Postnatal Group - November 2010

Open to any ladies with babies who are working towards their goals - whether is weight loss goals, workout goals, eating goals, etc. This is a group to ask questions, get support, and keep each other accountable! Let the journey begin!


  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    My son is now 6 weeks old. I topped my pregnancy off at 210lbs and have lost 35lbs since delivering. I just got the ok from my doc to start exercising again and am hoping to get down to 135lbs which is another 40lbs to lose. I started my pregnancy off overweight and want to get back to a healthy body and lifestyle so my son will learn how to take care of his body. Too much child obesity out there and I don't want to be the cause of my children getting to that point!

    Current weight:171.3lbs
    Goal Weight: 135lbs
  • Steph_Anie
    Steph_Anie Posts: 82 Member
    Awesome- My beautiful baby girl is 7 weeks old, I am breastfeeding and supplementing (just when I think she needs it- she had a hard time gaining weight to begin with and is still a little munchkin). I started back with diet and exercise last week and lost 2 pounds at my first weigh in :smile: My goal is to lose a pound a week until I reach my goal weight of 135--- ugh 62 pounds to go---I am about 13 pounds from my pre-preg. weight and my "skinny" jeans I would love to fit into my hot mamma "skinny" jeans by Christmas-- but who know's with what this third pregnancy has done to my body lol
  • Alleghany
    Awwww! :heart: Congrats, Mama! :flowerforyou: Count me in (although my little one is now 8.5 mos!!!). I'm still breastfeeding and have reached my goal but I'm working on eating healthier and getting more exercise in. My diary is open...good, bad and ugly!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Angela - I'm so glad you started ths group! Now there are groups for all 3 stages!

    Congrats on everything!
  • marissasmummy
    thanks for the invite to the group,

    My daughter is 20months old now and I'm struggling to shift the baby belly podge, I gained 26lb when I was pregnant with her and she was 9lb 2oz when she was born, having lost most of that baby weight naturally after having her I still have a saggy belly and have realised actually I was a little porky before I had her and want to shift another 2 stone to get back to the weight I was when I got Married before we try again for another baby next year, looking forward to getting to know you all,

    Caragh x
  • vangirhl
    vangirhl Posts: 5 Member
    Can I join? My son just turned 3 months and I am working on losing 20lbs. It is slow-go. Eat right, try to fit in exercise. I put my pp clothes in my closet as a motivator, but some days it feels like it is soo far away. I like the MFP tool lots!!
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    My son is 6 weeks old now. I cheated and started working out after 3 weeks (I already have a son and felt fine). I stuck to the elliptical and went slow.

    After my first son I gained alot of weight back and didn't want it to happen this time. I currently am 14 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight but hope to lose 44 lbs in total.

    I would like to be part of this group!!!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers!

    Caragh - What does 2 stone mean?

    I too have the stomach pudge that I need to lose. My stomach has always been my smallest body part so having these huge love handles and muffin top has really made me feel huge and unattractive. *sigh looking forward to burning all that off!

    Rem1979 - Sounds like our sons are close in age and our goals are close as well. When was yours born? Ayden was born 9-19-10
  • marissasmummy
    sorry it's british speak it's 28lb in England 14lb is a stone :blushing:

    I've got quite straight up and down hips and thighs but I've got a big jelly belly and chubby inner thighs and a bit of top of my arm fat and my face has chubbed out so much, hate seeing rolls when I'm sat down :frown:
  • emgi
    emgi Posts: 15
    My son is nine weeks old now. I've lost 20 pounds with 20 to go to reach my pre-pregnancy weight of 147. In truth, I'd like to beat my before 1st baby weight of 130. My final goal is 125 pounds. It's scary to even write that. For now, I'm set at dipping below 165 by the time I start work again in December.
    More than this I would really like to work on and maintain good posture! It really went to pot when nursing my first child, and now it hurts to stand up straight. My hour a day of exercise is such a beautiful time for myself. It has become my favorite time of the day. I run and lift weights on alternate days and then do 15 minutes of yoga and meditation.
    Excited for this community.
  • adrianhelen
    adrianhelen Posts: 31 Member
    I too have been trying to lose the baby weight for a while. I am 5'1" and I got up to 145 lbs when I found out I was pregnant for the 2nd time. During my pregnancy I gained up to 175. Got down to 160 after the birth and then lost more down to 152. I have not been able to go below that. I am now at 156. I got discouraged and gave up for a while. I have been breastfeeding and I think my body just wanted to hold on to that fat. So now since my daughter is close to 11 months now I am trying again. I am still nursing but we have gone down to only a few times a day. So I am hoping my body will be a little more willing to give it up now.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    do you guys count breast feeding into your calories? You burn 500 calories a day breastfeeding. If you eat your exercise calories don't forget the extra 500!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm pretty sure I have a clogged milk duct :-( It's so uncomfortable! My books says to keep offering that side first and to pump the remaining milk each time,b ut it seems like that would throw my production off on both sides. Has anyone else had this problem?
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Oh No! Did everyone already disappear?
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hey guys!
    My name is Christy and my daughter is 11 1/2 weeks old. Just returned to work last week and having a hard time adjusting to the new schedule and getting good nutrition and exercise in. I have lost the baby weight, but have 15 more pounds to go before I reach my goal I had set prior to becoming pregnant. Hope all is well. I am not breastfeeding, though I did for 3 weeks. I wasn't producing enough milk. Hope to hear from you soon!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hi Cah0806! I remember you from the pregnancy group :-) That's great that you've lost all your baby weight already, congrats! I only have 9lbs until prepregnancy, but about 35lbs until my goal weight. :-(
  • emgi
    emgi Posts: 15
    Hey! I don't count my breast feeding calories- but then, I'm not counting calories at all at the moment. Just skipping the sugar.
    Hard enough for the moment I plateaued at 169 (a twenty pound loss) and have just lost one more pound. It's going to be slow going.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    ... yeah it would probably help in general if I started counting my calories again. *sigh
  • andriaho1
    andriaho1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I am new to the group. I had my busy little son 1 year ago this coming December. I only gained about 12 pounds while pregnant and it came off right after. But, I was overweight before I had him, so I am trying hard to lose at least 30 pounds (a weight I will be comfortable at). I find trying to lose weight after him has been a little challenging. I am counting my calories and trying to walk 3 miles every morning. I am hoping to find some motivation here.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Welcome Andriaho1!

    Do you guys feel up for a weekly weigh-in/check up? I find knowing that I have to let everyone know my progress keeps me motivated :-D Does everyone have a preference? Do you do weekly weigh-in's at home? I think I'm going to start measuring myself every 2 weeks as well, since I know that sometimes even if the scale isn't moving the inches are still coming off. Plus I plan on taking a picture once a month to help me to realize my progress. I always get discouraged when I feel like I'm going no where. All that helped me start to lose weight before getting pregnant so I'm hoping it will continue to help.