and get it diagnose professionally and advise on how to avoid the food types and introduce substitutes.

    I have a intolerance to lactose, which means I need to avoid the majority of dairy products, but by doing that it reduces my calcium in take, and therefore I need to ensure I get enough from other means.

    Please do not take this lightly it can have a profound effect on your health!
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    "The Virgin Diet (lose 7 things)"

    I thought you could only lose your virginity once?

    Maybe its like a cat or a cow thing?

    Cats have 9 lives, Cows have 3 stomachs.....maybe some people have 7 hymens?

    Breaking news!

    I see what you did there.
  • grannelle
    Sometimes for some people , reducing or eliminating certain kinds of food can make it easier to restrict calories.. This might be from , allergy, intolerance, addiction, or some other reason. Certain foods can be triggers. Some foods have very little nutrient valuepper calorie.
    Gettin nutritional needs met - macro and micro - without extra calories is key.
  • chai_masala
    chai_masala Posts: 51 Member
    My co-worker tried it and it worked for a few weeks but my opinion is that it only worked because she was getting fewer calories by not having her usual crap she ate. It's silly. You shouldn't be feeling tired because of a diet. If you were REALLY intolerant to a food, you'd feel crappy all the time, not be fat.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I do have food intolerance. Found out the hard way. Simply cutting out ALL potential foods and slowly reintroducing them is a long, frustrating, expensive process. Trust me, I tried.

    I had a blood test done and found out I'm intolerant of 15 foods. I also discovered that I have leaky gut syndrome, which is why I'm intolerant to so many foods. If you suspect you have food intolerance, go get the blood test done. If you have health insurance, it should be covered. If not, then it's the best spent money you will ever spend.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Wow can't believe all of the steer clear of it's on here. I am not saying the Virgin Diet is great, not saying it is good, or bad. I really don't think you need to buy the books. You certainly do not need their shakes. But cutting out the 7 foods they are talking about for 3 weeks just to make sure you don't have an intollerance to them is not a bad idea.

    I would lose the idea of losing weight on it. I did not do this, but I started playing with the Whole 30 which essentially the same thing. I found that if I stop eating dairy I also lost my mid day bloating and gas. Not a bad thing to find out. At least now I know what dairy does to me. In addition, by noting how you feel after eating simple carbs, then taking them away and eating complex carbs. I think you will notice a difference in how you feel. These types of diets are intended to be an experiment conducted by you to see if you have food tolerances that are making you less healthy. (ALL A GOOD IDEA), now what you need to be clear on is that while this person may have a good idea; she is also trying to cash in on it. So she is going to try and sell you garbage you dont need.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    if they may be the culprit for slow wieght loss

    First off...slow weight loss is the healthiest and most sustainable way to lose
    But, If we're talking about extremely slow or nonexistent loss...the primary culprit is too many calories, not a specific food.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Sometimes for some people , reducing or eliminating certain kinds of food can make it easier to restrict calories.. This might be from , allergy, intolerance, addiction, or some other reason. Certain foods can be triggers. Some foods have very little nutrient valuepper calorie.
    Gettin nutritional needs met - macro and micro - without extra calories is key.

    ummmm no...why not just eat less of each kind of food?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    oh wait this is a virgin thread...I should not be here...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Wow can't believe all of the steer clear of it's on here. I am not saying the Virgin Diet is great, not saying it is good, or bad. I really don't think you need to buy the books. You certainly do not need their shakes. But cutting out the 7 foods they are talking about for 3 weeks just to make sure you don't have an intollerance to them is not a bad idea.

    I would lose the idea of losing weight on it. I did not do this, but I started playing with the Whole 30 which essentially the same thing. I found that if I stop eating dairy I also lost my mid day bloating and gas. Not a bad thing to find out. At least now I know what dairy does to me. In addition, by noting how you feel after eating simple carbs, then taking them away and eating complex carbs. I think you will notice a difference in how you feel. These types of diets are intended to be an experiment conducted by you to see if you have food tolerances that are making you less healthy. (ALL A GOOD IDEA), now what you need to be clear on is that while this person may have a good idea; she is also trying to cash in on it. So she is going to try and sell you garbage you dont need.

    why not just go to the DR and determine if you have food intolerance?
  • Pantherfan44
    Thanks for all the input, I will admit to being notorious for under-eating. Was curious though because I tend to have weeks where I just eat basically Chicken and veggies or fish and veggies and lose but it is probably just the whole starving myself. And yes that may explain why Im tired. LOL
  • nicenhealthy