Cardio Then Weights?

Which is the best way? Cardio then weights or the other way around? I have always done cardio first but I think I read somewhere that weights first is better.

What is the general census? Does it matter?


  • just_Jennie1
    It depends on what your goals are and whether or not you will actually do the cardio after you lift. It is better to do it after however I do mine before because if I don't I won't.
  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member
    My first goal is to drop the pounds. Once I've dropped about 10 or so I want to start focusing on toning and increasing my endurance.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Weights first, as a safety issue. Cardio first can lead to fatigue, which leads to poor form during weight lifting, which leads to injury.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I do cardio and weights on separate days so I can get the most out of the workouts. Would that work for you?
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I recommend doing them on different days. This allows you to go all out on each without reducing the effectiveness of the other.

    If you must do them on the same day, or same workout session, do weights first.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    My first goal is to drop the pounds. Once I've dropped about 10 or so I want to start focusing on toning and increasing my endurance.

    Firstly, don't wait to start.

    Secondly, given these goals, I'd suggest either doing them on different/alternating days (depending upon how intense you want your cardio sessions to be) or lifting (with no more than a light 5-10 minute cardio warmup) then cardio.
  • Amy8Lyn
    Amy8Lyn Posts: 27 Member
    I recommend doing them on different days. This allows you to go all out on each without reducing the effectiveness of the other.

    If you must do them on the same day, or same workout session, do weights first.

    ^^^ dont want to compromise form in either workout, and it helps you give the best amount of effort!
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    Which is the best way? Cardio then weights or the other way around? I have always done cardio first but I think I read somewhere that weights first is better.

    What is the general census? Does it matter?
    I do cardio first because I don't like it as much and because lifting is the less intense activity. So if I lift first, I'll mentally be less inclined to put up with running because I 'did a workout already.' But it's just a matter of preference.

    I think the stigma against doing both on the same day is hogwash. I have lifted without doing cardio first and was able to do the same progress as if I ran first with the difference being that I didn't even break a sweat. On top of that a 'compromise in workout', which won't happen once your body adjusts, is better than no workout. Deciding to forfeit an exercise for another is already compromising your fitness.
  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member
    My first goal is to drop the pounds. Once I've dropped about 10 or so I want to start focusing on toning and increasing my endurance.

    Firstly, don't wait to start.

    Secondly, given these goals, I'd suggest either doing them on different/alternating days (depending upon how intense you want your cardio sessions to be) or lifting (with no more than a light 5-10 minute cardio warmup) then cardio.

    I tend to go all out on cardio. I prefer the treadmill for walking/running. I did the cardio last night for 45 mins. I was originally just going do it for 30 mins but I felt like going longer. Afterwards, though, it was all I could do to walk home. There was no way I was going to do weights.

    What about cardio in the morning and weights at night. Or vice versa? This would just be a matter of preference, huh?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I tend to go all out on cardio. I prefer the treadmill for walking/running. I did the cardio last night for 45 mins. I was originally just going do it for 30 mins but I felt like going longer. Afterwards, though, it was all I could do to walk home. There was no way I was going to do weights.

    What about cardio in the morning and weights at night. Or vice versa? This would just be a matter of preference, huh?

    As long as you are rested/recovered enough from your morning workout so that you can give your evening workout everything - that should be fine.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I do mine before just to get it over with. I only do about 20 minutes mind you.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member

    What about cardio in the morning and weights at night. Or vice versa? This would just be a matter of preference, huh?

    If you're going to do both on the same day, this is how I would do it. Cardio in the morning in a fasted state, weights in the evening, about 1 - 2 hours after a small meal.
  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
    I have heard to do weights/lifting first and then cardio so that you burn more calories during your cardio workout. Don't know if this is true or not but heard it from a good source :)
  • Routerninja
    I do a 10-15 minute cardio warmup before hitting the weights then end with a 30+ minute cardio workout.
  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    I don't think it really matters which you do first. But personally I find doing cardio first, although just a warm-up and short workout, gets my body going, prepares my muscles and gets me in the right frame of mind before I do some weights.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member

    What about cardio in the morning and weights at night. Or vice versa? This would just be a matter of preference, huh?

    If you're going to do both on the same day, this is how I would do it. Cardio in the morning in a fasted state, weights in the evening, about 1 - 2 hours after a small meal.
    You work out on an empty stomach? Poor you.

    Feast 20-30 min before a workout for maximum performance.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    cardio (warmup) > strength training > cardio

    The warmup is just to get the blood pumping, and isn't tiring at all. My warm up is 10 minutes on a stairmaster doing 2nd level interval training.

    Strength training = weights, levers, nautilus.

    Cardio for the end - 20-30 minutes on a treadmill, 3.0 mph walk to 4.5 mph jog.

    Once you work out on strength, the body burns extra calories, so there is an added calorie burn to your already-burning cardio workout. AND the cardio workout will ensure another long interval of calorie burning for quite a while after the workout. It's a synergistic effort.

    But my goal is to burn fat while gaining lean muscle. A skinny person might want to forgo the cardio if they are only interested in gaining mass.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    I tend to go all out on cardio. I prefer the treadmill for walking/running. I did the cardio last night for 45 mins. I was originally just going do it for 30 mins but I felt like going longer. Afterwards, though, it was all I could do to walk home. There was no way I was going to do weights.

    What about cardio in the morning and weights at night. Or vice versa? This would just be a matter of preference, huh?
    Stop copping out and push yourself. Drink some water, catch a breather for 5 minutes, and walk the 100 ft to the weight section of the gym and start lifting.
    I have heard to do weights/lifting first and then cardio so that you burn more calories during your cardio workout. Don't know if this is true or not but heard it from a good source :)
    You're thinking about this the wrong way.

    Exercise in a way that best boosts performance. The weight loss will come as a byproduct of you getting in shape. The best way to maximize weight loss is to maximize the way you enhance your fitness performance.

    If weight loss is your only concern, just eat less and spend your time doing something else rather than going to the gym.
  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member
    If I do cardio in the morning then I'm already fasting. I jump up, put my shoes on, grab my headphones and I'm off. If i dilly dally then it won't get done!

    I'm like you, Baldmitch, I want to burn fat while building muscle. I like your routine.