Working out while sick?

Okay so I've lost 75 pounds (I'm at 145) and I'm religious about my diet and exercise but on Monday I got really REALLY sick. I HAD to take the day off. They day after and today I just ran and did arm circles for an hour ( I left out push ups, crunches, and jumps) but I still feel really dizzy and my head and stomach really hurt. I have kept within (actually under) my calorie restrictions except I have been drinking A LOT of diet soda because it is one of these only things I can keep down. I want to know if I should work out my regular routine today (like I said I did some jogging I barely broke a sweat) and I wanted to know if Dietrich Soda will make me gain weight ( I don't care about water retention but like actual weight).


  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I would say no. You don't want to make yourself worse. I had a sore throat that turned into bronchial pneumonia because I exercised. If you feel you have to work out maybe instead of running, walk for a longer period of time so you still burn calories, but your body isn't under the stress of trying to beat a sickness and burn calories.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    As someone who works out at a gym, I hate when people come in to the gym sick. We have to touch the same equipment so you're putting us at risk.

    If you work out at home, there is no reason you can't workout when you're sick (short of causing dehydration). I'd still recommend getting clearance from your doctor.

    As to why you feel compelled to work out when you should just be focused on getting healthy again, you need to think about your priorities. Taking a few days off isn't going to kill your progress, provided you're maintaining healthy eating habits.

    Diet soft drinks in calorie terms won't make you fat. But there is some evidence they cause inflamation and can mess with your hormones (particularly the hormones that affect appetite). However, I'll admit that I drink a tanker load of Fresca when I'm sick.
  • I will normally take a day off of working out, drug myself into a slight coma, drink as much water as I can, and if I'm feeling better the next day, head back to the gym. But I am also incredibly careful about wiping down machines, etc if I do that.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Your body spends a lot of energy trying to get you better when you are fighting a cold or flu. Let it do its job and take a few days off and rest.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    When I'm sick I take time off(for me that also includes epileptic seizures)because I don't want whatever I'm recovering from to become worse.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    depends on the kind of sick.

    If I'm sick where I'm running to the bathroom or living in there for ANY reason- no. I do not go anywhere- I do not pass go- I do not collect 200$

    I stay on couch within staggering distance drink my ginger ale- eat my ice cream and soup and grilled cheese (those are my three "sick: foods)

    on the other hand if it's any other kind of sick- I work out- one way or the other.

    If i'm not coughing/not contagious -I will go to the gym but limit my use of equipment- and touching things- and I sanitize EVERYTHING. For my sake and theirs.

    if I'm coughing/potentially funky- I'll do a HIIT workout in the corner- and dance- and try not to touch much of anything.

    be smart- working out while sick won't likely kill you but be kind to your fellow gym goers and your body. Listen to it- know that it might need EXTRA rest- and going for a walk is enough.

    And no one likes that guy hacking at the gym- its disgusting.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I agree about staying out the gym.

    The old rule I used to follow was, if it's in your neck or above, you probably won't hurt yourself by continuing to exercise. If it's anything lower than that, take as many days off as you need to recover.

    Also, if you have a temperature, I think that is a good indicator that you need to take off.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    ^^ I got that same advice from a runner's magazine while back: If you're sick from the neck up, still run. If it's in the chest, take a break. Even when I take a break though I usually do a stretch routine or light pilates routine. Then if I don't feel well I go back to bed. Does my body good!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    In the head, go ahead. In the chest, take a rest. In the gut, stay in the bathroom and hydrate.

    Yeah that last one doesn't rhyme but you get the idea.