No or Low Calorie foods?

I am a big snack person and new to myfitnesspal and I am looking for foods that are low in calories or have no calories. Any Suggestions?



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    veggies :D lil hummus with it delish :)
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Agree with the veggies. If you are in need of a "not as healthy snack", try Boob Chicka Pop. If's really good popcorn and only 35 calories/cup.
  • Pickles!!! Some varieties (usually the ones that say no sugar added) are 0 calories per serving, most are between 5 and 15.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Pickles!!! Some varieties (usually the ones that say no sugar added) are 0 calories per serving, most are between 5 and 15.

    for sure I grab these when I want something but am not really hungry
  • klyn7788
    klyn7788 Posts: 52 Member
    Jello pudding!
  • iDrix
    iDrix Posts: 21
    no calories snack? rubber? sorry, jk. I recommend sunflower seeds, I believe 100 grams = 300 calories but it takes longer to consume, you have to crack it open by hands(pls don't use teeths) and you put a little work to crack it open. my 2 cents.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Not sure you will get much from those kind of snacks, why not work in healthy snacks like a handful of mixed nuts (not peanuts) in the morning and a handful of berries in the afternoon, they taste great and give you great fats and nutrients respectively.

    I have found most things low or no fat to be loaded with processed sugar and really disappointing. Then I'd hunt for more sugar thirty minutes later. I have changed my snacking and still lost significant weight with the new choices. Why not give it a try and see if it works for you?

    For the inevitable arguers:
    The above is purely based on my personal experience and I am not making any broad claims, also I don't have any peer reviewed documents to back it up as I didn't write a journal whilst trying it out on myself. I'm just suggesting the OP tries it out because it worked for me. If I have used any generalisation it's because I can't speak for the whole planet and I don't know everything.
  • highflyer88
    highflyer88 Posts: 148 Member
    Most veggies are good low-cal snacks. Best thing to do is buy and cut them up and put into containers so you have them ready when you want them. Seems to be the best way to make sure you don't decide on something bad if you don't have to take the time to cut things up when you get the munchies. I try to keep a variety on hand. Although recently I've been doing pretty bad a t keeping in stock!
    Also if you want something more snack like take a look at some of the 100 calorie snacks they sell...just read the labels as some are high in fat/sugar
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Not sure you will get much from those kind of snacks, why not work in healthy snacks like a handful of mixed nuts (not peanuts) in the morning and a handful of berries in the afternoon, they taste great and give you great fats and nutrients respectively.

    I have found most things low or no fat to be loaded with processed sugar and really disappointing. Then I'd hunt for more sugar thirty minutes later. I have changed my snacking and still lost significant weight with the new choices. Why not give it a try and see if it works for you?

    For the inevitable arguers:
    The above is purely based on my personal experience and I am not making any broad claims, also I don't have any peer reviewed documents to back it up as I didn't write a journal whilst trying it out on myself. I'm just suggesting the OP tries it out because it worked for me. If I have used any generalisation it's because I can't speak for the whole planet and I don't know everything.

    My argument has nothing to do with natural vs. processed. My argument is with nuts being low calorie. :smokin: I love me some legumes, and I know they're good for you, but man, they're high calorie for their size and satiety.

    OP, a haiku for you,

    Find veggies you like
    Don't put any crap on them
    You just eat them raw
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Never said the nuts were low calorie but those are essential fats that the OP might be missing out on.

    I agree with you that raw or cooked veggies with nothing on them are a great low calorie snack but not great at giving that satiated feeling particularly if you are starting out and getting into a new routine.

    Smaller meals and more satisfying snacks can really help to keep me on the straight and narrow because I stay full longer and keep my blood sugar nice and even throughout the day.

    I'd love to challenge the you or the OP to try 25g of nuts (not legumes) snack vs the veggie option and take note of how much time passes before they are hunting for food again. The results may surprise you!

    Again no written reports available for this information (can you tell I'm sick and tired of being argued with on every tiny detail of what people say) but personal experience shared.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Proteins and fibers are generally better at satiation. ;-)

    Personally, I go crazy on carrots and they tend to fill me up after a couple big ones.

    Still not picking on your about "clean eating". :laugh:
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    For the inevitable arguers:
    The above is purely based on my personal experience and I am not making any broad claims, also I don't have any peer reviewed documents to back it up as I didn't write a journal whilst trying it out on myself. I'm just suggesting the OP tries it out because it worked for me. If I have used any generalisation it's because I can't speak for the whole planet and I don't know everything.

    Haha, love it!
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    Sugar free jello, sugar free pudding (make some from the box and add a scoop or 2 of protein!), pickles, VEGGIES, fruit, rice cakes w/ a wedge of babybel cheese, string cheese, the list goes on :)
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I started snacking on cereal, to be honest. Measure it out and take it to work with you in a sandwich bag, and you have little things you can pick with your fingers and keep your mouth busy throughout the day. One serving of cereal can go between 100 calories to 230 (I'm comparing Honey Nut Cheerios to Cinnamon Toast Crunch for those numbers), and can last a while as long as you aren't using full fists to eat it. *

    * I tend to do this when I'm alone at home on a day off from work, and my best advice is to stay away from salty snacks if this is the case.
  • Dust anyone? bit of dust?

    In all seriousness, I'm sure I read that celery takes more calories to consume than it provides, so if you can "stomach it" so to speak, then I guess snack on that.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Ice has no calories. Can always chew on ice.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I like to snack on cucumber slices!! They are low calorie, taste yummy and due to the water content they actually fill you up. String cheese and hardboiled eggs are low calorie snacks that will provide a little mid afternoon boost!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Unfortunately, there's no such thing as no-calorie foods. Unless it's diet soda, but that's a beverage. What's your definition of low calorie foods? Vegetables are probably going to be your best bet.
  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    I like the frozen grape idea that I found on here! It somehow fools my brain into thinking I'm eating more...when in actuality I'm just eating slower. And they still taste great!
  • I tend to pick a more calorie/protein dense snack, better satiety and I don't feel the need to overeat at my next meal. I work it into my calories

    Snacks like a boiled egg, piece of fruit and a few nuts, slices of cooked meat, nuts and seeds, yogurt.

    I personally do well on 3 meals and 1 afternoon snack if I'm hungry. I did try eating veggies as a snack, but most of the time I just end up hungrier. I eat them with my meals instead. You could use carrot, celery, cucumber, beetroot, sliced peppers, cherry tomatoes, sugarsnap peas and mangetout. You can also use natural yogurt as a dip and it's nice with peeled/chopped cucumber and fresh mint added - similar to Tzatziki.

    Frozen grapes are good, watch the calories/sugar though because it's easy to lose count!