Diet Coke addiction



  • MadiCole
    Before I really began to pay attention to what I was eating and drinking, I was drinking multiple liters of REGULAR soda every day with no all. I gained about 30 pounds in less than a year, so I made the switch to diet soda and started being a little more careful about my eating habits. Now I drink maybe 2 or 3 cans of diet Pepsi a day, but I also carry around a 1.5-liter bottle of water wherever I go and make sure I keep it refilled.
    I guess it's not the best thing in the world, but in moderation with plenty of water, it's not the worst either. I guess "in moderation" is the key word. :laugh:
  • teresaelliott
    I just finished day 1 without my Diet was hard (still is) but I am getting by. The week-end wil be harder as we will likely eat out and I find it hard to not drink soda in a restaurant. Most of the day I was feeling headachy and lethargic, but I did do some exercise after supper and felt much better. Good Luck with cutting down. I will let you know how I am making out in a week or so.
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I have been drinking two 2 liter bottles of diet soda a day for like 30 years. When I started this diet in August I cut my consumption in half. Not perfect, but way better. I realized I was doing it out of habit as much as anything. Now I enjoy every bit I have and not only am I saving money every month, but I no longer have to carry so many bottles upstairs to my apartment.
  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    have a read up on the aspartamine and chemicals in it - thats what helped me to give it up! i went cold turkey (after having about 2l a day for years) after my fitness instructor at the gym explained what was in it and how it would be contributing to me keeping the weight on and the bloated belly, it was hard without it at first but i had a mouthful the other day after about 2 months without and you can taste the chemically taste - bleurgh! try soda and lime as a replacement? :)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I used to drink a minimum of 4 litres a day (approx 135 fl oz), often it would be more like 6 litres. One day I woke up and realised that it had to stop. I was fed up of the constant headaches and the staining it caused on my teeth (yuck!) That day was my first day without diet coke. Seven years on and I haven't touched a drop of it - can't even bare the smell of it these days.

    Cold turkey was definitely the way for me to go.

    Good luck x